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--- Quote ---'i distilled X, then i aminated Y' or what?
--- End quote ---

Yes, that is what I was thinking -- A lot of times when talking about such things as substances illegal in some places it is probably just better to write it more like a science journal, and not a diary.

I.e: The Ergot Fungus was added to a petri dish and allowed to culture for 20 days at 27*C
instead of... I took some ergot fungis, added it to a petri dish I recently bought, and.. blah blah blah

It seems to me that the first one would be safer in the sense that you may or may not have done it, but that is how it was done -- whoever did it. I also think that sort of writing is better in general. But in all honesty , not all of these rules are going to be enforced 100% of the time and you can break them with probably little to no action being taken (well, depends on the rule!) -- Its just something to hopefully act as a good guideline for the members, and get the newer members off to a good start and try to increase the signal to noise ratio of the site to make it better  -- plus, rules make it clearer for the moderators on what they should and should not enforce.

The Reference section is off limits to anyone with less than 10 posts, once one has posted ten posts, they will automatically see the reference section.
Posts in The Den of Inequity do not count, as they are off the topic and do not always add to the forum.

The Lone Stranger:
"this includes correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and nomenclature"

Thats bolloks ...... = juzt kos eye kant spell an meye grrammer is shyt eym a outcast ? In the science discusions corect nomen watsit an no chat is important but in other discusions WHY ? Plus i cant say i used to smoke ? Or deal ? Or grow ? <-------- not that i have ..... I`m just useing me as a timeless , nameless , strange example ........ because ....... where i live talking about wot one has done isnt illegal ........ i could go to the powleece station and tell them and show them it all on film and they would say congratulations please dont waste our time ............ same if i went and told them i smoke .........  <------ i dont i`m just the example remember  ........ I mean where the fuck do some of those rules get one ? some of them are as stupid as swim ........ i mean how can anyone talk about a lot of the science that gets talked here if one is pretending its all theory ......... i just theoreticaly did so and so and noew i theoreticla have this problem  ........ ?????....... i spose we could have a game of mental quantum chess with no board , no figures and we all theoreticaly win ?

Keeping a tight ship in some directions is OK ...... BUT ....... WHY ? ........ more of the remember the hive and lets blame its problems on people not keeping these rules ? What may i ask is the point ? What imaginary dragons are we frightened of ?

Remember ........... loughs favorite thingy ? About what yoo wanna put in ...... in this case ......rules ...... and what one wants to get out ? ....... ducks eggs ? Chocolate ? A unifyed tesla field theory ?

 ........JFC the only word i can think of is ...... CRASS ....... When are the old posts and threads going to be ethnicaly cleansed and will anything be left over afterwards ? Bye bye hive and rhodium and ? archives .....bye bye most posts ....... or have i miss under stood ?

So ........ Please tell me / us what is trying to be achieved ? What are we trying to avoid ?


--- Quote ---So ........ Please tell me / us what is trying to be achieved ?
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Understandable posts that are helpful and not misleading. Also spelling does wonders for the search engine. We all speak English, and have a spell-checker.

--- Quote ---What are we trying to avoid ?
--- End quote ---
Posts that are analogues to the above post. I hardly even had the will to read it, let alone begin to care what it said - Naturally we're going to enforce this law arbitrarily for obvious reasons.

The swim rule walks hand in hand with the spelling & grammar rule, and it has been discussed many times how to explain a reaction without using names, I, me, myself, us, etc in it. Write them like a science journal.
The sand was placed into the beaker and heated evenly with minimal stirring
Is better than:
So man, I placed some sand into the beaker, and I sat and watch it, as it heated while I didn't stir it, or i did very little but I didn't do it that much"

Trying to understand chemistry and other aspects of this forum is hard enough without the added difficulty in trying to decrypt what the poster meant, what word he tried to spell, or reading the unneeded wordiness and off topic rambling of his post.

The Lone Stranger:
vesp . "Naturally we're going to enforce this law arbitrarily for obvious reasons." . Thanks for the explenation . Thats what i was talking about . IF those rules were aplyed as writen this site wouldnt be possible .  This site is about underground  / amateur chemistry and what aplys to swim aplys to how the site is constructed and its theme . Anyone who thinks that they can talk about chemistry in the way its done here ....... and have hive and rhodium archives on it ....... and if the powers of evil decide to make a case against it go into court and say what we are doing is in no way an atempt to educate people about illegal drug chemistry needs urgently to look at what conspiracy is and then think about how courts interpretate those laws . Trying to do a casey and defend oneself in a court with common law bullshit from thousand year old unwriten and over ruled laws doesnt work . Personal opinions of laws are just that . <-------- again thats not a shot at anyone its an atempt to say exactly what lough keeps saying about what one wants , what one does to try to achieve it and what comes out the other end . Do some of the things that have been made rules make any real sense . If so to who ? To just some of us ? Or to the police and courts . Anyone who thinks ...... just like useing the word SWIM ....... that some of those rules protect anyone from any possible prosecution would do better to think about it again ....... from the point of view of the police and courts .


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