Author Topic: Kavalactone extraction dream  (Read 3837 times)

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Kavalactone extraction dream
« on: April 12, 2004, 02:14:00 PM »
SWIM read about how to extract Kava on rhodium's site, and decided to post his experience here.

1 pound of ground kava powder was allowed to soak in dried denatured alcohol for 48 hours. Swim held all of this in a big old tupperware container. swim stirred it immediately upon putting in the powder for about 2 minutes. occasionally during the next 48 hours, it was stirred or shaken.

swim decanted off the alcohol and put into a glass pyrex plate to dry. SWIM also did another alcohol pull. When it was all dry, SWIM was left with a pasty substance. It was time to try it. SWIM packed some into a bowl and began to smoke. Almost immediatley SWIM's mouth became numb. Then swim beagna to feel the effects. VERY relaxing, sedating, mildly euphoric, somwhat stoney and spacey feeling. Overall very pleasant.

SWIM later found that when packed on top of a bowl of weed, there is a great synergy. Also goes well with tobacco. Try dipping the end of a cigarette and smoking. Very pleasant. Kava is not really a social substance... definatley not a party drug. But if you want to become very relaxed and watch a movie, kava is great.

SWIM had a funny thought come into his head. Since it numbs you, perhaps it can be snorted? SWIM convinced a friend to try it, and it seemd to produce almost no effects. Not worth trying.

For less than 20 bucks, you can have eneough kavalactone extract to last you a long fuckin' time. Good to have around for those chill sessions.


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thats kinda cool
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2004, 05:45:00 PM »
Swib wasnt aware Kava could be smoked. Swib bought some herself like 2 years ago just made into a tea added some honey and drank it. It was nice.
But yours sounds like a more concentrated form.


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Second that!
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2004, 10:02:00 PM »
Swim tried kava tea with some fijian native folk last year, whilst he was on an extended holiday.
Swim can picture his ganja leaf being mixed with kava paste next harvest. thanks for mentioning it mate  ;)  8)