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View Full Version : Absolutely Disgusting

June 29th, 2008, 03:01 AM
Recently (the past couple of years) the state government has decided that our state has an ageing population, and to improve economy we require more children born. Whether or not this is true, is irrelevant. It is what they decided to do to have more children born. They decided to "reward" couples that have a child with $5000.

This $5000 is not dependant on anything. Not on income, not on socio-economic region, it doesn't need to be spent on the child: It is simply conditional on the child's birth.

Of course, to any individual with half a fucking brain, they would realise that $5000 is pittance when it comes to raising a child. When the average cost for raising a child (according to Dr Paul Henman of the University of Queensland (http://www.uq.edu.au/swahs/costsofkids/CostsofRaisingChildrenMarchQuarter07.pdf)) is $123000-$254000. That is 24.6-50.8 TIMES the amount that the government gives you.

Of course, these subhuman filth (unintelligent portion of the population) don't seem to realise that and are popping out their little "miracles" in welfare homes all over the state.

The real miracle would be if their mum could remember their fathers name... Calling their kids trucker junior, cause all she remembers about their daddy is his fuzzy little pot belly riding on top of her shooting his caffeine ridden semen into her belly to produce her little waterhaired miracle baby child.

These filthy fucks probably sit around some night going "Sharlene (stereotypical Australian woman's name), Centrelink (name of welfare system) will give us $5000 for a baby. If we have 3 babies that's....... uh....a lot of money."

The reason this gets my back up so much is because they don't even take care of their kids. Walking through a department store the other day, I saw one such filthy excuse of a human being swearing at her child who, around her profanity, says "Mummy. Can we buy a blanket while we are here? I'm always so cold." The "mum" then proceeds to drag her kid out of the store into the mall.

I normally try not to get sucked into the "think of the kids" line, but this is one obvious case where the government HASN'T thought about the kids, and the effect that this stupid "Baby Bonus" will have on the population, both genetically and socially.

Filthy fucking subhuman bastards. It takes a real piece of work to neglect a child like that, and it pisses me right off. People think that the government has our best interests in mind, but any faith like that is completely dispelled when I see something so unthoughtful as this.

This isn't just one case either. It is about the time that these parents who popped out their little miracles need to start send it to school, and that is where shit really hits the fan. Social workers are being called in left right and centre, with 2 incidents in the past WEEK where children need to taken to hospital because they are so malnourished.


June 29th, 2008, 03:39 AM
I feel your pain, Alexires.

Bastard that I may be, I cannot stand to see any animal suffer, especially if it is a child and is undeserving of harsh conditions...

I read once years ago that rearing a child in the USA to 18 YOA would at the very least cost half a million dollars if one were to care for it properly. I don't doubt that one bit (my daughter is soon to be 13 and she has cost a small fortune. Money WELL spent, IMHO!).

In Georgia they cut off the welfare at 3 children, so I've heard. That's 2 too many, but it's a start...

June 29th, 2008, 05:04 AM
Baby bonus my ass, more like Plasma TV bonus for bogans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogan).

I unfortunately see them nearly every day, a bunch of fuckwits recently pelted everyones cars at work with ice creams, guess they were pissed off when one of their 'brethren' got arrested for stealing from the place.

June 29th, 2008, 09:05 PM
Oh yes, I have heard in the New Zealand news media about those cases in Queensland (near Brisbane), South Australia (near Adelaide), and in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, of children being found starving and poorly clad and generally neglected, thanks to their f***witted parents. In at least two cases the f***witted parents had had 6 children without even owning their own home, and in one case twins were found dead from starvation.

As for the $A5,000 "baby bribe" proposed by the South Australian Government, is there any requirement that it be paid into a bank trust account in the child's name, and subject to audit? If not, you can be sure the parents will take it down to the nearest Adelaide pub, and drink it (whether they buy Toohey's Ale or Victoria Bitter or Renmano Aged Port is a moot point); the child will never see a cent of it.

The "average cost for raising a child (according to Dr Paul Henman of the University of Queensland)" of $A123,000-$A254,000, as far as Australia or New Zealand is concerned, is GROSSLY UNDERSTATED!! I would put it, with any decency, at well over $1 million, taking into account such things as income foregone, and especially tertiary education and a car and a substantial deposit on a first home.

June 29th, 2008, 09:26 PM
If they had this in the States, every crackwhore from New York, to Houston to Los Angeles would be popping out babies.

I've been under the impression the population needed to be controlled.. and now I read about these things. Why can't we all be on the same page with certain issues?

Does China still have the one-child law?

June 30th, 2008, 04:01 AM
Personally, I like the definition for Bogan found here (http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Bogan#Diet) better.

Kaydon - Everyone seems to look at Australia and go "Wow, look at all that land they aren't using!" What they fail to realise is that it is a desert. A gigantic fucking desert that doesn't support bloody cactus, let alone people.

It is a typical government approach. They see the problem as aging population, so their solution: bribe people to have more children. Perhaps if they actually improved services for children that aren't at risk of getting pissed up against the local pub wall, more people would be inclined to have children. Hell, I wouldn't want to have children in the current political/social climate either.

Bugger - Oh, I agree. The lesser of those figures is given as the bare minimum for survival of the child. Isn't too hard to believe when you got nothing as a child. But still, it isn't a lot to work with, is it?

festergrump - That is a good idea. I think that it should be about 1 child as well. Australia isn't a big place (population wise) so I can almost understand them wanting to increase population, and with the amount of immigrants coming in from china/middle east I would want to try and breed competitively with them as well, but all it is doing is increasing the shallow end of the gene pool, lowering the average intelligence of the population and propagating the cycle of neglect.

Then again, I suppose there is a bright side to it all. My children will be the eagles above the turkeys at this rate. With average IQ dropping, those with brains will be deified....that or burned at the stake.

Incidentally, has anyone seen the movie Idiocracy? A funny movie, but very scary when considered as a possible (and likely) future for our country/world.

I implore you to watch it.

June 30th, 2008, 09:16 PM
Incidentally, has anyone seen the movie Idiocracy? A funny movie, but very scary when considered as a possible (and likely) future for our country/world.

I implore you to watch it.

The first 20 minutes of the movie are pretty much al you need to see, that explains it all, and its whats happening in the world, why dosn't somebody invent an I.Q. test wired to a bomb, score less than 120 and BOOM! :D

July 2nd, 2008, 09:51 AM
(cut) .... you can be sure the parents will take it down to the nearest Adelaide pub, and drink it (whether they buy Toohey's Ale or Victoria Bitter or Renmano Aged Port is a moot point); the child will never see a cent of it.(cut)
That reminds me - I wonder what your favorite Australian tipple is, Alexires? Foster's Lager, Victoria Bitter, Toohey's Ale, Bundaberg Rum, Queen Adelaide red wine, or Renmano Aged Port?

July 2nd, 2008, 09:33 PM
Bugger - I must admit that I am a fan of Toohey's Old. Only when it is on tap though (the stuff in the bottle is not very nice IMHO).

I'm more of a spirits person myself. Decent scotch does me nicely (straight).

July 20th, 2008, 12:39 PM
why dosn't somebody invent an I.Q. test wired to a bomb, score less than 120 and BOOM! :D

A physician friend suggested that an X-ray machine be installed waist-level at banks where anyone cashing a welfare check would receive a sterilizing dose of radiation.

Called it "preventative medicine":D...

July 20th, 2008, 08:19 PM
*chuckle* Cobalt, that is fantastic. Most people that deserve welfare checks are past breeding age anyway, and the rest should be culled.

Only problem with that though is that we would have a shortage of labour to do all the dirty work (cleaning toilets, digging graves, building buildings, etc.)

Pity you can't seem to have everything, eh?

Hobbit Porn
July 21st, 2008, 01:31 AM
Australia is currently in the midst of a skills shortage ( good for me, after recently quitting my job, I've found I'm actually very employable), and in the grip of an obesity epidemic.

What does this translate to?

That most of Australia are a bunch of useless fat cunts. (All said in jest, I am a Queenslander and do possess many bogan qualities)

To actually keep on topic, I think that the laws regarding the baby bonus have been reviewed so that it is no longer just a cheque to buy a Plasma TV for a housing commission house.

I don't know if it actually is in effect, but there was talk about the baby bonus only being paid in installments, rather then the lump sum that it originally was given as.

Another scary aspect is that each time the Gov announces that they are increasing the baby bonus (when the scheme originally started it was $2000), you start seeing expecting couples saying how they have to keep the bun in the oven for long enough to be paid the increased bonus.

shady mutha
July 21st, 2008, 03:37 AM
HaHaHa funny topic nearly spilled my beer reading it!

Yes, the people who run this country are fucked in the head no doubt, buts its still the best country in the world!

When I see these stupid people I don't get mad about it, I just just laugh, it's their choice.

The children deserve better but its out of our control, just try to raise yours right.

Coopers Pale ale all day son! Idiocrasy indeed funny, too hands just as good a laugh.

July 22nd, 2008, 08:48 PM
A physician friend suggested that an X-ray machine be installed waist-level at banks where anyone cashing a welfare check would receive a sterilizing dose of radiation.

Called it "preventative medicine":D...

Good idea, but we'ed also have to put x-ray machines in cabs, liquor & beer stores just to make sure. :)

Only problem with that though is that we would have a shortage of labour to do all the dirty work (cleaning toilets, digging graves, building buildings, etc.)

Pity you can't seem to have everything, eh?

Do what they do the Gulf oil states, import third world immigrants, pay they shit, treat them like slaves and if they bitch ship them back home. (Ok we do the same thing in the west but we make the mistake of giving them citizenship!)