Author Topic: Cleaning you psuedo with Coffee Grinder  (Read 3338 times)

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Cleaning you psuedo with Coffee Grinder
« on: November 14, 2003, 09:05:00 AM »
This can be done with any pills that have wax coatings, but a lot of people use psuedo for certain reasons, so I use that as an example... mainly because of minimal pFed loss.  I used to make methcathinone all the time and I figured out a few tricks to clean all of the coating from the pills. Last year I ganked a small coffee grinder my mom bought a few years ago because she was never using it and I figured that it's easier than using a mortar and pestil. Most people would heat the pills in distilled h2o or wash them in cold ice in a strainer to remove the red coating. Apparently, I wasn't removing enough of the red coating and it failed my synthesis several times until I realized what was wrong. So instead of re-attempting to make Cat with those pills, I switched to the white 12 hour pills. They are so much safer to purchase too because they contain more pFed per pill than the red ones so you don't need to buy as much and you will be less at risk of being flagged. Well enough of that crap, check this out:

First make sure you have the 12 hour time release pseudo because it has the waxy coating... make sure you buy the cheap stuff cause, well, it's cheaper

-Assuming you have an oven, pre-heat it to broiling

-Pour all of your pills into any clean baking dish. Add enough warm distilled water (about 100*F) to cover the pills. Swish this mixture from side to side for just enough time that u can rub the wax off with your fingers, but not so long that the wax is completely falling off in the water on its own). At first the water is going to turn cloudy white. Don't worry, that is just the outter coating of the wax, but not the wax itself.

-Pour this entire mixture into a strainer over a sink or wherever and pour cold distilled H20 over the pills to wash off the residule sludge.

-Put the pills back into the now dry baking dish (assuming that you cleaned you equiptment). Spread them evenly so that they are not overlapping eachother. Place them in your pre-heated oven with the door open on the top rack closest to the burner (unless you have a gas burner.. then use the second rack).  You want you pills to be sticky, almost tacky, but not dry. Take them out every 5 - 10 seconds to check dryness. Then flip all of your pills and repeat to dry the other side. It's easy as makin fries.

Once you are done stickifying your pills, throw them in the coffee grinder, add about as many as will loosely fit, and pulverize those mofos. Shake the grinder up and down wild grinding to make sure u get all of the chunks. Let it sit for a few minutes to let the dust settle. Remove the cover and v'iola.

If you did it right, you should have a lot of powder and flakes. The flakes are the pieces of wax coating. Just sift out your powder into a container and put your wax flakes into a small custard dish for optional extraction of any residual pfed if you are anal like that or you are only making a small amount.

Put your powder into a mason jar, cover with denatured alcohal and shake. Let the 2 layers seperate. Decant and filter into another jar through the center of 2 coffee filters with 4 or 5 cotton balls in the middle so once they get clogged, just pull them out, add more cotton, and squeeze out the dirty cotton into the new.

-Repeat this process twice and then finally pour the remaining slugde from the bottom into 3 stacked filters and squeeze it out over another filter just in case it breaks while you are squeezing it. You should now have a relatively, if not completely clear solution of alcohal and pfed. You can refilter if you want, but it shouldn't be necessary.

-Pour the solution into a glass baking dish and precipitate off all of the alcohal however u want in a safe manner ie: do not use a gas stove. Be cafeful not to burn the pfed. And make sure you have good ventilation so you don't blow up your best friend's bathroom ...(oops)...

Once you have just about completly dried your pfed, add enough hot distilled H2o to dissolve all of the crytals and pour it into a jar. Again, pour more hot water into the baking dish to remove any left over pfed and pour into the jar with the rest of it. Put this jar in the freezer for about an hour.

-Any wax that did get sneak into the solution will float to the top and harden and is easily removed. Any remaining fillers will clump together and sink which can be removed by filtering. Now you can cook off all of your water (hopefully you didn't use too much cause that just means it will take longer to cook off) Well thats it. Have fun


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« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2003, 10:47:00 AM »
You may be able to make some Methcathinone with what you extract. I wouldn't really know. I would not use this method to extract pseudo from time release tablets of any brand if I wanted to make methamphetamine with the pseudo. It simply would not be clean enough, nor free of the yield killer inerts in most of the time release formulations. There are better methods to use.


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do yourself a favor
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2003, 11:20:00 AM »
If you must have the hcl for mcathinone, use the Straight to E and spare your mom's bakeware.


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Full SPEED A Head...
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2003, 01:05:00 PM »
kemicalhead: I am sure pleased that geez and ahgreich got to this thread before some of the less knowledgeable, less considerate, bees had their way with ya!
I started to post a reply earlier but what I had typed, I felt could bee taken the wrong way and it's not my aim to discourage.
Geez certainly has a better way with words than Ibee!
Before GOing on....might I ask that you remove the source references(storenames...brandnames) via the edit button?

and I figured that it's easier than using a mortar and pestil

Easier and faster is not always the best way to achieve optimal results!

With only an alky extract followed by a dh2o extract, all inactives soluble in both will follow through.
Maybee the cat synth is less forgiving than meth synths! Ibee doesn't know beecause he opts to GO with Higher Octane purer product.
Once the cleaner pfed is stumbled upon through the more elaborate methods of extraction, one will wonder how they ever let themselves settle for less.
I do admire and appreciate contributions like this when the motivation behind it is in an effort to help others!
Not all bees would risk gankin their moms coffeegrinder with the sole purpose of helping the colony ;D
Keep It UP!
Damn The Torpedoes!
Full SPEED A Head!

Peace of the REaction


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Prepare to be assimilated
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2003, 11:41:00 PM »