Author Topic: Norway and decriminalization  (Read 8445 times)

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Offline NeonCortex

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Norway and decriminalization
« on: February 24, 2021, 02:05:33 PM »
The Norwegian government wants to reform drug policy so that possession and less use of drugs is decriminalized. The purpose of the reform is to shift the focus from punishment to care for addicts. But the opposition calls the proposal "a gift package for the gangs".

On Friday, Norway's Minister of Education Guri Melby, from the Liberal Left (V) and Minister of Health Bent Høie, from the Conservative Conservatives (H), presented the Government's proposal for a new drug policy. According to the so-called "drug reform", the purchase, possession and own use of small amounts of drugs should no longer be punishable. The aim of the reform is to minimize the stigma of drug addicts seeking help and providing care to those who want it, inspired by the drug policy pursued in Portugal since 2001.

- Ten years of current drug policy have taught us that punishment does not work, but on the contrary can make things worse, says Guri Melby at a press conference.
- The zero vision of a drug-free Norway will be replaced by a more humane goal. Human rights must form the basis of all drug policy, she continues.

If the proposal is adopted , it will no longer be a criminal offense to carry, for example, five grams of cocaine, heroin and amphetamines, one gram of MDMA and up to 10 grams of cannabis. The Norwegian government emphasizes that this is a decriminalization and not a legalization of drugs.

- We still signal that drugs are banned, but that health and medical care take precedence. All other drug use and possession must be punished as is already done today, says Bent Høie.

The reform proposal is based on the conclusions of the Norwegian Drug Reform Committee, which in addition to the decriminalization of small amounts of drugs has also proposed mandatory follow-up of users who have sought care. The third governing party, the Christian People's Party (KRF), did not participate in the press conference and does not support the reform proposal, but will vote for it in the Storting as a compromise. The party hopes that the opposition will demand changes in the proposal and wants, among other things, to keep the punishment for possession and use of small amounts of drugs, writes VG .

The Center Party follows the same line as KRF and calls the reform proposal "a gift package for the gangs". The Norwegian Nurses' Association writes in a statement that it fears that decriminalization will lead to increased abuse among young people.

- We who work with young people in healthcare know that it takes a long time before they admit that they have problems with drugs, says the association's chairman Ann Karin Swang to VG.[/quote]


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Re: Norway and decriminalization
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2021, 12:01:54 PM »
if it was not for the norwegian scabies I would be there in a second.

having suffered them at a backpackers I can say that I will probably stay a million miles from the place  :P

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Re: Norway and decriminalization
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2021, 08:28:47 PM »
scabies = bad.
There are treatments though.
I actually did not know that was a problem there, just an artifact due to me being an introvert.

Offline carl

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Re: Norway and decriminalization
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2021, 08:38:06 PM »
Ivermectin ;)
Pop one pill, and gone.
Isn't that standard worldwide?

Otherwise: DDT! Just make it yourself, chloral hydrate and a halobenzene, catalysed by sulfuric acid.
Tsjerk made it and its really a miracle drug.

But back on topic: way to go norway!

Have they also legalis decriminalised cannabis plants at the same time, like in the czech republic?
I would suggest that you guys share information like it was the last day on Earth.  This information slowdown is all because of all that dumb unwillingness to share.  That is where the DEA is winning.  There goal is you not talking to each other.  Let the information flow.  I  promise we will always be 2 steps ahead of DEA chemists if we just keep sharing information
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Offline Kasey Jones

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Re: Norway and decriminalization
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2021, 01:05:31 PM »
If the proposal is adopted , it will no longer be a criminal offense to carry, for example, five grams of cocaine, heroin and amphetamines, one gram of MDMA and up to 10 grams of cannabis. The Norwegian government emphasizes that this is a decriminalization and not a legalization of drugs.

WTF?  I agree with the idea but why are you limited to one gram of MDMA but can have 5 grams of coke and heroin??  Shouldn't that be the other way around?  X is less dangerous/harmful in it's pure form than alcohol and tobacco...

Offline carl

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Re: Norway and decriminalization
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2021, 04:17:33 PM »
But MDMA is usually relatively pure on the market.
While cocaine and heroin are this very rarely at all.
I would even say, the "five" grams have probably less of the actual substance than 1g of MDMA.
Can't afford to do a purity analysis every time they catch some junky.
I would suggest that you guys share information like it was the last day on Earth.  This information slowdown is all because of all that dumb unwillingness to share.  That is where the DEA is winning.  There goal is you not talking to each other.  Let the information flow.  I  promise we will always be 2 steps ahead of DEA chemists if we just keep sharing information
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Offline carli

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Re: Norway and decriminalization
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2021, 09:21:05 PM »
sounds all really good; germany was fucked up even before corona, now it's getting obnoxious...

And they have waterpower and deuterium :)

WTF?  I agree with the idea but why are you limited to one gram of MDMA but can have 5 grams of coke and heroin??  Shouldn't that be the other way around?  X is less dangerous/harmful in it's pure form than alcohol and tobacco...

Thought the same, but I'm sure this people in goverments are more on coke than on MDMA, their behaviour proofs it :D
|--[==]>-- (better changed this due to freedom of speech to "avoid govermental promoted vaccines" --<[==]--|

Offline NeonCortex

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Re: Norway and decriminalization
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2021, 09:22:38 PM »
Have they also legalis decriminalised cannabis plants at the same time, like in the czech republic?

I do not believe so, no.

> Begin rant

I do think that the way psychotropic drugs have been regulated and how associated issues have been handled in the time that is our's now; will be a big puzzling "WTF?!" to our future (x * grand)children. Putting people in jail for non-violent drug related "crimes", pulverizing functioning structures in the "offenders" lives, which essentially punishes whole families leading to a lot of misery.  Fertilizing a huge, organized black economy through criminalization of drugs. All this while we could actively develop drugs with optimized properties and find a way to integrate drug use into society in a much less destructive way. It's really a case of "technological retardation".

> End rant
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Re: Norway and decriminalization
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2021, 12:12:20 PM »
I wonder if 5g of smack in one pocket and 10g of cutter in the other is still going to be ok  8)