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Don't get distracted:The main thing about P2P meth is that there's so much of it

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--- Quote from: jacolives on December 20, 2021, 01:19:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: arkoma on December 20, 2021, 03:58:33 AM ---possession of pseudoephedrine in mexico carries a term of 1-3 years....................

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Was of course referring to P2P related chemicals.

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I realize that; most folks though don't realize that ONE 30mg red hot can carry that penalty.  The US dept of State or Customs one, I forget even has warnings about OTC cold remedies can land you in prison in Mexico.

--- Quote ---Come on, this is not rocket chemistry.
They have capable chemists too nowadays.
Its much more lucrative and your family even receives protection/or alternatively threats if you don't want, etc.
Or somewhere in between, those are not barbarians either.
I would do it, living there.
Even if I would not use drugs.
Easy decision.
--- End quote ---

Absolutely, and certainly not barbarians. I've spent a fair amount of time in fairly small city Mexico. 10, 15000 people maybe? They're just as kind, sweet and generous as any people on earth once you transcend politics.  The drug market in the United States is probably the size of the rest of the worlds put together.  When people have hungry children, by damn, they figure out how to feed them FIRST, and the law, especially of a foreign country is of little concern.


.Makes absolute sense for El Mencho to manufacture from "phenylacetal" feedstocks as they are just too ubiquitous and The Mexican Government can partially get the US three letter agencies off their back by being harsh on ephedrine precursors. It really amazes me at times why Mexico hasn't told us to just fuck off, as we aren't really very good neighbors. (The United States}

{slightly political comment]
US members, register, VOTE help end the OBSCENITY of the "War On Drugs", and ex-felons can vote in 48 states without a hassle, so dammit, get yourselves heard.
[end of hopefully non inflammatory comment]

The warmest, most generous, easiest to smile people
I’ve met on the planet.

El Mencho on the other hand? Well it’s not for me to judge, I’ve made my own mistakes in life.  But… to provide for your family and community is one thing.  But when you spill the blood of so many on the streets in the name of greed.  I do not support the USA in doing this either, it just looks different and is done slowly through the oppression of the ruling class.  There are three poisons that are the root all this suffering: greed, hatred and delusion. The antidotes are simple: Generosity, Love, and Wisdom.

Leche frita.

Eh you mexican visitors, tell me what was the age of consent there again? ;)


--- Quote from: carl on December 20, 2021, 09:23:37 PM ---Fuck d00d, you can even turn P2P chiral easily.
The yield might be low, but its chiral.
Racemization exists.
AIBN is on a watched list now because of this.
They fucking even reuse the levo, this obviously means!

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Interesting. Do you think they do it on already chirally resolved l-enantiomer, or racemic mixture?

They use it on the resolved l-meth, and those who use it, use it on pure l-meth, because those have a high degree of sophistication.


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