Author Topic: About Harm Reduction Resources at The Vespiary  (Read 31902 times)

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About Harm Reduction Resources at The Vespiary
« on: January 05, 2014, 06:26:31 AM »
It is important for us to realize that, while the war on drugs and almost all of the current drug policies exist to cause harm to those in need and protect d

Not all of us here are young college students with a passing interest in clandestine chemistry soon to be beaten down by the government, but many of us our....
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Offline MentalEntropy

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Re: About Harm Reduction Resources at The Vespiary
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2014, 08:16:17 AM »
I wanna read the rest of it. Finish it  :)

Though it may not seem that way, I do have a great interest in harm reduction. Its something that is on my mind quite often. The opposition to harm reduction that our government continuously expresses bothers me to the point that after a few minutes I have to find something to do to get it off my mind because it makes me physically ill. 

I needed needles one morning several years back and I stopped at one of the walgreens that Id stopped in for U100's a million times before. There was a new lady in there, a new manager from a different store. She refused to sell me needles without a prescription. That wasnt a very bright move on her part as the pharmacy was pretty busy that day. Tbh I think thats why she chose to stall me out, so her customers could see how the new manager is working hard to curb drug use and abuse in our fair neighborhood. I stayed calm and asked why she wouldnt sell them to me and all she would say is because Im not going to, so I kept asking. I knew she would do it and she did, she lied and said it was the law. I told her that its actually not the law and Id be glad to prove it and that I was surprised that a supposedly educated person in such a position as hers was ignorant of the law. Then I started in on what a shame it would be for drug addicts to have clean needles, since that would mean less sick people and less business for her pharmacy.

I gave her a piece of my tiny mind for several minutes. I dont remember much more since thats been quite a while back. I do remember the nods of agreement from the other employees and the verbal agreements coming from the waiting area. It was all finally too much and she went to her office without saying a word and I never saw her again cause I never went back.

We have to have victories like this if we are to have any that count for anything. The background must erupt with agreement that the emperors nudity will no longer be tolerated and fascists everywhere will tremble at the name of The Vespiary as we impose good grammar and posting practices on the wicked.

I may have had some fun with that last little paragraph, but otherwise this is a true story that illustrates our biggest problem to true harm reduction. How do we genuinely try to reduce harm without being destroyed by the huge machine that insists things stay this way? I dont have a whole lot of hope that we can do it in any 'traditional' way.

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Re: About Harm Reduction Resources at The Vespiary
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2015, 04:14:35 AM »
It is important for us to realize that, while the war on drugs and almost all of the current drug policies exist to cause harm to those in need and protect d

Not all of us here are young college students with a passing interest in clandestine chemistry soon to be beaten down by the government, but many of us our....
And I hope those who our will be successful and safe. Your fighting the good fight.NEVER forget that fact!!

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Re: About Harm Reduction Resources at The Vespiary
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2015, 01:42:38 AM »
It is important for us to realize that, while the war on drugs and almost all of the current drug policies exist to cause harm to those in need and protect d

Not all of us here are young college students with a passing interest in clandestine chemistry soon to be beaten down by the government, but many of us our....
And I hope those who our will be successful and safe. Your fighting the good fight.NEVER forget that fact!!

First and foremost The Vespiary must be policed with virulent effort to stop the spread of disinformation.

Disinformation (especially in the world of drugs) can cause SERIOUS harm not only to oneself but to nearby others.  I am no expert in many aspects of what are discussed on the forum, however, in my short time in this community I have been led astray by MUCH bullshit (Not much at all on this forum but others, etc).   Some of this bullshit causes unnecessary paranoia, or is just downright incorrect and dangerous.  Even some of the formally educated overlords of the previous incarnations of this site love to tend to forget WHO is using the information, and HOW it is being used (ahem Rhodium at the Hive ahem).  This negligent behavior by those who have clear superiority complex's arising from their expertise in the topic of discussion is just as bad as the trailer park hick who has no idea what they are talking about.  Effort must be made by those with formal training in chemistry to understand that like it or not this is a clandestine community.  Ones who are not as versed in the methods of organic chemistry may cause themselves serious damage that could have been easily avoided by a simple (*CAUTiON*) and if need be a footnote with an explanation. 

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Offline Pugsley

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Re: About Harm Reduction Resources at The Vespiary
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2017, 05:01:56 AM »
Amen Vesp!!!!!
I do not condone or support any illegal activities. All information is for theoretical discussion and wonder.
All activities discussed are considered fictional and hypothetical. Information of all discussion has been derived from online research and in the spirit of personal Freedom.

Offline Mortifer

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Re: About Harm Reduction Resources at The Vespiary
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2021, 12:03:07 AM »
I am of the opinion that an open approach to clarification is very important. Places where addicts can get help. And a rethinking of the population is, I think, also good step in the right direction.

Offline DMTrott

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Re: About Harm Reduction Resources at The Vespiary
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2023, 06:57:49 AM »
I posted a thread regarding a free PDF copy of my harm reduction tome, The Drug Users Bible, a couple of weeks ago.  I'm more than happy for you to host a copy here if you wish, but regardless, for when the thread inevitably sinks down the list into history, here it is for anyone searching:

Given that I am old (though age is relative) and that it took 15 years to research and write, I guess it's my legacy, so hopefully it will help a few people along the way. Stay safe. :-)