Author Topic: Formula From '75  (Read 3118 times)

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Formula From '75
« on: September 06, 2003, 07:32:00 PM »
Does anyone have a copy of "The Whole Drug Manufacturer's Catalog" by "Chewbacca darth"? Published in 1975.
There was this weird formula from (purportedly) the early 1900s for a stimulant made from bluing powder (sodium alkylbenzenesulfonates), salt, and ammonia solution which was poured on a piece of coal. Crystals grew, like Magic Rocks, sort of.
I tried it once, knocked me right out, had to go to sleep immediately.
Young and impetuous.
Anyway, there are nootropic drugs that may be similar in structure, I would like to get the formula again so I could look over it.


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« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2003, 08:41:00 PM »
A stimulant that knocks you out immediately???
I'm seriously doubting the mental sanity of the author.

That book is from 20th Century Alchemist, the same publishers of 'Legal Highs', not?

Is bananadine also described in that book?


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Fun crafts for kids
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2003, 09:05:00 PM »
Not even between TOTSE crap, but I found this:

;D ;D


a cool science experiment

6 tb Salt 6 tb Liquid bluing 6 tb Water 1 tb Ammonia Combine salt, bluing, water and ammonia. Pour over small pieces of rock or coal in a shallow GLASS or CHINA bowl. Drip food coloring on top if desire. Crystals will begin to grow soon. Add water occasionally to keep crystals growing. You'll probably want to place dish on tray or wooden board as crystals grow over the sides of the bowl.

Ol' Chewbacca Darth was definately ripe for psychiatry when he pulled this one off.


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Formula From '75
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2003, 10:45:00 PM »
I could have been doing vick's inhalers extractions for quite a while when I tried this, that could have had a similar effect around that time, but no so strong, I'm sure certain neurotransmitters could have been depleted. I wonder what the end product is? Maybe I'll have it analyzed someday. The ammonium salt, or amide of ~p-CH3CH2n[branched]
C6H5SO3H? Just posted it as a curiosity. He didn't give a ref as to where he found it, just that it was from the beginning of that century, and was a formula for a type of homemade speed.
The rest of the book seemed quite useful. Amphets, amyl nitrite, tryptamines, a cyclic sufur containing narcotic, advice on purchasing ware and chems, making equipment, etc.


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underground chem books
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2003, 11:22:00 PM »
I haven't had the chance to read it.
I've learned to be a bit weary about underground drug books. Prof. Buzz's book and Psychedelic Chemistry have a nice lay-out and cover many topics, but beware for (serious) errors.


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Gun blueing synthesis of meth finally resolved!
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2003, 03:34:00 AM »
Oh, is that the source for the gun blueing synthesis of meth? Wonderful find Vitus, I have always wondered from where that urban legend originated - now it is clear that it was a tweaker who thought that any 'crystals' made by Chewbacca Darth must be Methamphetamine...