Author Topic: The Secret behind Potency of Meth  (Read 66464 times)

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i dony give a frig what all u say.
« Reply #40 on: November 30, 2002, 05:39:00 PM »
i dony give a frig what all u say.Osmium is the greatest.
I love osmium for ever.

This aint insignificant,Tis` fact


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Leave him alone ballz. He's MINE.
« Reply #41 on: December 02, 2002, 02:59:00 AM »
Leave him alone ballz. He's MINE.

Of all 36 ways to get out of trouble, the best way is – leave


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Yeah, let's get back to the important stuff.
« Reply #42 on: December 02, 2002, 08:22:00 AM »
Glad there's someone around here to make sure SWIM doesn't write insignificant posts. He doesn't mean to, and Lord knows, he wouldn't want to interupt this intillechull discussion.

Physician heal thyself!



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the secret potency of mood-swings:
« Reply #43 on: December 02, 2002, 03:55:00 PM »
can't recall if zib is playing devil's advocate, or the other advocacy program...but this he is sure of:

we don't hear similar talk regarding other molecules around here.
bees don't seem to fixate on the mystery of mdma potency, for instance...except in matters of the new pills beeing short, or cut...and of course, the well-known loss of magic that seems to occurr with frequent rolling.
why this special place for the meth molecular mystery?
swim is a non-frequent tweeker; small dose-sort of guy; only the best; always the same stuff...yet. one time, it will bee almost 'magic'; another time (same gear, same dose) swim will bee depressed, and almost de-energized by the indulgence.
occasionly, it even seems to increase swim's hunger, and he'll eat a large amount of food.

i suppose swim almost 'expects' this sort of variance now...which implies the possibility that swim could 'play into' that aspect of the drug's effect...the crap-shoot aspect.

(other than that, zib can well imagine that smokers could get a varied result due to the touchy temperature controls, and the by-products that could bee produced in the pipe from over heating)


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Ibee could eat a horse
« Reply #44 on: December 03, 2002, 12:58:00 AM »
But they keep saying "Neigh"! ;D
Plus his personal ride was traded in last year for the much more modern form of transport!
Zib:It's always been Ibees experience while Bio`ing, that when a large percentage of unconverted is present, he still retains an appetite!
Now 0ver the past six months, Ibee and the Kidz have been experimenting heavily with this long cooking times phenomena, in an effort to discover the underlying causes and effects. In order to do this properly, they have had to make several 30%, 50%, 70% on UP, conversions!
This was accomplished with much patience and dedication toward not focusing much on the end result.
These comparisons were all small scale!
While it wasn't experimenting for the sake of utilizing the end product, taste testing was the final indicator as to what was obtained at different cooking stages!
Ibee found that anything under 50% M, would produce the face flush and tingling, heartpounding, shortly followed by that thought "Hmmmm Whats for Dinner?"
But the 40 or 50% M present would get Ibee past the need for sleep. If it was 30% M or less, Ibee would exchange the desire to research further for Sleep!
Ibee will have the results of the more extensive research regarding this topic hopefully within the next week!
Further revelations have been uncovered regarding the long Reflux and full conversion study! There seems to be a time factor included in bringing on phase II of the reaction and the end result!
While Strength of honey is of major concern here, Healthwise, the removal of excess impurities should top the list of reasons for employing this route!
An Average, Run of the mill, Jonez`er would never sit still for the times necessary to wait for the full conversion.
But the bees that have tapped into that reserve of patience in the past, should have no problem!
Peace of the REaction


Everything Ibee says should be taken with a Large Grain of Sympathomimetic Amine Salt


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Is there any HI still in there...?
« Reply #45 on: December 04, 2002, 03:51:00 AM »
Advice please. Rxn as follows:4g E (tetra'd, extracted STB),4.2g I, 2g new mbrp. (No dh2o yet.) in 500ml rb flask. Topped w/punch ball just in case. Rxn started off nice and slow w/white smoke. Smoke started to get yellow, put it on ice bath for just a sec, went back to white. When slowed way down, put over low heat until white swirling smoke again. When that subsided, uncapped, added 3ml dh2o and heat. Recapped. A little more smoke. When that slowed, added 2 more ml dh2o, recapped, put in crock pot.  Checked after a while. Nice little bubbles coming up through liquid. OH SHIT...sister and husband just pulled into driveway. Took out of crock pot and placed in cold oven to hide.  After a few hours went to put it back into crock pot.The punch balloon was pulled into flask.  Had to cut a big hole in it to remove from flask.  Replaced w/new balloon. Added about 3 more mls dh2o. Left to cook about 10 hrs, so far.  Color is like dark mustard...golden yellow/brown. Very small particles seen in fluid when swirled, no lumps, very little sticks to sides(ie. not sticky goop) OK there any HI left in there? Do I continue to cook? Or am I just boiling to be boiling? Guess I'm not really sure what happenes during the long reflux.  Time is not a problem (unless sis shows back up) Plan to gas after cleaning and basing into naptha.  Any comments on that part?  Please be gentle..This is my third try.  Previous attempts have been "fair" but seem like I had alot of unreacted product. (at least after reading geeze et al on what that 1/2 assed stuff is like)So I need a success story here.
-= ol8dbee =-

You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much rp.


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no water to start??
« Reply #46 on: December 04, 2002, 04:10:00 AM »
Should have added some water before reaction was started, dry starts can affect yields, in swims humble opinion.
It won't hurt anything to run it longer, swim would say run it at least a few more hours, won't hurt a thing and may help, but that is an opinion as well.
If naptha is used post rxn, warm it up prior to basing, a hot dh20 wash of naptha, before rxn solution is added works real well for that.
Good Luck

Iä-R'lyeh! Cthulhu fhtagn! Iä Iä!


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Outta the Box!
« Reply #47 on: December 04, 2002, 06:39:00 AM »
I guess ol8dbee is pulling Ibee outta the box before xmas!
That's cool!
Patience as being exhibited is priority.
As Stated, the timing of the phases plays a hugh part!
While utilizing this method, attention must be paid to visuals during PhaseII and will indicate doneness!
The most important visual will be the rise! This will not take place until most of the reactants are the consistancy of bubblegum! There will be on final recreation of HI which will cause the balloon to swell!
It may take hours more for the excess moisture to leave the mixture and allow that final fuller conversion to take place!
Ibee recently pulled a 9 dayer with a day sitting at room temp before putting it back on to finish!
Other pressing matters are preventing the posting of the findings....YET!
The final part that SWIO8B proposes is not a problem!
In Ibee's experience, a dry start has yet to effect yield! Pulling it off before completion does however!
This control is completely within everybees power and it proves worlocks suggestions years ago to GO with a slow CONTROLLED rxn!
Depending on the amount of dh2o added to the last check, this Phase2 conversion may take up to a day to work itself out! PATIENCE!!!
More will follow!
Good On ya BRO!

Everything Ibee says should be taken with a Large Grain of Sympathomimetic Amine Salt


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dry start
« Reply #48 on: December 04, 2002, 06:47:00 AM »
Swims main concern was Free Base Feed being dry started, since STB was used, HCL would be of little concern.
Swim thinks he's really hijacked his own yields when trying to push/pull FB this way in the past, but as always swim may have drawn the wrong conclusions.

Iä-R'lyeh! Cthulhu fhtagn! Iä Iä!


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free base feed
« Reply #49 on: December 04, 2002, 08:35:00 AM »
I was under the impression this was not considered freebase using the STB.

SWIHFT has'nt done a P/P in some time now having to much fun with refluxin' but would think a dry start is not the way to go for any method used.

  " c-mere "  


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some results
« Reply #50 on: December 04, 2002, 09:15:00 AM »
after much hard headed debate with himself 'SWIHFT concludes that longer refluxes produces better stronger end results.

tried three different times' first was 5 hrs that showed good come back on the foil and product looked clean ' but SWIHFT could taste the phed that did'nt get carried over to meth also noticed that the yeilds suffered .

next was a 8 hr reflux with better results' yeilds were much better and taste greatly improved and so was the buzz...

third was 24 hrs ''' now for time he thinks 8 to 12 hrs works as well as the 24 hr reflux little difference was noticed and not enough for the extra time it took to make' and the  36 hr cook is still in the works with no results yet but he's thinkin that it may bee the best yet.

just a word about the gups ''' the shit he used to test the above he thought was full of peg it was left overs from cleaning the dirt one last time' now this gup shit turned out to bee pretty clean in the final run of things with not much sign of peg at all.
one thing he tried that was a little different ' he added the noah to the filtered rxn first, then added his np, before he was doing things in reverse np first giving salt a place to go but peg surely follows'' now he's thinking that the peg would have to base in the noah instead of going straight to the np giving the base time to work.

he tried this twice with same results both times fairly clean end product using shit so he thought.

anyone have a thought on this, or is this old news just catching up to SWIHFT? ;)

  " c-mere "  


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ol8dbee so thankful
« Reply #51 on: December 04, 2002, 01:37:00 PM »
Yep WAMI, looks like Xmas it is.  But that's not a problem. If past failures have taught the ol8d anything, it's NOT to rush the results.  To have the joyful anticipation crushed, demolished, devastated, vaporized(oh well, you get the picture) by 1/2 baked results has had the ol8d checking into anger management classes.  So I will let the little darlings cook 'til the cows come home...will let you know the results in...uh, let's see...a month or so? Cthul, thanks for the input about the dh20, next time, I'll dampen it up a bit beefore mixing it up.

You can never be too rich, to thin or have too much rp


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« Reply #52 on: December 06, 2002, 01:49:00 AM »
12345x, I've never tried it but will. 

Hi Horrendous



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some notes on startups
« Reply #53 on: December 06, 2002, 04:19:00 PM »
WAre noted: "In Ibee's experience, a dry start has yet to effect yield! Pulling it off before completion does however!
This control is completely within everybees power and it proves worlocks suggestions years ago to GO with a slow CONTROLLED rxn!...Depending on the amount of dh2o added to the last check, this Phase2 conversion may take up to a day to work itself out! PATIENCE!!!"

SWIG has done long refluxes two ways now. One way is with a wet start, and the second was with a fairly dry start, the way he did his four-to-six hour reflux cooks. In the latter he would start rather dry, and add water at the start of phase two, relying on visual cues as to when to add water. In the longer reflux, he allowed the cook to proceed to the start of phase two and slowed the reaction with the addition of water, then added even more and let the mother run for thirty five more hours. When it actually completed is anyone's guess, as it was never checked for completeness short of the 36th hour. It was certainly complete at 36 hours. Turned the heat off and as soon as the convection in the flask ended, the red fell like bricks and the fluid was a light yellow in color. Pretty like honey like-you-like-it. Results between the wet start and the dry start reactions were indistinguishable to the tweakers who sampled same, but the differences if any in the batches were likely of such subtlety that the weeks lapse between samples dulled the sensory ability to distinquish between the two. Both seemed to be "as good as it gets." The latter left almost no trace that it was ever in the sucka tube, and no one found any partiuclar need to sample it via injection.  That is good shit, particularly when the  taste testers are not noted for their fear of points.  

Mostly harmless


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« Reply #54 on: December 06, 2002, 05:27:00 PM »
Have you tried the "lets make HI first"start yet?
As in let it cook for a few,and then add your feed.
If not,no matter,But if so,I would love to hear about this.
If any bee is bored with their rxn`s I urge you to give this a go.I am now of the unqualified oppinion that a 72 hr reflux is not quite that important,but fuck,it wont hurt if you have the time :) I still recomend a good 30hr+.
If not for the quality of the "Buz",for the ease of extraction and yield.The slower you go,the more you have to show.
In regards to the "buzz" thing,Aint a meth molecule a meth molecule?Just as we believe when talking appearance?
To me this says that it is a hygiene issue(e.g byproducts impurities)That influence the effect.So the answer must be to be as clinical as possible when performing a chemical rxn
And try as hard as possible to act like the proffesionals,
dont skimp,dont be lazy,be patient,be clean,be equipped,and all will be well :) .

And that is my little thought for the day.Thank you all for listening.


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Not yet
« Reply #55 on: December 06, 2002, 07:40:00 PM »
Ballz---not yet. The first long reflux SWIG did he mixed his I and rP and water and let it work until it quit fuming and needed heat to do anything, then added the pseudo. This is about twenty minutes wait, not a long time and not until the flask was clear with HI.

It is on the list of ways to try but he hasn't got there yet, due to his tilting at PEG windmills which he found no longer existed due to a minimal cure prior to extraction.

I concur with the opinion that the issue is yield and purity, and how many of what you have at last is meth and nothing but meth...and potentcy is how many meth molecules you have per puff, snort, unit, or whatever....and that longer sure as hell seems to be equal to stronger for whatever reason...the proof is in the final crystal, and the proof is there after the 30+ hour run.

Mostly harmless


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« Reply #56 on: December 07, 2002, 12:57:00 AM »
> and the fact that high PH meth goes into your brain faster.

That doesnt make sense can u explain that


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Ibee's One Hit Wonder!!!
« Reply #57 on: December 07, 2002, 03:17:00 AM »
You bees are getting Ibee all wound UP! ;)
For a very long time now, Ibee has felt like the oddball out! Concerning potency, because his reports seemed so much more far fetched and exaggerated than others reports!
That was in no way meant to be taken as boasting!
He was simply telling it like it is!
Hopefully these validations might convince just one bee that Ibee really is sane!!!
A GoofBall...but a sane one!

Tetra was banned today in Southern Calif! :(

Southern California air quality officials voted Friday to impose the nation's first ban on the most commonly used dry cleaning solvent.

Related stories at

Luckily Ibee has had his hands on the crystal ballz all this time!
Get it while you can!
Other areas have been being researched, much like the original Egull research! But the researchers are just a tiny bit more educated than FumbleBee and StumbleBee were this time last year!!!
Hope ya'll put Extra Heavy Duty Seat Belts on yer X-Mas Wish list this year! :P
Strap In Early!
Peace of the REaction

Everything Ibee says should be taken with a Large Grain of Sympathomimetic Amine Salt


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Tetra was banned today in Southern Calif!
« Reply #58 on: December 07, 2002, 05:04:00 AM »
tetra is starting to bee SWIHFTS best bud.'  hopefully by the time it says goodbye to everyone something else will take it's place.
2020 is sometime off.... 

SWIHFT' never thought of Ibee as a boaster ' he allways respected Ibee's opinion,and considers Ibee a friend.
It took SWIHFT a while to follow Ibee's directions but never once felt Ibee was leading him down a wrong road.

ok well most of Ibee's post he understood..... 

Post 373777 (not existing)  Post 373780 (not existing) except these post now I think Ibee was on a higher playing field that day........  ;)

  " c-mere "  


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still waiting
« Reply #59 on: December 07, 2002, 06:04:00 AM »
damn those 36 hrs baking a cake sure seems like years' SWIHFT has 24 more to go.
lift off should bee around 1:00 am sunday morning.

maybee a good time to go into the woods and look up that 10 point buck I noticed a while back' rut is in full swing so he's got pussy on his mind and he don't think well when pussy is hot and ready hmmmm sounds like me.    8)

  " c-mere "