Author Topic: The Secret behind Potency of Meth  (Read 66493 times)

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> damn those 36 hrs baking a cake sure seems ...
« Reply #60 on: December 07, 2002, 10:53:00 PM »
> damn those 36 hrs baking a cake sure seems like years'
> SWIHFT has 24 more to go.
> lift off should bee around 1:00 am sunday morning.

If you can't wait and need something to keep yourself busy why don't you remove 2ml of your refluxing mixture with a pipette and work it up all the way to the final meth hydrochloride? The result will be sub-optimum and it will be lots of unnecessary work but it will keep you busy and the resulting meth will make it easier to wait that long.  :P

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.


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i always thought that was cheating!
« Reply #61 on: December 07, 2002, 11:05:00 PM »
wouldn't that sort of impatience 'jinx' the show?


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still waiting.
« Reply #62 on: December 07, 2002, 11:27:00 PM »
8.5 hrs left  '' what year is this anyway?

Osmium, SWIHFT thanks you for the suggestion but this is a kind of mission that he's been putting off now for close to 10 yrs and he feels it's time to complete it since he's this close .

He has other things to do while this time consuming project completes.

Good thing he had some 12 hr cake left' it's making him handle the wait alot better...

  " c-mere "  


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Osmium...How did you know???
« Reply #63 on: December 08, 2002, 02:20:00 AM »
It was day fifteen and how did you guess that that's how Ibee made it that long! was an experiment testing the early reports of a reconversion back to it's original.
It does convert back and Ibee does not recommend doing this unless you like having no hair!
On day seven it converted back to p-fed!
Ibee is sick to death of titrating! Even when he knows the goods are at the end of the Rainbow!
Shhhhhhheeeeesh! What Ibee won't do for the sake of discovery!
More later on this!
For those started as two separate 3g batches! After various stages and testing, both were combined and it looked as though failure was gonna be the final result! He re-energized the HI many times with the addition of both RP and I2, all to no avail!
Then He useed excess h20 which seemed to help!
The water would be sucked up and the mixture hardened faster than normal! The last two additions of h20 were combined with aluminum shavings which seemed to stimulate enough action to get it going again!
More later!
Good On ya SWIHFT!!!

Everything Ibee says should be taken with a Large Grain of Sympathomimetic Amine Salt


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On day seven it converted back to p-fed!
« Reply #64 on: December 08, 2002, 03:28:00 AM »
3hrs:43mins left to take off ' ... warming engines to handle the initial surge of power 'hope the booster rockets don't go foul. 

Thank god there is a point at which it reverts  cause I can see us going for months and years leaving our grandkids the job of attempting to finish the reactions. 

 just a few more years and you'll see how good it is ' now keep that reaction going..... 8)

  " c-mere "  


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some families keep a soup going for centuries
« Reply #65 on: December 08, 2002, 04:24:00 AM »
confuseus say: first step in 300 year reflux is single spark.

um, you guys know how important it is to "age" your gear, don't you?

a minimum of 8 years, for the good stuff :P


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We will Crank No Gear until It's TIME!
« Reply #66 on: December 08, 2002, 07:31:00 AM »
Zib: Top Shelf All The Way!!!
They Don't call it UP for Nuttin...Honey!!! ;D
And No...Ibee don't go thare!!! Just figuratively speakin of course! :P
Peace of the REaction

Everything Ibee says should be taken with a Large Grain of Sympathomimetic Amine Salt


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Can't resest it any longer.
« Reply #67 on: December 09, 2002, 12:33:00 AM »
I'd hazard to say if you gave everybody the exact amounts of L/G precoursors not one (end product)  would bee the same. If you like your tea strong wouldent you use less h20 or more time and heat. There was a time the long simmer was refered to as the BIKER methiod. Say 3 oz's of E was all a guy had he'd take 3 oz's of I2 and 1 oz of r/p with 3 oz's of water. The word mole wasn't even heard of. With a elect hot plate and some salid oil the heat was just enough to see small bubbles ( somewhere around 160 to 240f) Anywhere from 12 to 16 hours later with periodic check ups all was well. So it makes good sense to give it enough time to do it's thing. Don't ask me what thing means. I personaly don't think a rxn needs to go longer then 12 hours as long as everything is on track. Don't ask me what on track is. HeHe 8)

Who sayed that


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like so many other phenomenae in this world:
« Reply #68 on: December 09, 2002, 05:56:00 AM »
its a surface area/volume ratio dilemma.

its not that the actual proton donner is moving real slow, and needs 24 hours to do the reduction...its the distance we impose upon the enviornment, for the likely hood of a productive encounter.

the volume of reactants is the distance we impose on the liklihood of productive encounters.

as it is, the rxn is akin to splitting a huge pile of firewood, wherein you throw the split wood back into the pile that needs to bee split.

is there a way to move a small, but steady stream of correctly proportioned reactants thru a heated glass tube; and gathered on the other side?

what would you do differently if the challange was to make a single molecule of meth?

could that bee done in a steady stream?

otherwise, its like doing your taxes, except throwing the finished forms in the "to do" file.

the mass of the rxn contents is a detriment...except for the fact that we haven't figured out a logical alternative.

in zib's fantasy, the ideal macro rxn would bee the sum total accumulation of a steady stream of mini-nano-rxns...sort of like the way a honda civic works...a tiny squirt of reactants at a time, into the 'rxn' vessal..bang!

they're out; next squirt is in.  extremely dry powder works in an atomizer. one of the reactants could bee introduced in provide adequate h2o

guess which one?


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fouled boosters
« Reply #69 on: December 09, 2002, 06:13:00 AM »
well I wanted to respond to the 36 hr test i conducted 'I was up for 3 days before I started this test, I ended up falling asleep  so test actually went 42 hrs ' something went wrong not sure at this moment ,but can't seem to crystalize when gassed acts as if it did'nt make.

I'm sure the gups where clean as well as the percursors.
only thing different was had to use tap h20 instead of dh20
but I don't believe that was the problem unless to much clorine in h20 but that just turns the color, should not affect the reaction ?.
the shit smokes after let sit and dry but it's not the shit  I was looking for.

but not fault of the length of time as it is with the one cooking it.
somehow he fucked something up and he's got to figure what he did..

he can see the shit falling when gassed but never crystalizes, damn shame I was looking forward to a taste but now have to rework it ......shit............

it's been awhile since a failed reaction came knocking at my door , brings back some sad memories...


  " c-mere "  


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Sign Sign...everyware a Sign!
« Reply #70 on: December 10, 2002, 04:13:00 PM »
Especially when refluxing, the distinct visual signs must bee thare, or it's not done! How do ya thing Ibee wound up at a day5 jobbie last year instead of the 1Day that the mindset was set for!
All comes into play in this field! When to Add H20 is a biggie! If too much is added...take a nap, cause you'll need it!
This should be a No-Brainer...don't GO beyond 7 days!!!
You'll end up worse for WARE than IbeeWare Did...because he went thare on purpose...
16 day bubbly 50/50 in the end!
I can't figure odds like that cause thare was a good screwin to bee had by all, The worst part was those ficticiously speaking RearGear Ends!
Okay...SWIHFT! Ibee said to put the blob back on after pouring off the "Imagined Liquid"(to be reconstituded for the next bout).
The only thing lost by working up too early ,mostly will be unreacted and I2,(among hostsof other things not of concern)!
After all it will hang together like tar until it is between 40-50% complete and when anything more than 50% was converted, than calculate the missing RP that was removed from the picture by pre-mature ejaculation!
A rise in the mix is a must! When not babysitting, it's hard to notice which is why the checkpoints must have a preset list of Visuals to note, which will determine the UniqueBlend's degree of completion!
SWIHFT noted some...but not all!(whitesmoke, Paratrooping RP...etc) This tells us that we are nearing the point of completion! Get the final three before working up!
1•SMELL...Ya'll Know!!!
(No Fruity or Dogfarts)!
2•Visuals: Color & Consistancy...Chewed UP bubblegum like!(ShinyBlack Color...Wait for it to Sweller! TOO WET...LET IT SET!)
3•Rise in Volume of reactants to at around double of that when originally mixed!
Peace of the REaction

Everything Ibee says should be taken with a Large Grain of Sympathomimetic Amine Salt


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thanks wareami
« Reply #71 on: December 10, 2002, 05:15:00 PM »
I guess I needed a reminder , I was really thinking that the final faze might bee different since a 42 hr cook took place.
SWIHFT had to cook it down to rid the h20 that was left.
after doing this he saw most signs of completion like the bubble gum and turning darker and the white smoke ' he did'nt see the rise he was looking for and not the gold tint that climbs the flask but he thought maybee that had to do with the long reflux.

when cooled it had that "not completed smell" and knew somthing was fouled, Now he's not going to try and work this anymore beecause it was a nano version to start with and he can't justify the ends with the means.

so off the outhouse for more private moments to reflect and  redirect his thougths ' and hopefully start the next one with a clear head and finish it as well.

lots had to do with its failure beecause of lack of sleep 3 days,and he knows he made some errors in rushing the final faze... big mistake.

thanks wareami, hope santa is good to ibee and the boyz this year.   

  " I love a good shower "  


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no precipitation
« Reply #72 on: December 10, 2002, 08:56:00 PM »
Heres what Swib doesn't get.
Everytime he run a rxn he gets crystals...maybe not meth, but still crystals. (As long as the ephy is clean)
His point is, regardless of the rxn being complete or not, crystals should still form, even if its only unreacted ephy.

To get no crystals doesn't sound right. Swib is pretty sure he could throw dirty I2, and dirty RP into a jar with some halfway clean ephy, piss into the jar. Throw the cap on for 5 minutes, shake it up, and still get back his  mostly unreacted ephy crystals.

Kyoto now!


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good point, buckshot
« Reply #73 on: December 10, 2002, 11:36:00 PM »
rxns that report 'nothing' at the end clean up, are quite peculiar.

could bee a/b confusion...with the baby accidently getting tossed out with the bath water.
or intermediates that don't form crystals. or useless rp?


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you make a good point
« Reply #74 on: December 11, 2002, 12:29:00 AM »
buckshot' I have no idea the reason this happens but on a couple occasions I've had it happened.

I always thought it was due to contaniments from gups or as zib says r/p could bee the problem, truth is I don't know.
as far as the a/b process i don't feel the problem lies  there but thats a guess not fact.

when you mentioned r/p bells rang and could bee something to that.

or just left something in the gups that killed the reaction.

But something happened to cause this not to crystalize when gassed what about moisture in the np that could cause this problem as well right?   

  " tell me facts not bullshit.   "  


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water in NP for gassing
« Reply #75 on: December 11, 2002, 01:10:00 AM »
heck yes moisture in NP and in HCL, could cause this problem handsfull.
 Swim doesn't know what you did with np/product mixture after it was gassed, but just for fun one could wash it with hot dh2o, evap the wash water, and see what "developes", hopefully some good stuff.
 Then the NP could either be titriated or dried over epsoms and re-gassed, if the resulting products looked a little slim.
Or if one is hell bent on gassing, and leaving out a titriation aspect. Add a small volume of hot dh20, shake to warm NP up, basify the water layer to 13 or whatever, just as if a/bing into the NP in the first place. let it sit awhile, sep off the water, dry the NP over epsoms and re-gas with dry HCL.
Many options are possible. Why waste it if its there?

Iä-R'lyeh! Cthulhu fhtagn! Iä Iä!


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did that
« Reply #76 on: December 11, 2002, 01:54:00 AM »
what I did was gas then set aside in evape diwh, when it evaped I noticed a waxy sort of hard layer but off white in color not bad just a little .. '

when smoked it did not crack back at all, but the taste was not all that bad and it had leggz  , not sure if it's buzz material'beecause I was already buzzin from from a previous experiment.

no i have'nt trashed it yet ' but it was only a nano expreiment in the first place, wasting material and time trying to save it'' is not on my menu but i'll do something with it, just dont know what ' maybee evape what I can and toss in another cook is probally best idea.
 1 gal sprayer with calcium cholide and muriatic acid is used for gassing so I would think moisture shouldnt bee a problem using the calcium cholide ?

  " tell me facts not bullshit.   "  


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« Reply #77 on: December 11, 2002, 01:58:00 AM »
? The best route for manufacturing methamphetamine is the direct reduction of the hydroxyl on the L-ephedrine sulfate sidechain in glacial acetic acid using 70% perchloric acid as a promoter and 5% palladium-on-carbon as the catalyst. Vigorous agitation, pressurization with hydrogen to 30psi, and heating to 90 C results in an 85-90% yield of non-racemic methamphetamine, with a 70% yield-to-product. Due to it’s non-racemic chirality, this meth is stronger than that produced by any other non-stereospecific reduction technique. Typically, this reaction is performed in a 4000ml filter flask placed into a 6gal aluminum pot containing water. The pot is heated on a stirring hotplate and agitation is provided by a stirring bar magnetically coupled through the non-ferrous aluminum. A solution of 1.25 liters of glacial acetic acid, 120ml of 68-72% perchloric acid, 166g(one mole) of L-ephedrine sulfate, and 16g of 5% palladium-on-carbon is pressurized to 20-30psi with hydrogen gas and reduced for 2-3 hours. The catalyst is filtered out, the filtrate made basic with 50% lye solution then extracted with toluene and stripped of solvent,  the base is purified by distillation and crystallized in acetone for the hydrochloride salt. Despite what has been written by others, this reaction does not work with ephedrine hydrochloride because the hydrochloride ion poisons the catalyst, whereas the sulfate ion may actually act as a promoter (I have not tried it, but in theory sulfuric acid may be substituted for perchloric acid as a promoter). This reaction will, however, perform well using any ephedrine base. Due to the requirement for simultaneous heating, stirring, and pressurization, this reaction is limited to 1-3 mole batches. In addition, the palladium-on-carbon catalyst is not reusable without processing...

taken from ziped word doc on rhoiums page

i cook to save the planet!!


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Re: Due to it’s non-racemic chirality, this meth ...
« Reply #78 on: December 13, 2002, 10:03:00 AM »

Due to it’s non-racemic chirality, this meth is stronger than that produced by any other non-stereospecific reduction technique.

You'd need to look a while to find a non-stereospecific reduction these days, and while you will produce d-methamphetamine, some would debate that racemic gear is more desirable......regardless of a strength rating measured anywhere during or after the process.
I don't want to seem picky, but since the preferred chiral nature of the gear is dependant on end user taste, and most methods people here are using are producing non racemic product anyway, and in doing so they tend to be geared towards temporary lab settings (read- as little equipment and effort as possible)I fail to see why the method you wrote about is "the best route for manufacturing methamphetamine". Particularly when stated in reference to this thread and it's theme.
Don't feel bad though, I fail to see a lot of other things too no doubt. 8)

Oh and Dwarfer, I wonder about you sometimes............can't quite work out where that came from....sly old height shy fella you is. lol.

Regards, Hematite.


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I must be getting old
« Reply #79 on: December 13, 2002, 10:47:00 AM »
Reading through these post with the hours adding up as they are makes me wonder. I wonder why Swims 2 hour rxn's have produced top notch gear that for the past 3 years has not been toped in his area. Spoiled brats he has made too.
I wish yall all the luck in the world getting the best product you can no mater how long it takes. I think I would completly switch to the birch before babysitting a flask for even 24 hours, but I just getting old I guess. I want to spend my time outside the lab instead of inside it.. I do admire every one of you and senserly wish the best for each cook....

The end result is directly connected to the effort applied