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Butanediol Isomer Question

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It happened to a lady friend of mine, on my watch.

She gave me some GBL and she was pursuing more.

I let time get away from me and i didn't know exactly where she went as it a multiroom complex.

When i realised that all was not well i asked the staff to check on the guy's room as i did know his name. They refused and said if something untoward is going on then i should call the police.

Great, she's holding and a Heroin addict, uses METH and has GBL. I kept at it but time was passing ... i told them that i suspect the worst and that they check the room.

They told me that something was odd and i asked to  see the room. The guy had stolen her money, G and threw her out the back as i found her passed out, on her back, on the concrete.

She did know this would happen and took a risk. What annoys me about the fucked up G scene is that they have so many "strengths". He kept the pure for such predatory opportunities.

I have never called the cops on anyone but i rang the place that he reports to and told them that this cunt just raped my friend.

I don't see her anymore but tried to push for a police report and organised PrEP (antiretrovil bolus deterrent) but she refused.

The METH 'n' G scene (apart from the gay scene) is a shocker; as soon someone drops into a G sleep, they get robbed or raped. Good riddance !

And it screws up people like me who made good use of it and never partied on it, nor wanted to.

    GBL and GHB are not 'bad' and do not cause rape, nor encourage rape,  nor suggest rape.  GHB has nothing at all to do with rape, there is no problem with GHB, in fact its probably one of the most benign (maybe even THE most benign) psychoactive drugs available. 
     If people are getting dosed with GHB and subsequently raped thats not a GHB problem,  thats a rapist problem,  rape is bad, rapists are bad and they are harmful to society with or without GHB.       There are loads of other GABAergic drugs that would be just as effective at sedating someone enough to rape them (most of which dont require several grams like GHB to acheive this.)  I can buy flunitrazolam or phenazepam online legally no problem at the time of writing, these are potentially dangerous in their potency (200ug is a strong dose of flunitrazolam.)  At such low doses taste would be imperceptible.   

    Anyway, I'll stop myself before I spend all afternoon ranting. 

of course the "G" drugs aren't bad. Don't they just sit there quietly in their little bottles, minding their own business ?

SUCH malformed behavoural responses that I have observed (like theft and even rape) are OPPORTUNISTIC acts of malevolence.

Look, don't take offence as it is blatantly evident that you are a trustworthy and reliable person with a decent social infrastructure, a genuinely fortunate person capable of little to no harm but your naivety is showing.

this is why you have been entrusted with the rare and precious gift that is the synthesis of heavenly molecules

mate, i get down and dirty in the fucking trenches and I have observed these toxic behavioral patterns replicate like a retrovirus.

i love GBH AND GBL as much as my body loves and demands a good sleep but this "easy to cut" knock-you-or -whomever-the-fuck-out drugs Trouble with a capital T.
The gay boys are supercool but the straight version is the polar opposite.

see what i did there ? i told you the truth, flattered you with the utmost sincerity, whilst gently reminding you that you are actually dealing in generalisations and misconceptions.

Without any reservation, the heterosexual crystalline METH scene was the ugliest of any drug scene that i have encountered in my 40 years of addiction ... then "G" came along and it plunged to unprecedented depths of behavioural depravity.

No, I am  not gay and keep on being a sweetie 8)

You seem to be confused.  Not that it matters, but I too am addicted to meth (have used it all day, every day for 10ish years and that is not an exaggeration) and enjoy using ghb on a regular basis as well, and i have seen my share of fucked up shit and terrible people in the past decade so dont patronize me.   

   You sir are a fool.. I want to pick apart  every sentence of your response  and explain to you the foolishness of your words but where do I start. Who knows maybe you just a troll and if so then congrats you are a good one.  Ugh goodnight

Not a troll.

Please dissect my post and note the points at which i was being foolish.

Let's resolve our differences.


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