Author Topic: METHod for us morons  (Read 21685 times)

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Stray 120
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2004, 07:11:00 PM »
Swims buddy just found a stray eudragit era 120 on the floor of his lab space. Just for kicks he said he's ghonna pulverize it and give it a good alkie soak.

He sincerely doubts it but he sure hopes pill cracking has again become as easy as it was 4 years ago.

If I've retained my smurfwiseness I believe blue usually denotes the presence of triprolidine (sp?) and green is generally indicative of chlorpheniramine.

Swim's buddy recalls some friends who thought his clorph dope was the bomb before he learned to boil the antihistamine out with acetone before the rxn. Those guys actually missed it when it was gone.


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« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2004, 07:45:00 PM »
So then are you saying that these 120's have once again become reformulated? They have been degakked?


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No, Not Quite
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2004, 07:56:00 PM »
I'm not saying that yet.

Only if swim's buddy tells me it's true after his testing of the straggler 120.

But I've already placed a bet against him.


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must be the coffee
« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2004, 11:04:00 PM »
i fail to see what your not understanding here.  I dont know how to make it any more clear

the pills are brand new, out of one of the number 1 stores in the u.s.

SWIM cooks every 2-3 days and has done so for the past 6 months, before that the person SWIM helped a friend, who did it the same way, for over a year.

Its not that I care whether you believe me or not, (my crew thinks this is a riot that I am trying at all) SWIM has a fucking 1/4 oz. of proof in a plate on the desk. 

I read in another thread that i dont have time to look up, that smurfdope (turns blue when you pour the honey into the lyewater - leaves a bluish residue on the foil) was the results of dirty pill powder.   Having thought I found the answer, I researched it no more and just filtered the pills better the next time.

Dude, they are only 4 bucks a box....just try it for christ's sake.  sheesh.  You can't tell me that someone who makes this shit can't spare 4 bucks.  So far, since geezmeister set me straight on the quantities, I haven't seen a bad batch yet, the smallest attempt was 10g of E, but going to try a micro-nano 5g for shit's and giggles later....maybe even a 1-2 g  in a cigar tube to see if it can be done.  Gone as big as a 40g with the same results.

I am sure that all these other ways of extracting the pseudo probably increase the yield and lessen the chances of failure cause its cleaner, but I can't help but wonder, knowing the way of the speedfreak (been one myself over 20 years), how much is neccissary and how much is just typical tweeker overkill.  Now if yoou'll excuse me, I'm gonna go smoke some of this imaginary stuff here in this plate and then go break the news to my friends that all this time we've just been suffering from insomnia or maybe just had some really strong fucking coffee


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« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2004, 11:54:00 PM »
this is true and does turn blue and not carful jell up swim has seen this , swim didnt know if the jelling was something swim done , swim had three going at one time hard to keep track of all when this happen,plus bioessay,swim remember allways up four day cause mr smurf


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Well, ya know...that extraction actually does work
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2004, 11:27:00 PM »
Yes, i know none of ya know me, but i have sought info here, and improved the process a millionfold by virtue thereof, for some time now. Thing is...i was taught the straight-out alkie extraction originally, which was 1 year ago, and it does work on 120s. At the time i knew zilch about chemestry in general and possibly less about what i was doing. And my 'mentor' (and his as well) kept saying the one thing I can't stand to hear, me being the scientific type by nature, "i don't know WHY"! So i came seeking info and knowledge, which i recieved a'plenty. I instantly experimented with str8-2-E...and adopted it very successfully after wasting 48 hours and all but 8g of pfed from 21 boxes learning the real meaning of the word 'anhydrous'. But the alkie methode did work on 120s, and is still working not too far from here deep in the woods on pills from Mexico sold with no restrictions by some freedom (and business) minded store owners near by. And all that is done is to soak in denatured, allow to settle, then run through a charmin plug. And the end product does burn clean too, and for the life of me... "I don't know WHY!"  ;)

Well, i do like the more scientific approach I brought to the game in this area thanx to you guys, so don't write me off please! People were literally begging me to sell them my product, but it was all for me.

...unfortunantly the newspaper articles told a completely different (and completely ficticious) story a bit ago... should have been studying security a bit harder I guess...

catch ya next time I find access to a computer.


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I vote with Scottydog
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2004, 10:09:00 AM »
I vote with Scottydog.

If you want to make crank in low yield batches without much regard for what is in the mix besides meth, have at it.

IF you want methamphetamine hydrochloride, do not rely on this extraction method, or the post reaction workup. You will have a good deal in the mix besides methamphetamine.

I have no doubt that ampdup gets a buzz from his product, or that it works. You will note in the writeup a lack of detail regarding actual yields, the absence of discussion of purity of the product, and no mention of recrystallization. This approach and this method will produce some meth, which I am sure will be well recieved by most tweakers. 

The dispute about whether the method "works" is in reality a dispute of the standard by which one measures the quality of his product. The product that Ampdup considers an acceptable product would not meet what I consider to be acceptable standards. His product works, it will get you high, it will keep you up, and it will make you want more. It may be as good as any he has sampled.

I read his posts in this thread very carefully. I have extracted pseudo from generic 120's for years. I realized many years ago that an alcohol extract of generic 120's did not yield clean pseudo, and if Ampdup took the time to recrystallize the white substance he has when he evaporates his denatured alcohol, he would realize that it isn't pure pseudoephedrine.

If he mentioned recrystallization in his writeup, or gave detailed yield information, or discussed cleaning and purification of his meth, I would give more credence to his opinions. I discount his claims, not because of a lack of sincerity on his part, but because he omits steps I do not consider as optional, fails to discuss actual measured yields, and has no way to make an objective assessment of hows good his stuff really is. I suspect what he produces will rank pretty well by street dope standards.

If he tries to recrystallize this product he will suffer yeild losses sufficient to deter him from trying to recrystallize again. The reason? His product contains crystal formation inhibitors from the pills, a lot of by products and intermediates. If he recrystallized to meth, he might realize how much of that pile of powder is not meth. 

The difference of opinion relates to what constitutes "good" methamphetamine. The standard of quality or purity that the poster measures his product against is not the standard set by the elderbees, and accepted by most of the bees who have been contributing here for a few years.

I do not intend to engage in a vitriolic diatribe over quality. The subject has been discussed at length in this very context many times before, and need not be repeated here. I imagine that Ampdup will let me know in no uncertain terms that his product is the best shit anyone has ever made, that it is as good as it gets, and that everyone here who naysays his methods is an effete snob whose knowledge of making meth is limited to academic environments unsuited to the realities of the actual world.

It took me a few years to learn that the measure of product purity and quality in this forum is much higher than I thought it was. Quality at the Hive is not an "accepted" standard. It is the standard of "as good as it gets." This forum is about making the best quality product, not about making street dope.

I am not flaming you, Ampdup. I've been precisely where you are. I was obsessed with quality and yield, not with speed or convenience. I kept working at it, started listening to chemists instead of cooks, and realized that what the chemists were talking about and what I had been talking about were two different things. Please realize that when Scottydog or I say "That dog won't hunt,"  we mean it. By the same token, Scottydog and I aren't after what you are after. We are after something better. And we still get it.

No offense, but the extraction method you use will not give you suitably clean pseudoephedrine. Its not that easy.


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Think Geez' hit nail on the head
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2004, 03:33:00 PM »
Although more vocal in other Forums about the net - tend to read more and say less at The Hive....

have read this thread with some interest and I think Geez' has hit the nail on the head with the above post.

My friend swibt was introduced to meth and the synthesis thereof during a number of years when he lived in the US.
During this time swibt and the folks he knew were birching - which is much more tolerant of badly cleaned pills.  And this was all before swibt was aware of the existence of forums and banks of knowledge such as this.

At that time - and the last time swibt had a dream was about  a year ago, when still in USA - the extractions used were very similar to the ones used in this write-up (occasionally even more basic).  Back then swibt was none the wiser, followed on with the rxn, then dried it from the filter after gassing, popped it in a bowl and lit that shit up without so much as an acetone rinse! :o

Needless to say since now discovering the Hive, Lab Tips, Wet Dreams etc - swibt is shocked to discover that what he was doing all those times may have had meth in it, and may have got a buzz going - but would have been pretty poor meth to say the least. And all that other nasty fucking crap....

Sounds very similar to the story here.

Luckily swibt is now in a sacred land where pills are not  currently gakked - and long may that continue.


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i must agree.
« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2004, 03:37:00 PM »
i side with geez, also. this poster should bee down-rated and on posting suspension. maybee even viewing suspension. ;D


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« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2004, 03:50:00 PM »
ampdup, You PM me asking why I wanted my name removed from your credits with a sore spot in which I can understand. Geez answered that question of yours for me with his post. The reason I didn't respond or explained myself any further at the time is because I was in a bad mood and didn't want it to reflect my responses.. It's a new thing I'm working on trying to take some of the ass out of the hole.. (trying to be less of an asshole than I am naturally)