Author Topic: Is really 5-Meo-AMT an MaO-i  (Read 3770 times)

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Is really 5-Meo-AMT an MaO-i
« on: May 05, 2004, 07:04:00 AM »
Can be 5-Meo-AMT used to make DMT orraly active??? And how about the dosages?
 Swim tried it whith mushrooms and noted that the low dose of mushis(1,5g) kick in and resembles a normal dose (3-5g), perhaps it was only sinergism, it was a really good combination (4mg of 5-meo-AMT insufflated), its was like mushrooms mixed with mdma, but if swim tried that last combination (mush-mdma) it never works properly, the mushroom-hight is masked whith the massive serotonin level.