Author Topic: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl  (Read 20516 times)

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Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« on: May 07, 2000, 08:28:00 AM »
I recently stumbled over the AcOH/NaCl Harmine extraction tech.
Did anyone ever use it successfully ?

The crushed seeds of Peganum Harmala are covered with three times their weight of water containing 30 g of acetic acid per liter of water [white vinegar is about 50g / l or 5 %]. The seeds swell as they absorb the liquid and form a thick dough which is pressed after 2-3 days. The pressed seeds are once more treated as above with twice their weight of dilute acetic acid and, after maceration, the liquid is again pressed out. To the combined liquors, sodium chloride [that's table salt, man] (100g. / liter of liquid) is added to transform the acetates of harmine and harmaline into the hydrochlorides which are insoluble in cold sodium chloride solutions and are precipitated during cooling. The supernatant liquid is siphoned off, the crystalline residue filtered with suction and redissolved in hot water. Addition of sodium chloride to the filtered solution causes the precipitation of the hydrochlorides as a crystalline mush

I wondered if one couldn't use this to get DMT.

The merck sez DMT is well soluble in dil. AcOH so, why not ?

My DMT-variation looks like this:

100g of MHRB contains ca. 700mg DMT. If we get 60% of the alkaloids
out this would be 420mg.

Grind the 100g MHRB in a coffe-grinder or similar.
Place them in a glass-pot and add 400ml 10% AcOH [more/less conc.?].
Then put the lid on and place it in a slow-cooker or let it simmer on low heat for 12h. Filter out the powder, save the liquid. Press out the
remaining liquid and reuse the powder for a 2nd extraction [maybe 3 extr.?]. Combine the liquids. Add 300g NaCl. [(Place in the fridge for ??h)??]

You now have DMT-HCl crystals sitting at the bottom. Filter.
Boil 100ml water and throw the filtrate in. Let cool, add 36g NaCl, filter and dry.

I would highly appreciate any comments as to why this should work or not.



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Re: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2000, 03:37:00 PM »
Hi psyloxy,

MHRB? Mimosa hostilis root bark? I just flew over your post, and I'll have to
read it again properly, but DMT HCl crystals seems highly unlikely to me.
It's just too much of a bitch. Plus: Mimosa hostilis contains sapo-
nines and stuff like this. A real bitch, so you'd better consider multiple
waashings with organics etc. , you know the good ol' A/B.


-- phaidon, son of apollon

I scorched the Earth, now what do I do tomorrow?


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Re: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2000, 10:10:00 PM »
Well, I'm not after mega-pure crystals. Some concentrated goo or something like this is absolutely enough for my hypothetical purposes.
MHRB = mimosa hostillis root bark, right.



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Re: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2000, 02:47:00 AM »
I did this harmala-extraction many times and also thought about (and tried) doing the same thing on a DMT extract. It didn't work. I'm not exactly sure why but my guess is this: With a harmala extract the yields are gigantic compared with a DMT extract. The basic idea with this harmala extraction is that NaCl is more sol. in water than is harmine/harmaline and therefore the NaCl will push the h/h out of the solution.

I don't know if NaCl is more sol. in water than is DMT (it probably is). This method could (maybe) be performed on a DMT extract if this extract is concentrated enough (the problem is that with these DMT extracts there is too much junk compared with this DMT so reducing the volume of the extract will probably not help).

Hope this helps you out.

P.S. Getting the DMT from the plantmatter is a far more complicated thing than cleaning it up when you do.

Vae victis meretrix est et mors venit.


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Re: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2000, 06:34:00 AM »
For ingestible goo your better off just boiling the plant matter in acidic water (pH5ish), filtering it, and boiling again till your left with a sludge. For smoking you really need an a/b


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Re: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2000, 04:43:00 PM »
Hey bees!

Just gotta say that I once did this MHRB A/B extraction and it really sucked. ^@*/%$ emulsions and
that kind of crap. What came out? Gooey shit that was completely inactive. It really sucks.
I am still wondering if there's something about this root bark that screws the thang up so badly.

Anyone can offer any hints as to how "properly" pulverize MHRB? I got some shipped from Mexico
long time ago and I send it through a "Haecksler" (god, w. t. f. is that in English?) to get it into
some kind of useable form. That stuff is haaaaard!


-- phaidon, son of apollon

I scorched the Earth, now what do I do tomorrow?


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Re: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2000, 07:48:00 AM »
i tried this extraction with acetic acid and napth. i only managed to get an orange oil.
the mhrb can be easily powdered in a coffee grinder. i think the main key to success is the non-polar solvent used. I used ronsonol lighter fluid and i think it had diffiulties drawing the dmt out despite heating. i had to stir vigorously which resulted in nasty emulsions. The successful accoutns i have read used VM&P naptha. A de-fatting step should also be used whatever method of extraction you choose


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Re: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2000, 11:37:00 AM »
Also DCM (Methylene chloride) seems to work, for some people.



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Re: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2000, 02:43:00 PM »
I don't know on what kind of planet you people live, but my "coffee grinder" was completely
MASHED UP BEYOND ANY HOPE FOR REPAIR when I tried pulverizing MHRB with it. Strange world.

-- phaidon, son of apollon

I scorched the Earth, now what do I do tomorrow?


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Re: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2000, 12:31:00 AM »
Neuron> Some time ago I stumbled across an old Lycaeumdiscussion about DMT extractions (got it at home if you want it). The main discussion was about the use of naphta. I'm sure you've read Yoda's DMT extraction method. the end of this discussion (it goes on forever....but is extremely interresting) they came up with a revised Yoda's E.M.

Oh they also discuss the best plants for DMT extraction.

Vae victis meretrix est et mors venit.


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Re: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2000, 08:53:00 AM »
Could you e-mail it to me? i could put it up on a site so others could see.


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Re: Harmine / DMT extraction with AcOH/NaCl
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2000, 09:57:00 AM »

If you get the time, a private mesage would be appreciated. White crystals sounds good.
I don't check my webmail too often, but my private messies everytime I log on the the Hive,

Maighstir: Goo / orange stuff was laced onto carrier medium as best as possible and
vaporized. NO ACTIVITY.

I still got tons of MHRB lying round here. The stuff is from Yucatan, Mexico.


-- phaidon, son of apollon

I scorched the Earth, now what do I do tomorrow?