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View Full Version : -If- a NWO came, what would you do?

March 24th, 2008, 09:04 PM
So just browsing around the internet has anyone else read up on what the NWO is, how its taking place, and if its even real?

I looked around for information on the NWO just because after thinking for awhile about things that were going on in politics, listening to what politicians were saying and current events along side it, and for some reason, things just don't seem......right. Its almost like your daily news is all faked and put on for show. A festival of fabrication if you will. Of course if these media outlets are controlled and censor ONLY, and release ONLY, what they want people to hear, would it be that hard to brainwash a nation?

If people are to stupid to connect the dots and think for themselves, it wouldn't be hard at all; and for the most part just from listening to people, if it conflicts with what CNN, Fox, or NBC has to say "its wrong", because they "always get the facts straight".

If all the above is true about media brainwashing, and how its used to control us and manipulate us, and there was a secret agenda like this in place wouldn't it seem logical to also believe the decisions we make as a people are nearly something for us to keep us busy, while the real people behind the scenes are actually the ones choosing laws, presidents, people in powerful positions; perhaps the same individuals that have the groups agenda as their main priority? Of course if there was such a secret committee around, they obviously would not let somebody into the office of the most influential and powerful country in the world if they did not agree with there "plan", right?

Maybe I just do to much speculating..

So, considering this, that the media is a controlled propaganda machine that feeds us "fabricated facts" by the NWO group, and the most influential countries in the world are pretty much controlled by the group, what is left?

Well if your going to make even more money, you would want countries to form one super country or continent, with a currency that was worth a lot as well; kind of like the European Union (the EU was the precursor of a banker in the Rockefeller family by the way, after he spread lies about an impending stock market crash the stocks plummeted, and he bought out all of the stocks owned at the time and pretty much controlled Europe and set forth planning the early stages of what would become the current EU).

And pretty soon to be North American Union with the "Amero"?


Note that the wiki attempts to disprove many of the supposed conspiracy theories, but we've seen it done before with the EU and the "Euro".

But if this was all true and in the future some kind of radical globalist group did complete there plans and made much of north and south america one country, how would you deal with it?

Would you start a resistance against this imperialistic state? I don't know myself, I would almost be tempted to do something of that sort if it turned out to be reality..

March 26th, 2008, 03:11 PM
1/3 will be killed
1/3 will die because of disease. (Internment camps)
1/3 will flee to the wilderness.

I plan to be in the wilderness 1/3. Will not take the rfid or whatever the mark is. And I will kill any mark taker.

March 28th, 2008, 10:26 AM
I would like to be in the wilderness too. Before I headed out to the mountains though, I would steal about 5,000 rounds of 5.56 and some .45 ACP and .308, load up all of my energetic materials, some food and water treatment equipment, and then leave. I would have to steal a Ford Bronco or something too.

Its hard to say how it would go from there, but I would probably join whatever resistance there was, or start one, to fight against imperialism. Hopefully I would die in a heroic shoot out where I was the last man standing and as I charged the enemy with my pocket knife because I had long ago ran out of ammo, I am cut down in a hail of gunfire. Either that or the Lord returns to incur judgment on mankind and everyone dies that way. ;)

March 29th, 2008, 06:09 PM
I believe the nwo is a reality and possibly one within the next 10 years or so. The people will however not be aware of the worlds transformation until its too late. there are some good movies out there that describe intricate plans for the nwo but my personal favorite is zeitgeist. I like that movie because it covers the religious, political, and economic control that powerful individuals use to control their people also called eugenics, as well as movies from Alex Jones all of these movies can be seen on Google video for free, those movies will cover everything I would say here and in much a more interesting fashion.

March 30th, 2008, 01:46 AM
I'm not going to say much, but may I ask just how many times you have read the book 1984? you sound like George Orwell himself :rolleyes:

March 30th, 2008, 06:27 PM
The NWO stuff might have some potential. After all it seems that the EU wants to be more like the USA. The EU will soon have it own president and ministers. It is only a mater of time. Even now the EU legistation surpasses the local ones. And the smaller countries can't resist the laws they don't like. EU will also have it own army the so called "rapid response unit". I'd say that it is mildly frightening. Theres plenty of forest to hide in here. Too bad that theres no mountains. The highest one is mere 1,5km and its more like a hill. Well we have guns and space? What else do you need?

simply RED
March 31st, 2008, 10:34 AM
NWO is already a fact. 100% control !
The frog has already been boiled and now they just eat it...

Nothing could be done, because people like to be controlled and spoon-fed by the media. What they hate is to think and act. There is no way to negotiate with them because nobody is innocent! While TV screens become flat, people become fat ass, selfish and lazy. Welcome to McDonald's Earth.
Hamburgers happened to be stronger than nuclear weapons.

Go to the forest if you want, nothing will change. People will continue to live their selfish lives and no one will follow you. It is questionable that we can find even 50 000 soldiers on our side from the whole Earth... In the case of resistance, it may be already too late.

Nothing will change till there is blood on the asphalt !

March 31st, 2008, 12:27 PM
Well... What are we gonna do about it?

simply RED
March 31st, 2008, 03:01 PM
I don't know for you, but I personally can not do anything, because I live in the eastern Europe, the shit hole of the world. Any resistance here is useless, as everyone is fascinated by the Bush's way of life and the big macs.

I tried to move anywhere else, where the situation is not so completely sad and desperate (is it), but failed in this attempt.

March 31st, 2008, 06:00 PM
I was watching this experiment called " Stanford Prison Experiment 1971"
I am sure a few people here could figure out what could result of such things and how it could prove usefull to organizations like NWO.

Dr. Zimbardo's Stanford University Prison Experiment showing how "normal" "good" people can be transformed quickly under certain situations and conditions.

It is really interesting, I wonder if the governments of the world were watching this with glee. It has some startling implications. I liked this one also called asch's conformity experiment...
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5fa_1186577093 This also could have some startling implications. I was thinking about how the government could induce conformity non-violently with this using controlled situations and plants (agents), It would be hard to outnumber people 5-1 or whatever with plants, but they could put individuals in situations they control and gradually overtime induce conformity on a massive population wide scale.