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View Full Version : polymethylene nitramines (any Russians?)

September 20th, 2001, 04:19 AM
I've got an abstract that says heating methylene dinitramine in DMSO gives longer chain methylene nitramines + nitramide. I would be very interested in doing this. The papers's Russian - anyone got access to Russian Journals and willing to translate?

This stuff looks a bit tasty - 1,7-dinitrato-2,4,6-trinitro-2,4,6-triazaheptane C4H8N8O12 -perfectly oxygen balanced and lots of nitrogen.

From BSX (US Pat. 3151165)

Ig BSX added to 8ml 99%HNO3 at 0C, left to rise to room temperature over 1hr before being poured into 100ml ice/water. Precipitate collected, 90% crude yield. Can be purified by dissolving in dioxan and precipitating by slow addition of carbon tet.

No data for VoD etc, but I'd guess very high. Very sensitive to shock apparently.

Mr Cool
September 20th, 2001, 04:11 PM
BSX? What's that?

Edit - I posted too early. I was also going to say:

That stuff does look tasty. So it's a 7 membered straight chain with 4 C's and 3 N's, with -ONO2 attached to the carbons on each end and with an NO2 on each N. Right?

You know when you react nitramide with formaldehyde, does it make chains of random length or do they tend to be similar sizes? Anyone know? I'd have thought that longer ones would be unstable, and that perhaps if you moderatley heated the reaction for a fairly long time you could break down the longer ones and convert them into shorter chains. I think this might be beneficial to get a stable product, otherwise the longer chains may break down in storage and therefore gradually alter the characteristics of the explosive.

[This message has been edited by Mr Cool (edited September 20, 2001).]

September 20th, 2001, 05:51 PM
I can to translate any russian texts. But I have not access to chem. journals.
To Mr Cool: I heard that it possible to controle length of main product and cyclization by special reagents and conditions. Something like Li+ salt for cyclization.

[This message has been edited by VasiaPupkin (edited September 20, 2001).]

September 20th, 2001, 07:37 PM
Condensing formaldehyde with nitramide in an environment of 90% sulfuric acid and ethyl acetate, will yield polymethylene nitramines.

<font face="courier new" size="2">nNH<sub>2</sub>NO<sub>2</sub> + nHCHO -> H(NNO<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>n</sub>OH

September 21st, 2001, 05:42 AM
There's a few ways to make polymethylene nitramine polymers, see the patent in the original post for one. There's also a good paper in Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 24,366 (1999)using a 2-phase system.
Vasia, can you give any more information/references on this cyclisation process using Li+ - this would be very useful to me.

September 23rd, 2001, 04:10 PM
I have a friend, he study in MSCTI. Once we was talking about RDX and HMX tecnology. He said Li+ salts (nitrate) somethimes is useful in lab. syntez. Because it result in rise of linear intermediate cyclisation. And therefore purity and yeild of product is better. I cannot to find him now http://theforum.virtualave.net/ubb/smilies/frown.gif. Also in my books says that Li+ salt useful for some reactions of tetracyclisation.