Author Topic: It’s Official: NSA Data Will be Used for Domestic Policing not for terrorism  (Read 28977 times)

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Offline Zippy

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The Constitution? Really? Something that was written before electricity was discovered, let alone cell phones?  He could have gone through regular whistleblower channels with his concerns.  He was an employee who swore to protect the information he had access to.  If he had any ballz he wouldn't have fled to Hong Kong and then Russia with his disk drives of secrets.  You want to take a stand and blab, fine but then stick around and face the music.

Offline Vesp

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Lol@  criminals calling other people criminals or defending various laws. 
Zippy, how does your rhetoric hold up when applied to your own actions?
You're both getting some moral authority from the government (just people) and that's stupid.  Approved by Congress, against the constitution, none of it matters. 

Also discussing inflammatory politics is probably a great way for people to link anonymous pseudonyms to real life identities. That shouldn't be provoked.

That's what they tried with DPR and a few others.  Idealistic views on government, morals, ethics etc is a key way to link identities in people due to no person holding the same views.
How many variables do you think are involved with all of that? How many variables need to be matched to another profile to make you a suspect?
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Also you should be thinking of all of this more rationally: the spying and the leak of Information, why and what was done with it is all out of your control: just be thankful you have more information to work with for yourself and move on.  No need to get hung up on things that you can't change or aren't effected by -  literally putting your energy into anything else is a better choice. 
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Offline EdwardElric

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I also feel 9/11 was an inside job.  It's a win win win win win, situation.  The owner gets insurance.  The government gets to have the war they wanted.  The Bush family gets to take out competition and further their oil business.  Dick Cheney get's to set up shop, aka his construction business Halliburton.  The Federal Reserve gets more war, which just puts more money into the pockets of people who are already in power.  The government gets to employ their Patriot Act, which is where we as American citizens, start to loose our basic constitutional freedoms, which the NSA has made use of & abused.  Sure they may have been written back in the day, but that doesn't mean we should loose them because there is technology that allows the government to grey area our privacy. 

Innocent until proven guilty, now its guilty until proven innocent.  With these new rules in play, every American citizen is treated like a terrorist and is only off the hook if you're not.  Just because something is illegal, doesn't mean people should be treated like criminals for breaking the law.  Look at marijuana for instance, people are getting charged with felonies just for having more than an ounce and a half of bud.  On a law that was made 70+ years ago..  Now that is criminal to me.  How are we going to be able to change laws such as that, if the government has the capability of stemming the "criminals" before they can even make an impact on society.

I shouldn't be afraid to be who I want to be when using my mobile or computer devices.  I shouldn't have to live in fear.  I think I'm a good person at heart & shouldn't have to live of the fear of being persecuted for my beliefs & these laws only enforce the loss of freedom. 

I agree that people in high positions like that, need to keep secrecy, but when it comes to my personal freedom & something that directly pertains to my life, then I am glad someone stood up for it.  He leaked every bit of information he had & continues to be an outspoken person against the government, for the American people.  I very much agree with Lipbalm, it is just one of many instances where we should have revolted, people have for less in the past.  I have said it many times, we are in need of a modern French Revolution.  1% owns 50% of the worlds money..  Revolt!

I have the right to say that, but those words could brand me as a terrorist, how could we ever set up a "militia" and properly overthrow our government, if we chose to do so, we couldn't.  Because we would be branded as "terrorists" instead of much needed rebels.  Even though it's our right to do so.  Those who have power are afraid to loose it & will do what it takes to keep it, at our expense.

As Benjamin Franklin stated: "Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one"


Offline Lipbalm

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Drug dealers/users demanding that espionage criminals turn themselves into their governments for life in prison? 9/11 was an inside job? Jesus christ you people need to lay off the meth.
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Offline Zippy

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OF course 9/11 was an inside job.  The only plane to fly after it was one containing the Bin Laden family.  The Bush family has been on the Saudi leash since before Arbusto Energy.  How does jet fuel melt steel??? Why did building 7 go down? It wasn't hit by anything.  If 17 of the hijackers were Saudi's why did we invade Afghanistan?  And Iraq. Iraq was pumping 600k barrels of oil when they could be pumping 3 million.  That is a lot of money $100 billion a year so any pretext necessary was required to go in.  Because $$$$$$$$$$$$$.  Kennedy was whacked by LBJ and the New Orleans mob, I mean what was Nixon doing in Dallas the day before the assassination?  Who benefits from the chaos and who is the patsy?

Snowden? Snoweden was a govt agent.  & don't even get me started on Martin Borman and the Fourth Reich or I swear I will go all hydraulic pulsing hydrogen maser pyramid power on your ass.  If you are good tho I might clue you in on how the Nazis created AIDS.

 listen to some of the audio files to go down the rabbit hole.

Offline Lipbalm

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Oh my god dude. Ugh.
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Offline aamer

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All the plans of war and peace in the world are the inside jobs. Terrorism, war against terrorism, all is planted by Illuminati,  purpose and goal is described in famous book protocol. US presidents are also members and salves of that secret society except Abraham Lincoln and canady. . Even US Dollar is also not the property 0f USA. Dollar is the property of federal reserve bank which is owned by  Rothschild family and  Rockefeller family sign mark of Illuminati is printed and secret words of that society are also written  at the back of the  ONE Dollar. These are original criminals of the world.
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Offline Lipbalm

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^^^ They are based on Mars right?
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Offline xtvree

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^^^ They are based on Mars right?
No, Atlantis. Common mistake

Offline aYoungKing

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Oh my god dude. Ugh.

hahahaha. it's surprising how many people must be getting high of their own supply here

Offline Vesp

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Requesting that we drop all of the idealistic and political conspiracy talk in the thread and just focus on NSA &  related news of law enforcement spying on us. 

Otherwise probably going to close this thread.  This thread is  getting very close to same level as people who spray vinegar at Chem trails operate on.
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Offline schmoople

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What are everyone's thoughts on this escalating ideological war between ISIS/ISIL terrorists and the West...? I can't possibly see how this road the world is headed down has any end but a dark one. The NSA continues to expand it's vast data collection program capabilities as it concurrently becomes more 'legitimized' at the legal level, using the "TERRORISM TRUMPS PRIVACY" card (which sadly, the majority of people I've talked to seem uncaring about, even somewhat or totally with the NSA's stance), and it looks like Europe is fuckt as well since attacks continue and the response of course will be erosion of liberties in favor of surveillance + deturrance of terrorist plots... honestly, how does an individual rationalize an optimistic outlook for the future?

I think at this point in time it's still possible to divert from the collision course of omnipresent surveillance BUT the underlying issue (in my opinion) is the apathy of the everyday man/woman in first-world countries. Too fucking distracted by bullshit Netflix shows and vacant, vacuous things in culture to pay attention... I swear to god it's like you have to put a gun to the ordinary person's head to make them listen to anything of importance for 30 seconds
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 07:48:36 PM by bigpenis »
You are more capable than you think, but you are also more foolish than you want to believe. You are never beyond reproach, never to good to ask questions, and never too smart to admit to not knowing things.