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November 2nd, 2002, 04:27 PM
3 days ago, on my way home from school, I was accosted by a group of people who resembled the missing link between apes and man. My school,being in a less than desirable neighborhood of one of the US's larger cities, is frequented by these groups of people quite often. While they do not go to my school (I doubt they go to school at all)they hang out by the school waiting to harass the students leaving school. This group of people, ranging in age from 16-25 surrounded me demanded my money, threw an egg at me(it was halloween)and other things that monkeys tend to do. When I went to my belt for my chain with a lock attached to it they thought I was going for a gun, they promptly went to their pockets, they didnt pull anything, I'm not even sure if they had enough welfare money to purchase a weapon but I thought discretion was the better part of valor and put my chain away.
When I informed them that I had no money they punched me in my face twice. Luckily there were quite a large amount of people nearby so they did nothing else that day. However this group of people (and I use that term, lightly) hang around my school nearly every day and since I mouthed off to them (dumb move I know)are no doubt out for blood. So my question is this do you have any idea for a weapon that is not only effective against a group of 6-8 people who possibly have guns but could go through my schools metal detectors and x-ray machines without looking suspicious? Thank you for any help you have to offer. I would like the weapon to be able to be made by monday since that is when i go to school, however i understand the difficulty of my request, but if anyone can think of something it is you.

<small>[ November 02, 2002, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: knowledgehungry ]</small>

November 2nd, 2002, 05:07 PM
you have the only option that a person has left. and that is that you need to take a small lump of something heavy and have the frame of mind that you hit the one that talks the most, i know they say that the quiet ones are the ones to watch, but its the big mouth ones that get fucked up when you hit them.

when i was once circled i thought, they are going to kick the shit out of me so i may as well try something, and i just walked up to the biggest one and said "excuse me you are in the way" and stared him in the eyes, and fuck me he looked down and let me pass. if you do this and the biggest one dont move then have that lump of heavy stuff ready, cos the truth is they will hurt you, so if you can get a good strong nose breaker in, that one is alot easier to stop next time...

if you can avoid it tho, then try!

November 2nd, 2002, 06:23 PM
well if they harass other students then it may be an idea if everyone from your school joins forces and beats the shit out of them all.
<a href="http://www.spytech-uk.com/" target="_blank">http://www.spytech-uk.com/</a>
they sell nylon kinves :)

November 2nd, 2002, 07:21 PM
I always have some teargas in my car, You can buy them legally in germany, I still haven't used it, I'm glad but i'm not sure if it works, maybe testing someday !?! :D

November 2nd, 2002, 07:52 PM
"The way of no way" is the way to do things.

Sorry if this sounds Yoda'ish, but you will want to take care of this situation so that there's no way of retaliation against you.

Do these people have a favorite spot? If so, stink it up with decayed flesh, diarrhea, month old fermented eggs, etc. When they move, stink that spot up too. Continue to do so till there's no spot left for them that doesn't stink till they get the hint and leave.

A drive by teargassing with a CS fogger makes a point. Or paintball guns (the full auto kind), with a warning "Next time, it's real".

If they're that big of a problem, spray them with lye from a supersoaker. Blind predators become prey for other predators. :D

November 2nd, 2002, 09:21 PM
Unfortunately I do not feel that it is as simple as having boot party on their asses or else that already would have been done, the neighborhood is NOT in the suburbs, kids from my school have been shot and killed in recent years in front of school. I am thinking ski masks and some pepper spray/sulfuric/lye followed by a baseball bat to the head but i need at least six people to pull it off right. I think leaving none alive is best bet but I have no gun. I read something about a substance called prussic acid that is fast acting and lethal. is is to hard to make or too dangerous? NBK i doubt putting foul smelling substances where they hang out will deter them, the whole city smells like shit and i doubt that these kids even wipe. They are that dirty. In theory things work better than in practice unfortunately I now have to put them into practice...

November 2nd, 2002, 10:13 PM
Prussic Acid is another name for Hydrogen Cyanide/Cyanide Gas (HCN). It has almost immediate knock-out action and is very toxic. It also volatilizes readily, but has a melting point of 78.9 degrees fahrenheit. If the temperature is too far below that, it may not be effective. However, if you were to simply squirt a small amount between their collar bones, it would surely volatilize and evaporate up to their noses quickly (especially since HCN is lighter than air). If I remember correctly, NBK had gotten a bad whiff of HCN once...maybe he will tell you how it acts on the body, how much he inhaled, and what is body weight is (as a frame of reference for how it may act on your targets). However, then there's the problem of being arrested and charged with use of a chemical weapon. The same applies even if you use Lye or other corrosive cleaners. They are chemicals used as weapons...keep that in mind.

If you're interested in a particularly nasty tear gas, try Chloropicrin... Buy some Nitromethane from the hobby shop (race car fuel), and add bleach to it. I haven't figured out the ratios yet for 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite, I've been too lazy...sorry. But from a preliminary test of it using an unmeasured amount of 60% Calcium Hypochlorite and 30% Nitromethane, it works pretty well. Keep in mind - Sodium Hypochlorite will work better than Calcium Hypochlorite...that means, you spend less money =D. Now, heat for about 15 minutes (the patent never said specifically how much heating, but seeing as the reaction occurs spontaneously it shouldn't require too much). The Chloropicrin should be a clear liquid that forms towards the bottom of the mixture. You will want to filter it out quickly, because it eventually will be destroyed by NaOH present in the mixture.

You seem to be in a tough situation, my friend. Maybe skin-damaging cleaners will demoralize them, especially if a group of you in ski masks carrying them were to spray em down. Really- if a group of you equal to the size of their group all carried cans of Lye oven cleaner and used a whole can on each of them...they'll leave you alone for a while. But then there's the threat of retalliation :( . Why not just call the police though? Have them monitor the area? They're our friends! The protectors!

<small>[ November 02, 2002, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: MrSamosa ]</small>

November 2nd, 2002, 10:36 PM
You should look for alternatives to killing them first... :rolleyes:

Stay in a group of people when you are around them. See if the school can put sercurity gaurds out there. You could always call the cops and tell them something is going on. The drive in with lights flashing, the goons run away, you walk on by!

Seeing as this is in a public place, most likely in daylight, it would not be a good idea to start tossing stun grenades and acids at them...

November 2nd, 2002, 11:31 PM
If you are looking for chemical weapons to use against them, there's always the non-lethal choice of acrolin or posibly chloroacetone, both are very easy to make. I think if your gonna take out these punks you'd better do it in a group to be safe. If maiming but not killing is your name then how about a bucket of cairo's acid thrown at them?

<small>[ November 02, 2002, 10:32 PM: Message edited by: PYRO500 ]</small>

November 3rd, 2002, 12:09 AM
Now that we've gotten into taking off flesh with acids... What about "Piranha Fluid"? That is a simple mix of H2O2 and Sulfuric Acid, right? And it likes to cause organic materials (e.g.: eyes, flesh...) to catch fire. THERE is something that will deter would-be attackers.

Edit: Silly me, Caro's Acid is simply another name of Piranha Fluid, which is basically a 3:1 mixture of Conc. Sulfuric Acid:30% H2O2. Unfortunately, this is a very unstable mixture and is explosive if not handled very carefully! Storing it in a closed container is trouble. And unless you enjoy chemical burns, it I would suggest that you mix the solution shortly before use! Do not ever try to store it!

<small>[ November 02, 2002, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: MrSamosa ]</small>

November 3rd, 2002, 12:22 AM
That sucks dude,... the coloreds messing with you cause your white huh? I'd just invest like 15 bucks in like 2 or 3 of them pepper spray's or blow like 25 bucks on a big one. The stuff thats made for bears and other big animals on hunting trips. Check like cabelas magazings and shit for the bear foggers. The pictures demonstrating the stuff is bad ass. All you see is a white cloud that looks like tires while burning out, and a big ass grizzly bear with its face turned away looking like it wants to die. =) if you could,... friggen peel off the lable so it dosnt say bear fogger, and try to stick on an air freshner sticker or some shit so if when it gets xrayed and stuff and they do see the thing in your bag,... they wont care. just tell em its for when you gotta take a steamy shit,... you spray air freshner. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" /> Im saying dude,... Im sure that bear repelent will put the colored boys down for a bit and they'll think twice about stopping you again. :D

<small>[ November 02, 2002, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: MoToMaStR ]</small>

November 3rd, 2002, 03:32 AM
HCN is VERY toxic. A chunk of NaCN the size of a pea in a couple of milliliters of H2SO4 damn near did me in. I was holding the end of a small test tube shut with my thumb to see how much pressure it would build up. Unfortunately, the pressure released on the side of my thumb that my face was on.

I got just a tiny puff of gas, but it made me dizzy and nauseous within seconds. I got tunnel vision as I started to black out. My heart was racing, I was breathing rapidly, but I was suffocating (cellular oxygen deprivation). It passed in a couple of minutes as I hadn't inhaled a lethal dose, so my body cleared it quickly.

That's the thing with HCN, you either die, or you recover. There's no lingering effects like with other gases.

But straight liquid sprayed in the face? Death, quick and quiet, though likely messy from the vomiting or bowel emptying.

Easter egg shells filled with lye powder could be chucked at the slope apes from around corners or rooftops. The powder will burn the shit out of them. Just don't get caught by the cops.

If you can get a group of friends with you, pick off the slope apes one by one when they're alone and show them what it's like to be on the receiving end. Leave a permanent mark to remind them about what happens to muds who fuck with the master race.

Butane soldering pens make useful branding irons for freestyle "art" work. :D I've heard tribal style patterns are popular with african-americans :rolleyes: nowadays.

Make sure everyone takes a turn with the iron, so everyone is equally liable for punishment, thus interested in keeping their mouths shut.

November 3rd, 2002, 04:42 AM
I'm wondering whether they'll be disgusted if you attack them or they'll try to kill you in your back while you're walking somewhere without witnesses...

I like the idea of pepper sprays, very efficient, but a more radical gas may be better. You have to choose. But wait a little for your anger to pass. Then you'll think more clearly about that.

Why not destroying their car or anything ? Thay may not be happy enough to get back to the school to try to steal a few bucks... In the neighborhood that you're talking, you can manage it to look like a car doubtfire (? is that the word ?)...

November 3rd, 2002, 05:53 AM
I like to be on the safe side or at the very least dream of how to deal with such types, even know they seldom bother yuppie suburb's like mine :D . I have decided that the best method is how they have learnt to deal with similar harrasment in South Africa, the country with the highest rate of car jackings in the world, by far. They designed a device that is now commonplace there to send out large burst of flame from the bottom of their car. I think that big, cold-medium hot bright yellow flames work best for the following reasons:
-First and foremost: Such flames will cause immediate "shock damage", i.e. the enemy 'thinking' he feels pain, or expecting it as he sees his his friend's facial hair turned to charcoal and even skin peeling off(its a psychological thing <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" /> ), while permanent damage is reasonably minimal, and death, if you use the device within reason, is very unlikeley.
-They scare the sh*t out of people and the intense light often temporarily blinds (or at the very least visually shocks if they are not expecting it)
-Very easy to come by, as the best for such flames is often just low hydrocarbons around the transition from gaseous-liquid at atmospheric pressure
-No metal would be required for the delivery system, I built a such a device from a mini-fertilizer sprayer in 1 hour, works like a dream...
Most of those kinds of types wouldnt be back for a year, but they vary, some of them are just bloodthursty and lusting for revenge at any point.

Korfaction, I think that screwing over their car etc. would just inspire more anger and just as much will for revenge (supposing they knew it was him, and if not it would be useless anyway), and could even bring his family into it, depending on just how sinister/serious they are.
And NBK, with all do respect, I just dont see the stink-out idea happending outside of spy kids...

The only downside to fire is its visibility and how much attention it could draw. Still, using HCN would be very messy, its not good to have murder on your hands in general, and if it really is that toxic, in the heat of the battle one could easily kill himself, or at least cause him to pass out (wich would equal killing himself, if any of the others are still alive)

Hope its not too late!

November 3rd, 2002, 06:24 AM
what ever it is that you choose to do, remember that althought they are not what one would call "great people" they will still get you arrested for abh. gbh. abh/gbh (wi) so have a limit.

Also if you feel that you are going to walk around your school for a whole day with some of the things that we have discussed in your pockets, then good luck, because other than a good mortician that is what you are going to need.

November 3rd, 2002, 07:08 AM
i used to carry a cooking blowtorch round with me. it ran off lighter gas (butane). It proved trusty a trusty companion for repelling cro magnon man. and was also useful for lighting things. you could try one of them, or a stun gun/tazer. or if you would like to terminate these dudes without suspicion, you could OD them on smack or something, to make it look like they were shooting, and they ODed. i'm watching this post intently as i've been lamped a few times, and its not enjoyable

<small>[ November 03, 2002, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: zeocrash ]</small>

November 3rd, 2002, 07:16 AM
Have you ever heard of the fable where the mice had to put the bell on the cats neck. They had a great idea, but then no one was willing to do it.

i feel that you must act, but sensibly, get the police involved..

November 3rd, 2002, 07:26 AM
If the stinkum idea is so silly, why is the US military spending millions on developing malodorants (MIL-SPEAK for stinky crap)? Would you hang out somewhere that smelled like a cross between a cesspit and a maggoty corpse? If you could, you've got a stronger stomach than I. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />

This denies people the use of an area without damaging the materials or property therein. This would have come in handy where I used to live where feral devil-spawn ("children" to the uninformed) would make all kinds of noise in the laundry room next to my apartment in the middle of the night while I was sleeping.

A shot of stinkum would have made them look elsewhere for a place to hangout at without any hassles from the garbage breeders ("parents"...and I use the term loosely) like I ended up having.

Anyways, they hit you in the face...TWICE! They're sub-human garbage and should be killed. Do it quietly, do it dispassionately, and do it without a trace.

The police aren't going to care about something "petty" like a street assualt if you don't have influence or a public outcry about it. They'll take a report, tell you to be more careful, and send you out the door.

Better to keep quiet, plan well, and strike quickly.

Leave poisoned candy bars lying about where they hang out. One or more of them will surely eat them, thus reducing their numbers. Something like ricin would be ideal. If someone else eats it...oh well, Darwin in action. After all, you don't eat food off the street unless you're a wino or terminally stupid, thus unworthy of life anyways.

If this is a gang, find out what their tags are, and who is their enemy. Then, tag the enemy gangs turf with the other gangs sign, and cross out the first gangs tags. This is an intolerable disrespect and will instigate a war between the two. This is referred to as using a "cats paw".

<small>[ November 03, 2002, 06:35 AM: Message edited by: nbk2000 ]</small>

November 3rd, 2002, 07:40 AM
as the fable suggests, these are very good ideas, but there is a shortage of people that will actually carry them out.

November 3rd, 2002, 08:04 AM
i will, if you pay for my plane ticket to wherever the hell it is you live. no but seriously for guys like this either you avoid them or you make sure that they are unable to attack you. the first option might work as i hear that cro magnon man has a very short memory span. for the second option you would want to make their deaths as natural as possible, an injection of alcohol, wouldmake them look as though they had drunk too much and got alcohol poisoning. but an injection of something like water off the street, or crap out of the urinals would make it look like they had died of an illness.

November 3rd, 2002, 10:02 AM
I did go to the police after it happened and they said in an oh so helpful manner what did they look like i replied that they were standing right fucking over there and i pointed. They then asked whether i would like to press charges(they had not caght them) i answered yes but then they told me not to bother that it was too much work :mad: the school knows too but they can do little except chase them away. I am going to have to deal with this one carefully since where they hang out is crowded with many other witnesses. The worst part is when i was surroundeed and punched in the face NO ONE helped me, blacks will stick together against the whites even if they are mortal enemies, but most whites feel to bad about slavery to do anything we should have left them in AFrica to rot like the rest.

November 3rd, 2002, 10:33 AM
And the niggers wonder why white people come to hate them.

Hate makes you strong. Nurture it, savor it...use the dark side of the force to give you strength.

Just yesterday, I saw a newspaper story about some nigger who got paroled out last week after serving 20 years for rape and robbery. He attacked a white woman in a parking lot, raped and sodomized her, then cut her throat and left her naked body in the van he fucked her in.

Needless to say the moron is in jail right now waiting on capital murder charges.

This thing (can't say "man" in connection to a mud) looks like a fucking ape...literally. Add a little more fur to the face and I'd swear it was a silverback gorilla who escaped from the zoo!

And yet, you say the "N" (Nigger) word, and they go ape ( <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" /> ) shit!

Believe it or not, at one time I had black friends and wasn't at all racist. Then I came to see them all the time, and that opened my eyes up to what they're like when they're not putting on the "massa'" face that they show to whites when they're putting on a front.

When they're being themselves, they're straight "gorillas in the mist". Crude, violent, loud, rutting "jungle Fever" bug-a-boos. When in white society and they're trying to conform, they can be quite polite. But the front falls down quick when they're angry. That's when the ghetto dweller comes out of them and the true face of the nigger comes to the fore.

And, given the choice, what would you rather have as neighbors? White trash, or ghetto dwellers? I'd take the trailer park over the 'hood any day.

Oh, and another funny thing I read was how an insurance company has settled out on a big lawsuit for having charged poor "minorities" more for life insurance than whites. Gee, could that be because the slum dwellers are more likely to be killed in conflicts over drugs, drink themselves to death, or have heart attacks from fried chicken poisoning? :p

November 3rd, 2002, 12:49 PM
what is the difference between a nigger and an ape.

an ape smells better and dont go round nicking fucking handbags and raping old women!

November 3rd, 2002, 02:35 PM
Is their anything that marijuana could be coated with that would be unnoticeble and give a lethal smoke? I am thinking let them jump me I drop mebbe oz. bag and then say oh take it your blackness you are oh so superior etc. then let em all puff up together and never see em again. If that fails i could blow up the welfare office or the KFC, that would show em. :p

November 3rd, 2002, 02:37 PM
I don't speak from first hand experience but here is my advice anyways:

First, you must decide to what degree you want to get them. Do you want to kill them? Probably not. Burn their houses down? No. Put them in hospital or jail. Maybe for a bit. Assume that you will get caught and you will have to decide whether the consequences are worth it and whether you will be able to plead self defense.

I'd say you need more time to prepare. Though as Sun Tzu said, it's better not to have to fight at all. If possible, do not go to school (what is worse - failing a course or going to jail for killing someone?) or avoid the group. I don't know how old you are, but if you're young your parents will doubtless let you skip if you tell them what happened (could make it worse though). This gives you time to prepare and for the undesirables attention span to be stretched. They may very well forget about you, in which case you could organize even better and take them out with help from other schoolmates (like kingspaz said) or take the easy path and go back to normal.

Other tactics may be to have the police in plainclothes watch you while you enter school. When the thugs attack they get locked up. But chances are the police will ignore you and your request.

If you decide to face them, meet all of your friends, and people you know who hate the enemy at hand, somewhere before going into school. Tell them what's going on so that they can prepare. Meet your friends inside of school also, so that you can exit the school in numbers.

If you accept the consequences, a preemtive attack could be effective. If you can find out their names you can find where they live. This opens up a wide range of possibilities, from framing (or reporting them) to capturing them (gas them first?). To frame them, you could plant drugs and tip the police. Or take a chance and just hope they have drugs. Steal their car plates so they can't drive to school. Put ice or grease on their brake drums, or cut the lines. Use your imagination.

As for avoiding them, if you choose to go to school and try to avoid them, disguise yourself. Choose a disguise that blends in and hides your face. Maybe get a haircut. Change your walk. Wear contacts instead of glasses. Preferably disguise yourself as someone else who goes to your school as opposed to just some new kid. Have your hood up, wear a belaclava.

If you decide to face them with weapons, I have some suggestions. Most hand to hand weapons are out since you don't have training in them (right?) and they outnumber you greatly. Possibly their numbers will be even larger if they expect you. There has been extensive discussion on self defense weapons. I suggest you read that thread. You could use commercial self defense such as mace or bear spray (ape spray <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" /> ). Application is quick and the range is long enough so that you aren't yet surrounded. A flame thrower would be good too. A flame thrower with minimal metal is feasable. A liquid fuel one would easily put them in hospital (sticks to them, then burns) or a gas one would be less damaging, depending on how far you want to go. A can of ether (quickstart) might work as a chemical weapon. Ether used to be used as an anesthetic but it killed people too often. In any case, test the weapon well before use. Have a backup weapon, maybe of a different sort. Have a friend meet you just outside the door, when you're coming out of school with the weapon. Or stash it outside.

One of the knockout gases in NBK's PDF could be useful, if difficult. The advantage is (probably) no permanant damage. This could be bad though. You must finish the job the first time. They must be afraid enough of you enough to not attack you again. If you half ass it then they will be prepared for next time, and they will want revenge. "If you're gonna knock a man down, do it so he don't get up."

the resourceless reaperman
November 3rd, 2002, 02:43 PM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">what is the difference between a nigger and an ape.

an ape smells better and dont go round nicking fucking handbags and raping old women!
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">I assume you mean the non-getto type of ape here :p .

Anywayz are ya sure they want to kill ya cos if they did wouldn't they have done it allready? Also you thought they might not have the money to buy firearms. But frankly I don't think they actually make a legal purchase more than 2 times a year anyway.

Also if they group together why not put remote controlled bomb at the spot where they usually go? The police would suspect some other gang and you be rid of those smelly black f*ckers.

<small>[ November 03, 2002, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: the resourceless reaperman ]</small>

November 3rd, 2002, 02:48 PM
Perhaps the only reason they didnt finish me was due to the fact that there were a large number of people nearby, however that is not always the case, tomorrow i leave school after dark <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="eek.gif" /> . They were waiting outside of school the next day but school cops :D chased them away.

<small>[ November 03, 2002, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: knowledgehungry ]</small>

the resourceless reaperman
November 3rd, 2002, 02:53 PM
Ehhhm maybe it's time you came to school with a fucking big gun, something like an UZI or MP5 and shot all those underdeveloped monkeys to shit.

The bomb under the street idea might be worth it tho. D'you have any exp with die Bomben?

November 3rd, 2002, 02:55 PM
did you see my previous post about poison dope? Any ideas?

the resourceless reaperman
November 3rd, 2002, 03:01 PM
I don't think giving them dope is a very good idea. The cops might arrest you for it. one of the niggers might survive and fuck you up and also why waist some perfectly good weed?

maybe you could put a poisonous spike on the ground, the niggers steps onto it and get poisoned. a carcinogen or opiate might work. They'll never know it was you.

Or somehow start a gangwar...

November 3rd, 2002, 03:05 PM
I'm pretty sure that I heard one time that teflon can kill when smoked. I think I read it somewhere on a site about different bong designs and it said to never use teflon tape to seal joints because if it burns, the fumes can kill. It apprantly doesn't take much either. So if you could find some good weed (we call it white rhino here) with lots of crystals so that it almost looks white, you could conceivable grind in some teflon tape. You might want to research it first though because I'm just going on memory here. I'll see what I can find for you though.

the resourceless reaperman
November 3rd, 2002, 03:11 PM
I suppose you'd notice the weird taste of burning plastic before you got a lethal dosage. by the way, would allmost any plastic be toxic? and like I said it wouldn't be a good idea to walk up to them with weed they's think you were up to something and fuck you up any way.

how about 3 or 4 bottles of clorine gas packed together with something that slowly eats away the bottles so that they'd get clorine fumes into their system? It certainly won't kill them but it would scare m away.

or make a bomb with some bottles stuck to it together with lots of nails. they'd be ripped open by the nails and get clorine in their veigns. that would kill m of.

vir sapit qui pauca loquitur
November 3rd, 2002, 03:17 PM
when ever i get thinking about this entire area my blood pressure hits some serious highs. There is a programme that is due to come on in england (can't recall which channel) but it's about a young BNP member, (for the yanks, the BNP is like the KKK) and the entire thing is going to be poking fun at the BNP without dissecting WHY more and more white people are "deffecting" to the cause. You only need to take a look at the news-stands to understand why. The police have to go softly-softly to reduce the riots that occur in brixton (harlem)
and when one of these exceptionally stupid smack-head nigger(sorry repeating myself there) goes to jail, the family has the GALL to call for the release of the "wronged party" as leroy biglip always was a good boy. :mad: The family can't seem to realise that little leroy happens to be a multiple rapist who loves nothing more then to rob, mug and be a nasty bastard to everyone so that he can have a few more gold teeth/braclet's/necklace's :rolleyes: it only makes it easier to pick them off at night with the jangling that it makes :D

when i do visit the slums of london (not often and only when vital), I seem to be the only white in a sea of black faces. the africans hate the jamaicans, but they hate white men the most (still feeling the 'massas whip :D )

You dont mention any numbers (apart from ages) of the slope-heads,
how many? Do you consider it worth while investigating where they live? if you are considering investing a bit of time in doing this correctly then you may as well dispose of them. The entire op has to be done in one day, with the elimination of each one before joining they join up with the rest of the group.

I'm not sure as to the validity of this idea, but how easy is it for ricin to be dissolved in water/ethanol? Can it be absorbed via the skin? (using water/ethanol as solvent) As a super soaker filled with this gives you a slow acting weapon that normal cops would over-look (and what coroner would spend money on a jungle-bunny looking for ricin poisoning?)

Q.why are a niggers eyes red after sex?
A. because of the mace

<small>[ November 03, 2002, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: vir sapit qui pauca loquitur ]</small>

November 3rd, 2002, 03:28 PM
Here is a <a href="http://www.imscompany.com/msds/105579.pdf" target="_blank">MSDS for teflon tape</a>. It basically outlines what fumes are released at certain temps.
This is an interesting little tidbit though from the <a href="http://appalachia.outdoors.org/bbs/messageview.cfm?catid=4&threadid=644" target="_blank">AMC Forum</a> about the dangers of burning teflon.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">One thing you REALLY never want to burn is Teflon. Burning this releases cyanide gas. The Winston-Salem cigarette company, for example, does not allow ANY Teflon products in their production facility, just on the off chance that some of it might wind up in a cigarette and kill someone.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">Best of luck.

How do you get a nigger out of a tree?
Cut the rope.

<small>[ November 03, 2002, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: Energy84 ]</small>

the resourceless reaperman
November 3rd, 2002, 03:40 PM
maybe you should ask the KKK for help...

the resourceless reaperman
November 3rd, 2002, 03:41 PM
Q. How do you help a nigger that's one fire?
A. You better well fuckin don't!!!

November 3rd, 2002, 04:01 PM
those silly kkk and there knot tying sessions...

so what you gonna do

November 3rd, 2002, 04:16 PM
Why has the resourceless reaperman not been banned yet?! :confused:

I remember reading somewhere (Kurt Saxons site I belive) about an improvised weapon called the Pike?

It's like a stick with a fishing hook sort of contraption on the end, that when stabbed it sticks in the victim without leaving much evidence.

Therefore if your surrounded by would be "witnesess" they would say that they didn't see anything.

November 3rd, 2002, 04:33 PM
Wouldn't the combination of a sixpack and ricin work the same? Sure, booze is not as appealing as dope for them but i doubt they'd leave it to you...

November 3rd, 2002, 04:58 PM
There are six of them(at least) i wasnt gonna walk up to them and give it to them, i was gonna wait to be jumped by them and tell em i got no money but i got this just dont hurt me. Even if the police trace their deaths back to me how is it my fault that they stole it off me plus i got it that way from the dealer. And 1 manslaughter term (most ill get) will be worth six of them.

November 3rd, 2002, 05:28 PM
if you're going to fight these guys, you should try to do it on your own turf. So find a derelict building, and learn the layout of it, corridors, rooms, closets, crawl spaces, stairs and basements. now if you are started on try to bring them to the location, by running very fast towards it. once there, you can either try to split them up and deal with them, or you can place boobytraps around, e.g. broken floorboards, bare wires and any other traps you may have thought to set up.

November 3rd, 2002, 05:55 PM
I like the idea of a six pack with poison in it. Instead of ricin i think might be better to use methanol (methyl alcohol)less difference in taste and i heard as little as 10 milligrams cause blindness and 30 milligrams death. I think that is right. Any opinions.

November 3rd, 2002, 06:25 PM
How the hell could Teflon produce cyanide gas? It's a fluorocarbon, so it's either going to produce HF, CF<sub>4</sub> or some other gaseous fluorocarbon.

And might I say that this thread is getting a tad too imaginative? I doubt it anyone would pull off a stunt they're describing here...

November 3rd, 2002, 06:39 PM
Vulture if you lived where i live... It is not necessarily all imaginative it is likely that some of the ideas are too extreme but i am seriously contemplating the lye if i get fucked with again.

November 3rd, 2002, 06:42 PM
this thread has turned to shit many posts ago. the last thing we need is a forum member becoming a serial killer.
there have been few (if that) viable suggestions and a ton of k3\/\/\/1 crap between.
waste of space - end of topic.

knowledgehungry - this topic has provided all the usefulness its going to provide. good luck!

<small>[ November 03, 2002, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: kingspaz ]</small>

November 4th, 2002, 07:38 AM
I jsut had to post this:

"<a href="http://torkyarkisto.marhost.com/niggerguide.html" target="_blank">How to Become a Certified Nigger</a>"

It's so true it's unreal! :D

As for teflon, that burns into various fluoropolymers and toxic/corrosive gases. However, the amount you could reasonable expect to hide in a cigarette is tiny. This might cause polymer Fever, similar to the better known foundry man's Fever. The symptoms of this malady are chills, headache, and increased body temperature.

These symptoms usually come on many hours after exposure to the fumes and disappear after approximately 36 to 48 hours, without medical treatment. It causes no lasting or cumulative effects.

So you could put the nigs out of action for awhile without having to kill them. Just leave tainted blunts (for their "chronic" [weed]) lying about for them to pick up and smoke.

You could use a fluoropolymer dispersion called FLUON GP1. Fluon is a liquid that dries very quickly and what remains is a solid white patina. Fluon is water soluble and is not oil-based. It is not cheap, 1kg costs 42 Euro.

Order it from whitford. You have to phone or write an e-mail and explain that you want some fluon GP1. you can pay by bill/check.

<a href="http://www.whitfordww.com" target="_blank">www.whitfordww.com</a>

Fluon is not on the webpage but you will find the e-mail addresses there at: <a href="http://www.whitfordww.com/mail.htm" target="_blank">www.whitfordww.com/mail.htm</a>

Now who's your daddy?

<img src="http://www.planetquake.com/smackdown/HomePAGE/kermit.gif" alt=" - " />


December 31st, 2003, 02:25 PM
Seems to me some of you are a bit hypocritical, one minute calling the police pigs and the next advising people to run mumbling to them over something that amounts to little more than an egging, and talk of stripping there skin and leaving them with severe respiratory disorders is a bit overboard. My advice would be to just leave a conventional weapon of preference hidden outside the school and go to work on them next time you see them.

Jacks Complete
January 4th, 2004, 03:00 PM

you inspired me...

Take a gun, perhaps a zipgun or whatever, plus some ammo, and stash it where the gang hang out. Then call the cops while they are stood there, from a payphone, and rant about "Kids with guns outside the school"! Let the SWAT team take them down. At the least, they will get dragged off at gunpoint, charged with whatever they have on them, and it is a federal offence to have a gun near a school in the US!

Even if you aren't in the US, the cops will still respond ASAP with guns and many hands!

If you can't get a gun or ammo, get a few petrol bombs and a "zip gun" or similar, or a toy gun that looks real. Let the cops dream up the use for them!