Author Topic: beautiful  (Read 46819 times)

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Use naptha
« Reply #80 on: December 15, 2003, 10:50:00 AM »
Suss, do a tetra wash, you don't need a long soak. Ninety seconds is fine. Don't even need to heat it. Rinse the pill mass with more tetra, then squeeze it out with a rubber-gloved hand. Then boil the pill mass twice in naptha. Four or five minutes each boil, with stirring. Naptha. If PEG is your concern, two naptha boils prior to extracting the speudo or E will get the PEG- at the lower weight PEGs. Merck suggests otherwise, but experience teaches that hot  naptha is an excellent PEG solvent.

Then base the pseudo, extract with hot naptha. You should have extracted what hot naptha will extract already. Except for the newly freebased pseudo.

Win-win deal.

Coming next: (Ware knew I would do it, didn't he?) "The Full Cure Tetra Trap...."

No write up needed.  ;D


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If your planning on gassing xylene....
« Reply #81 on: December 15, 2003, 12:30:00 PM »
Then you could just follow the original tetra trap write up and then gas the xylene and pour through a filter and gas again and pour through same filter then gas once more and leave in beaker.

Then put the filter over the beaker and pour methanol or ethanol or iso alcohol over the pseudo in the filter until it all dissolves into the beaker.

From there just follow geez's pseudo precipitation writeup and you will have some very clean pseudo hcl.

When the filtered xylene cools the peg will appear along with some other gaaks i presume.


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« Reply #82 on: December 15, 2003, 12:34:00 PM »
durring the tetra wash part of the PM may float while the other falls to the bottom. don't be concerned just mix well and follow follow Geez instructions above, into coffee filter..etc.  Swiw uses tce to rinse container out then pours that over the pm/coffee filter for initial rise after the 90 second soak. ;)


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key stuck error
« Reply #83 on: December 15, 2003, 12:35:00 PM »


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Ohhhh...the brutality!
« Reply #84 on: December 15, 2003, 03:06:00 PM »

Coming next: (Ware knew I would do it, didn't he?) "The Full Cure Tetra Trap...."

Ya know what Geez? No I didn't have a clue but I do consider it an honor.
I'm still stinging from the brutal beating I received from one bee in particular I respect, placebo, in regards to writing style.
It's only fitting that such a title bee placed on a new enhancement that addresses the latest gaak attacks.
I learn the most from respected peers like Osmium and placebo that show no fear toward telling it like it is and setting the record straight.

Ibee's suggestion to suss is to trade in the coffee grinder for a shiny new mortar and pestal. And with the pennies left over, you'll be able to afford a fine seive strainer.
It's more work but an increase in yield and quality will be the reward!
Finely Ground pillmass will serve you best enhancing any extraction method chosen!


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Bulk extraction
« Reply #85 on: December 15, 2003, 04:54:00 PM »
Not to knock the advice given here by some of the elder bees because it is good sound advice that works.

The only problem Swim sees with doing an "e-gull" tetra wash on the GUPS prior to doing the ahgreich method is that only 3-5 boxes will fit in each coffee filter at a time.

You would have to essentially line up a bunch of jars with a filter in each.

Add 3-5 boxes in a dish pour in tetra swirl for 60-90 seconds and then pour it through the jars with filters, wring each one out individually and then scoop the pill mass back into a coffee pot, beaker (whatever one decides to use) and then FINALLY begin to proceed with the extraction.

Unnecessarily labor intensive and time consuming, not to mention the space required to do all this. Then again, waiting for what little that sticks to each filter (waiting for it to bee dried before it ALL can bee removed)

Swim is an advocate of the e-gull and has used it since wareami unleashed the beast.

But why go through all that labor, mess and time, when you can just evaporate the toluene down to a skin, allow to cool and then just pour off the gakk?  ::)  It is ALL inclusive, pros outweigh the cons.

After doing this, in all actuality, washing the freebase with water in the end is not even necessary if all gakk tainted solvent is poured/dripped (decanted) off.

Then as was just mentioned for ultimate speed and efficiency, instead of fresh toluene and water added and then titrating with muriatic to get pseudo HCl, one can just add fresh xylene and gas.

If Swim wanted to do washes, boils or pre-soaks, he would have stuck to pills containing povidone.  ;)


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« Reply #86 on: December 16, 2003, 09:58:00 AM »
Does [the phrase] "with pseudoephedrine as the only active ingredient" mean that this extraction technique is not suited for chlorpheniramine removal?



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CM is an active ingredient
« Reply #87 on: December 16, 2003, 12:48:00 PM »
CM is an antihistamine and an active ingredient that must be listed. If its not listed on the box, it isn't there. At  least in the US.


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uhm yeah
« Reply #88 on: December 16, 2003, 01:21:00 PM »
it is listed.
and yes it is an antihistamine.
how could this technique  bee applied for pills with this compound?


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« Reply #89 on: December 16, 2003, 02:08:00 PM »
CM is soluble in acetone

Psilocin, have you read this?

Post 466242 (missing)

(amalgum: "Easy shards", Stimulants)


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Clean UP on aisle 13!!!! :•þ
« Reply #90 on: December 16, 2003, 05:12:00 PM »
If you have a polkadotted cat to skin....we all know there are many ways to skin a cat.
But you've been taught the art of skinning that's reliable on cat's without polkadots.
Will the polkadotted cat still have polkadots after ya skin it the only way you know how?

Okayyyy....I'll beehave!
psil-E question....psil-E answer...
Tetra removes CM and Trip so the only active ingredient to remain will be the one your after.


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« Reply #91 on: December 16, 2003, 11:46:00 PM »


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Not so clean
« Reply #92 on: December 18, 2003, 09:59:00 PM »
Shit. SWIM has to reply to his own message. Although the results of his previously published cleanings looked outstanding and yeilded no hint of contamination, following a fb dream of 10g Efb 5g RP 15g I2 and a yeild of about 4g plus a large beaker full of bright orange colored acetone and another containing the acqueous phase badly poluted with dark brown crap, well, SWIM feels he has no choice but to compose a single, recordsetting run-on sentence to let everyone know that things aren't always as they seem (as if you didn't know), and that it might be a good idea to peform some additional procedures.

Should have known it was too good to be true.

P.S. Anyone else notice that the orange gak will eat your RP after a reaction if you don't clean it thoroughly, and right away? SWIP swears it does, having twice found his coveted powder turned grey, after he lazily left it till the next day to clean. The first time he figured it must have been played out. The second time it was fresh mbrp going in. AFter this last abortion he cleaned it before doing anything else, and although it must have required nearly a liter, it still looks good the next day. Or so SWIM told me.

Did someone say column chromatography?



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you probably used too much water and it ...
« Reply #93 on: December 18, 2003, 11:08:00 PM »
you probably used too much water and it followed through.

Try DCM next time, I know for a fact either DCM or napthenate salts remove pre-activated orange.
I've got strong doubts about the napthenate salts because swim didn't see how the mixing that is acheivable between the sparse salts and the gup was doing anything at all.
He believes that is the aromatic, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene used in US JD, and not in Terebine, an australian version using only turpentine.

There's other rationale in addition...if the solvent used is mineral turpentine in the product, and the salts are suspended within it, and unactive (preoverbasing as-is in pill form, white) orange is not soluble in mineral turpentine, then how is it that the nap salts play any role in it's removal?

I could bee wrong, it's not the nicest gak to experiment on because you've basically got to come up with a novel idea to recover if it is activated and your initial experiment was unsuccessful.
you need something to take up all the orange waters accomodation, so that the crystals are precipitated...


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Napthenic salts
« Reply #94 on: December 19, 2003, 06:02:00 AM »
Spectical ;D  ;)
Ibee is planning a write-up in a separate thread on the use and efficacy of napthenic salts to preserve the integrity of this thread.
Keep yer eye's peeled ;)


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« Reply #95 on: December 19, 2003, 09:02:00 PM »
Citric acid huh?  Sound similar to stomach acid, or HCL straight from the bottle. Results of experimentation looking better and better.  SWIW wants to work out the kinks before posting due to the fact that the procedure go's against some of the pill pull rules and doubt will run amuck.

Wareami that is why SWIW hesitated in sharing before.

If you were trying to thwart your adversary  would you use a swtcharoo knowing they steer clear of certain conditions and immeadiatly bombard the pills with solvents? If the likelyhood of a nutral to high ph was probable in illicit activity, would you not use that as a trigger?

more to come. ;)


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wow, I can't wait...
« Reply #96 on: December 19, 2003, 10:06:00 PM »
Wow! I cant wait to read that Ware! It's so you!
dont squirt too many people in the eyes!  ;D  ;)

good idea, it's drifting.


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It wasn't just the sentence that ran on. . .
« Reply #97 on: December 20, 2003, 08:39:00 PM »
Ibee, SWIP didn't mean to discombobulate or otherwise challenge the integrity of this thread. His thoughts were running on as badly as his sentences, and he was so disgusted about his recent dream that he felt compelled to cathart--fully and immediately. He tells me that he will try to keep his emotions under better control in the future.

And don't mind SWIP. He's a smartass to the bitter end and can't help it. No offense intended, Ibee. The shared results of all those long hours of research are much appreciated.



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Couldn't have been to o much water!
« Reply #98 on: December 20, 2003, 09:13:00 PM »

SWIP should have been more precise in his earlier rant. When he went through the trap procedure, he was  v e r y  conservative with the H2O. He did several extractions, and never added more than about a tablespoonfull at a time. The other omitted detail is the fact that he extracted with VM&P.

The biggest mistake may have been basing with NaOH. SWIP was sorely tempted to try TSP, thinking he recalled Geez talking about it, but couldn't find the reference. Rather than take a chance he relented.

In the past SWIP has had some modest success in the past cleaning with JD and Zylene, which seemed to work better for him than tetra. The smell it left was bad, however, and he found he had to rinse and rinse and rinse with acetone to get rid of the green color. He was hoping to avoid it with this latest procedure, but it looks like he'll be going back to it for now.



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Generally speaking...
« Reply #99 on: December 21, 2003, 08:27:00 AM »
Prepuce...Ibee's remark wasn't directed at anyone per se.
Other than teasing spectral about his choice of usernames ;D
Many twists and turns on the extraction front are a direct result of tweaking procedure and ingredients.
Rather than sidetrack or distract from algreich's tetratrap, Ibee thought it would be best to create a separate thread that deals with the benefits of JD and Tetra since it's not part of tetratrap write-up.
Ibee is still working on it.
In regards to TSP, Ibee beelieves that Scottydog first had a fin on flipping that twist on deck. My cut and paste feature has been mysteriously turned off or I'd go fetch the thread...time for a new OS install since the machine doesn't like it when RPC is disabled and DCOMbobulated... >:(

Weaz-E: In every minds think alike ;)