Author Topic: trouble getting yields for LSD  (Read 26958 times)

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: (
« Reply #80 on: March 25, 2002, 07:38:00 PM »
RE Montanha decided to get all the water out a while ago and noticed it turned grey

Was it heated or exposed to light?
What drying method did you use?

In the future, after filtering the LSA remove the filter cake and place it in a watch glass. Place the watch glass in a vacuum dessicator, or a bell jar, overnight (cover the dissector, or bell jar, with tinfoil to prevent light from entering). Depending on how strong your vacuum source is, the cake should be totally dry in the morning. This would probably work very well considering the fragility of LSA.
Sorry to hear about the burned LSA that must hurt.

The Ultimate Weapon Can't be controlled, banned or confiscated. Your weapon's your mind.


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I don't think your problem was overdrying, I ...
« Reply #81 on: March 25, 2002, 10:05:00 PM »
I don't think your problem was overdrying, I think it was the whole 130°C bit.  I think you probably burned it.  Shulgin said that he just dried it under vacuum to a constant weight, he didn't say anything about heating it.

I sell crack for the CIA


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130°c !?!
« Reply #82 on: March 26, 2002, 07:59:00 PM »
I heated it up to 130C and vacuumed its atmosphere

I didn't read that.

You can't get LSA that hot. That was your problem. You might be able to salvage some of your product. But most of it is probably destroyed.

The Ultimate Weapon Can't be controlled, banned or confiscated. Your weapon's your mind.


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A plea from my heart
« Reply #83 on: March 26, 2002, 08:14:00 PM »
Please Mr Montana, could you write a DETAILED description of what LSD synthesis you are trying to perform (with times, temps, reagents), and give us the batch size, your equipment (what do you have - mp apparatus, rotavap, TLC analytical equipment?), solvent grades, and which salt you are planning to form of the LSD?

Please do that, and we will all try to give you as detailed suggestions as possible for you to to perform this feat successfully with as high yield humanely possible.

My little heart aches when I read about burned precursors, of a kind that I will never be able to get. I just feel that I could have done so much nice things with the little fragile molecules which now are nothing but a memory and a little grey puff of smoke...


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I read in an article the Rolling Stone did about ...
« Reply #84 on: March 27, 2002, 12:44:00 AM »
I read in an article the Rolling Stone did about some famous acid chemist that his first batch turned out black. From what I recall, he was very distressed by this but it turned out to still be active.

You aren't giving up, are you?

Better loving through chemistry.


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Acid color
« Reply #85 on: March 27, 2002, 12:51:00 AM »
Color is not of any importance as the product must be column chromatographed just before crystallization anyway. The only thing it means is that the yield will be a little lower.


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quick question
« Reply #86 on: March 27, 2002, 03:50:00 AM »
A quick question for you rhodium. I searched and came out inconclusive. How high of a risk am I at with the the double bond between the carboxamide attachment and the aromatic ring forming lumi-LSD. Some is dissolved in EtoH, and some remains in crystal form in an amber bottle. I would like to take some pictures for you all but am scared of decomposing my LSD. What conditions do you suppose I take the pictrures in? All I have is a digital camera. Should I turn the lights on? Under red light? Leave the flash on? I guess the question Im asking is what conditions are best with less chance of degrading, but still get a good enough picture?


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'quick question'
« Reply #87 on: March 27, 2002, 04:34:00 AM »
A quick flash or two will do little if any noticeable harm :) .

The Ultimate Weapon Can't be controlled, banned or confiscated. Your weapon's your mind.


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Afaik. LSD is not that unstabel, usual it's not ...
« Reply #88 on: March 27, 2002, 10:27:00 AM »
Afaik. LSD is not that unstabel, usual it's not the light who 'kill' it but Cl- ions from the wather (or the blu ink at the blotter :)


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« Reply #89 on: March 28, 2002, 12:40:00 AM »
Hey rhod, ever dredge up any info on lsd epimerization?

My computer was hacked by whatsupium!


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« Reply #90 on: March 28, 2002, 01:06:00 AM »
Bujinkan: Only what I posted in

Post 278109

(Rhodium: "Re: trouble getting yields for LSD", Tryptamine Chemistry)
- all the LSD info I have handy is already online.


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« Reply #91 on: April 01, 2002, 06:51:00 AM »


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Bummer Dude
« Reply #92 on: April 04, 2002, 05:53:00 AM »
It must really suck fckin up the best drug in my known world. But hey just relax smoke a fatty and try again.
From what I've read LSA decomposes at 238 degrees. Also it supposedly forms hexagonal leaflets when crystalized. From what I've read it should be dried at 140 degrees at 2 mm HG. But I don't know if this correct. Also, you people make the production of ergot alkaloids seem to be as hard as making an atom bomb. Don't get me wrong, it is definatley not even close to easy. But they can always be bought, if your willing to pay enough and are to lazy to try real hard to make em. I was told that i could get a gram of ergotamine tartrate for 600 a gram and i found some bromocryptine for a little less. This obviously was way to expensive though. I still know of some other options which could signifigantly reduce the price but i haven't (and probably won't) look into such things (well maybe i will in a dream or something). If you think really hard, than you can figure out where to buy it, but when buying it be prepared to pay a hefty sum of money. This seems to leave all of us poor people who can't afford to wipe our asses with 100 dollar bills in the shitter.  Therefore your just going to have to make it, and if you can get as far as the alkaloids, but no further, than still make em and just sell it to someone who can. There never seems to be enough acid around, and maybe if people made this into a larger operation than just a one man job then something might really be done. But i'm just rambling. Don't even fuck with goin around inocculating fields of grain, or looking for those little kernals all damn day when your sure not to find as much as you need. The only feasable way it seems to me is to grow just the culture and then to extract the alkaloids from there (don't forget to defat). Sure this isn't easy, but it takes being a damn hillbilly farmer out of the picture as well as the need for land, a tractor, and all that other BS need to grow the grain you plan to infest. The easiest recipe i have found for the medium needed to grow the culture consisted of 20% Cane Sugar, 3% peptone and water (it said tap, but where i live i don't feel safe bathing in tap). Then you just the PH to 6.2 with ammonia and incubate at 24 degrees for 8 to 10 days. And voila you have like 1 to 1 1/2 grams of ergotamine per liter of substrate. I would suggest fcking around with cubies first so you can get the hang of growin cultures a little better. I'm sure this has been posted before so don't even bother with the UTFSE, cause i'm not gonna come back to this thread. But please if you make some fry in your dream, make alot and attempt to Pyschadelisize (i can't spell) the US, cause I'm tired of looking for acid,i wish it would just fall out of the sky while i was tasting a rain drop. Wow wouldn't acid rain be cool. But don't forget, smoke a fatty and keep on truckin.



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« Reply #93 on: April 07, 2002, 01:25:00 PM »
Hey mottaman...many mistakes must be made before perfection...dont give up.

and to montanha, keep going. Dont stop. The hive is your support completely!


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« Reply #94 on: April 07, 2002, 05:52:00 PM »
alright, I got some new ET ( which later I found out to be dihidro something ergocristine masilate, which I think will be the same thing)I have hydrolysed 10 grams, and am waiting to get ammoniacal ethanol solution and clean it ala shulgin. this time I will follow exactly all his steps to repeat his yield and crystallyzation. I want to get this completely right for once and move on to research some about BOP or HBTU coupling, to make my contribution to the HIVE. Once  Iget this procedure going ok I promise to send pictures

later, guys


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the rules
« Reply #95 on: April 07, 2002, 06:48:00 PM »
Yes, it's a good idea to stick with the inactive and not controlled stuff to learn the procedure  ;) .

BTW, I perfectly understand that all of you you like to swank about syntheses you never made. But it would help a lot it you could make it bit more obvious. Otherwise you are risking to be banned because of not following the rules (



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« Reply #96 on: April 11, 2002, 08:00:00 AM »


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« Reply #97 on: April 15, 2002, 06:47:00 PM »
something ive always been curious about is decay rates of LSD from light, oxygen, other environmentals. Montanha, did you continue to use extremely diffuse light on your subseuent attempts? do you have any other observations on molecular decay to share with us?

btw, you are my personal hero.

blow me down! -captain morgan and the straw house


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Stability Study of LSD Under Various Storage ...
« Reply #98 on: April 17, 2002, 02:01:00 AM »
Stability Study of LSD Under Various Storage Conditions

A controlled study was undertaken to determine the stability of LSD in pooled urine samples. The concentrations of LSD in urine samples were followed over time at various temperatures, in different types of storage containers, at various exposures to different wavelengths of light, and at varying pH values. LSD concentrations were measured quantitatively by the Abuscreen RIA and by HPLC using a fluorescence detection method. Good correlation was observed between the immunoassay and the fluorescent integrity of the LSD molecule. Thermostability studies were conducted in the dark with various containers. These studies demonstrated no significant loss in LSD concentration at 25¡C for up to 4 weeks. After 4 weeks of incubation, a 30% loss in LSD concentration at 37¡C and up to a 40% at 45¡C were observed. Urine fortified with LSD and stored in amber glass or nontransparent polyethylene containers showed no change in concentration under any light conditions. Stability of LSD in transparent containers under light was dependent on the distance between the light source and the samples, the wavelength of light, exposure time, and the intensity of light. After prolonged exposure to heat in alkaline pH conditions, 10 to 15% of the parent LSD epimerized to iso-LSD. Under acidic conditions, less than 5% of the LSD was converted to iso-LSD. We also demonstrated that trace amounts of metal ions in buffer or urine could catalyze the decomposition of LSD and that this process can be avoided by the addition of EDTA. This study demonstrates the importance of proper storage conditions of LSD in urine in order to insure proper analytical testing results over time.

Ref: Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Volume 22, Number 6, pp 520-525 (1998)


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Obtaining ET
« Reply #99 on: April 19, 2002, 03:14:00 PM »
It has been my experience, that any reagent can be acquired. With a little effort and creativity, almost anything can be purchased outright. Those items which are super "Hot" can be produced if needed. If the members of this forum are really interested in LA, they will find a way to produce it by culture, extraction, or synthesis. And, they will find a way to produce a lot of it. Access to the hive mind, allows hundreds of years of experience to be focused on solving a problem. Dead end research is avoided. What used to take a chemist years to ferret or experiment out, is gladly gifted within minutes. In this arena, to say you will never have a reagent, or be able to run a reaction, isn't quite accurate. You will be able to do, whatever you wish to do. Each of us has different goals, and each of us has a different role to play in life. And, each of us knows that there is a price a pay to achieve a goal. For some reason, perhaps it is the will of god, it seems important that these products be produced. It is not required for everyone to actually produce them. For those that actually make the honey, there is a price to pay. The tip of the pen, does the hardest part of the job, that is where all the pressure is. Each of us, can make as much LSD as we wish to. The world only requires that a few of us make that sacrifice.

Here, with help, a relative novice is rapidly becoming a master craftsman. This is good. The question is: can he or she, avoid the snares of the world, maintain invisability, and avoid harm? Excaliber was the greatest of swords, but its sheath was greater. As long as Arthur wore it's sheath, he could not be wounded.

Now, the important lessons, are in survival.