Author Topic: Australian Federal Police given new powers for online crime.  (Read 7591 times)

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Offline foroz

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Australian Federal Police given new powers for online crime.
« on: December 05, 2020, 10:46:34 AM »
Things are getting more dangerous for australians that are involved with the darknet or even sites like this.

the australian government has passed law that allows the federal police to hack private computers and networks,
modify data on personal computers and networks and enforce people to give over there accounts so as they can
then impersonate people to trap others.

if you use the dark net be warned this will mean that anyone seen using tor in australia is going to be a target and the only
way to go will be to jump through ssl (ssh) to an overseas server before jumping onto the tor network.

otherwise your use of tor will be seen and then you will be seen as a possible threat and these laws will come into play.

also logging into sites like this with out some kind of vpn to hide your activity from australia could lead you into a position where they
will force you to give over your account details so as they can then entrap others.

this is now a time that enforcing the no trading or meetup rules are more important than ever and for the mods you have to start checking ip's of
users and if you see any ip's from australia you should first pm the user then put a restriction on the account so they can not post till they are
using security properly.

I am very sorry to be the one to bare this news but we must keep up with they changes in the world or we will be a target.

this is probably not the best reference but I am sure you can look deeper if needed.

Offline Corrosive Joeseph

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Re: Australian Federal Police given new powers for online crime.
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2020, 11:14:55 AM »
....and for the mods you have to start checking ip's of users

Members will bee happy to know that the moderators cannot see their IP's and everyone who visits here is given the default IP of by the forum software.      ;)

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Offline foroz

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Re: Australian Federal Police given new powers for online crime.
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2020, 11:34:51 AM »
that is good but there still is the problem of members using non proxied logins being possibly agents of the australian federal police now.

if one does not hand over there login information I would say they will be placed in prison until they do so.

already the afp have the ability to access the logs in bulk of isp's that australians use to it is simply a matter of them doing a bulk search for the
ip of this site then they go and collect the users at will.

another strike against australians freedom.

the problem with this kind of method of policing is that the people who know what they are doing will just do as I have posted above and it will most
likely be the small time players that get in trouble.

in a way it will not help them other than to boost there numbers so as to ask for more money from the tax payers as there stats will look better.

I guess then it really is more important than ever that we do not trade or meet people that we talk to on here.

Offline ghost_

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Re: Australian Federal Police given new powers for online crime.
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2020, 11:38:24 AM »
I hope you didnt need a news story like this to be aware enough that there counting the hairs around your arsehole for years, hiearchy, supply chain, priorities, whos going to bother with you, why would they bother with the fucken chemistry forums when they have to watch the fucken serial killers, corrupt cops, and collusion in the white collar world, even if you get sentenced ud be ascapegoat to reach their quotas on crime reduction, a shit stain on johnny depps mattress

Offline Kasey Jones

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Re: Australian Federal Police given new powers for online crime.
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2020, 01:23:14 AM »
Obviously bee careful but also keep in mind that they don't have endless time and resources to chase innocuous substances like 2CB and mdma unless someone dies from your product.  You should be only releasing highly purified clean finished product  only to responsible adults.  If a kid gets hurt and you are responsible then feel free to freak out.  If they their.full resources towards finding you then you're fucked: no matter who you are or where.  High standards, careful clients and low.key no flash lifestyle.  Unless you piss off someone you're most likely safe.

Offline foroz

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Re: Australian Federal Police given new powers for online crime.
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2020, 01:45:08 AM »
the point is not them looking at you but rather if they catch one of us they can now become one of us and start to catch others for cheap.

ie its about account takeovers as the link says.

lets say that someone we know gets out of the lockup in oz.

they then say give me your account or your not getting out.

then this worshiped member is now AFP.

you totally missed the point of the thread.

you don't just have to keep your own nose clean you have to be aware of what our brothers and sisters are doing now or at least that they
could possibly no longer be who they were in the past.

Offline aes256

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Re: Australian Federal Police given new powers for online crime.
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2020, 05:23:52 AM »
I think you need to recheck your assumption that tiny niche corners of society like us are even targets of federal agencies. As Kasey Jones said, they have budgets too. It's simply not economical for them to mount expensive resources funded by the taxpayer against tiny little fish who are of little harm to society.

I do however use a VPN but not because I'm paranoid that law enforcement are out to get me but purely on the principle of personal right to privacy. My ISP can get fucked - it's none of their business which sites I visit.

If you're running some red hot shit then sure you've got something to hide and need to take appropriate precautions. But last time I checked this forum was just a hangout place for amateur research scientists to share their chemistry ideas.. you dig?
Quote from: Eleusis
However, I had serious misgivings about sharing because my quest was one for knowledge and experience while, I knew, for most others it would be for purely economic reasons.

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but u cant always make things happen.

Offline Lipbalm

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Re: Australian Federal Police given new powers for online crime.
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2020, 05:02:37 PM »
"Things are getting more dangerous for australians that are involved with the darknet or even sites like this.

the australian government has passed law that allows the federal police to hack private computers and networks,
modify data on personal computers and networks and enforce people to give over there accounts so as they can
then impersonate people to trap others."

You realize the US has had this power for about 5 or 6 years now right? It was a big thing and the EFF tried tooth and nail to fight it and lost out to the FBI...... Not that they even need that power for Windows since you already signed away all those rights with Microsoft who you gave legal authority for them to go into your computer, browse all your files, copy files, replace files and do whatever they want the second you installed Windows. But the FBI/DEA has had this power for all systems for like 5 or 6 years now.
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Offline foroz

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Re: Australian Federal Police given new powers for online crime.
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2020, 01:06:01 AM »
debian rasbian and fedora for me for ever.

been a nix boy since slack 1.2.

we where using that shit before the web man.

I never understood the need for a commercial os other than our pirated games needed one at the time.

now I run everything other than cubase 10 on nix and then the cubase is on a usb that has its proxy set to a fictional ip so as not to allow it

access to the web.

I boot using wintousb for the win10 cubase usb.

I dont want steinberg smashing my system for cracking there software.

plus its so easy to ssh from one machine to another with nix.

then you can start piping ports and using ssl to hide your data.

add to that sshfs mounts and you can string multiple machines across the world as one machine.

wine has started to mature (pun intended)

libre is nearly as good as office.

gimp kills photoshop

krita is not far off corel painter

maya houdini all work on nix better than windows.

most of my windows games run faster on wine than native.

only reason to use windows or os x these days is your too lazy to learn nix.