Author Topic: New Clean Gassing Method!  (Read 27936 times)

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Re: Bugs look out here comes the HCL !!!
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2002, 01:15:00 PM »
Does the Calcium Chloride decompose at all, or have you checked that there isnt any side reactions going on?
If it does couldn't there be a chance that there would be other things going up in the Hcl gas?
Have you tried it with Dehydrated Mag Sulphate, I think this would be a little safer to ingest.
Plus I don't think Calcium Chloride treats Meth to kindly does it?
Just a thought?


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Re: Bugs look out here comes the HCL !!!
« Reply #41 on: February 09, 2002, 10:10:00 PM »
PlastyK:  I'm not sure if the CaCl2 decomposes or even reacts with the HCL other than to absorb water, at least there is nothing obvious.  Maybee a more knowledgable bee could chime in and answer.  SWIVE has not tried Mag Sulfate.  SWIVE likes CaCl2 because of the pellet shape.  Dry or Damp it does not pack together well and will allow you to blow air thru it.  Your amine never comes in contact with the CaCl2 so it is not at risk unless you suck it into the gasser.

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Re: Bugs look out here comes the HCL !!!
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2002, 03:01:00 AM »
What compounds COULD be formed, other than CaHCL and Cl2, which is highly unlikely, and probably wouldn't cause problems anyway(can MDMA or meth be halogenated?)


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Re: New Clean Gassing Method!
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2002, 03:16:00 AM »
Goiterjoe is absolutely correct in his comments regarding humid climates. I think an inline scrubber situated between the apparatus outlet and the exit tube is definitely in order. Maybe I'm being anal (imagine that) but, for small volumes especially, one has very little to lose via such inclusion and potentially a great deal to lose. Minute amounts of moisture are proportionally more significant the smaller the volume of np to be gassed.

Son of a bitch would ya look at that!


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Re: New Clean Gassing Method!
« Reply #44 on: February 10, 2002, 08:49:00 AM »


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« Reply #45 on: March 28, 2002, 12:17:00 AM »
?I was directed here by a post in CM and
was glad for the continuing education!

This is so cool! Absorbing the water and
cutting the HCl loose!

And the microwave ref is ideal for the
set up I posted in CM"Name this and
win a prize"thread.(or something like

There should be no reaction with
CaCl2: It's already chlorided itself to


Although Joe and I have been somewhat
civil to each other as of late, I must
politely point out that he was wrong in
the following statements.

dwarfer's bubbler system takes longer
than the reaction itself, and isn't useful
for anything over nano scale.  Seriously,
anyone working that small should just
titrate in hydrochloric acid and
evaporate; it'd be quicker.

Not true. It is temperature
dependant,but is satisfactory above
about 45 F.  If you plan ahead, the
muriatic bottle can be placed in a crock
pot (standard round gal containers are
just a fit...)

?dwarfer's design didn't put
calcium chloride in the same bottle with
the hydrochloric.  He used an
inline dryer, which wouldn't work near
as well.  That design should still have
something inline for
bees that live in somewhat humid areas,
but it looks much better than what
dwarfer used to rant

Rant?  ;D

I was never aware that CaCl2 could
even be used this way, as said before.

Usually, I use microwave dried epsoms
salt, which is much cheaper.

I've taken to doing the gassing in a filter
flask, with the suction aspirator taking
the HCl down the drain: wish I'd
thought of that before most of my tools
turned to rust...

One of the stealth advantages to the
technique Joe is deprecating is that you
can run a small vinyl tube to some
remote outside location and do your
gassing there..

Oh well: excellent thread :)  i loveit.



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Re: Hey Hive Prodigy, A QP is 113.
« Reply #46 on: March 28, 2002, 04:07:00 AM »

Hey Hive Prodigy,

A QP is 113.4 grams, not 125.

Figured I'd clear that up.

What does that matter smartass
You aint doing either one 113.4 or 125.

So take your 15g.cookin', matchbook scrapin' ass to the FLASK with all that QP BS.



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« Reply #47 on: March 28, 2002, 02:16:00 PM »
Thanks Dwarfer!

SWIVE has been using this method in his dreams for a while now and He'd like to share some observations. Use the wash bottle for Nano 1-10 grams or for indoor stealth (I still say your crazy if you gas indoors) I have tried the HOCDAG version on dreams up to 90 grams with much success.  No suckback, no sulfur taste contamination. This method seems to work best if you add only enough HCL to thoroughly wet the CaCl2, it should not bee drowning in a pool of it.  In either version give the CaCl2 3 ot 4 mins to start dehydrating the HCL before using. So far no need for additional drying.  Next I might dream about adapting this to a "bug sprayer" no need for electricity or pumps as you can pump it up.

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bug sprayers
« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2002, 02:34:00 AM »
Following your suggestion, my neighbor, Marvin,
bought a large mouth 2 liter bug sprayer
from a neighborhood drug store for
??$11??i think it was..

Dumped in some CaCl2,
and plungered up a head of steam.

It really does quick work:
it's the only thing that in my biased opinion
might give a run against the aquarium/HCl/dryer thingy
 that I allegedly "rant" about according to some..

One thing:  when you are "done"
with the first time,
 but wanna save it for the next time,
you know?  Like maybe tomorrow or next Saturday??

Lay the sucker on it's side,
 because when the solution
kinda runs together like
cement beneath the plunger,
it's a bitch to pressurize.

If it makes cement in a side-
confirmation, no biggee..

Leastwise, that's what Marvin said:
as for me I haven't a klue. ;)




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« Reply #49 on: April 10, 2002, 04:07:00 AM »
Sorry, if the Squid missed it but, How would one quench this reaction.
Flood with H2O???

Sometimes,.... I wake up grumpy >:( .....Other times, I just let her sleep. :)  ;D  


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Pump sprayers
« Reply #50 on: April 10, 2002, 08:51:00 AM »
If you leave the mix into the pump sprayers for any length of time without modifing it you will end up with a cloud evrywhere. It will eat through the pump real quick. Like in a matter of days. Especially around the pump.


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« Reply #51 on: April 14, 2002, 06:24:00 AM »
squidd: there's not much of or any reaction to quench.  I am simply dehydrating the HCL.  For cleanup you could drench it in water.

Dwarfer: Here's a tip to get rid of that cement block.  Add a small amount of acetone, wait a few, then shake apart.  It should break up into small pieces.

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carbonate salts
« Reply #52 on: April 08, 2003, 09:31:00 AM »
can anyone say anything about the viability of using carbon dioxide to generate carbonates in water and thence causing honeys of various flavours to transform into carbonate salts?

It would be rather tidy, since carbonate ions in excess of requirements would simply turn into carbon dioxide when drying down. It may be impractical though, it all depends on what form the carbonate salt makes the salts, and how well it is retained when dehydrated.


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Thanks VE!
« Reply #53 on: January 20, 2004, 02:02:00 PM »
I can't believe that it took nearly two years from the time this thread was originally posted, before Swim finally decided to try out this gassing method.

It produces quite a bit of gas with very little work involved.

As per Geez' recommendations, Swim used an empty 32 oz IPA bottle, a #3 rubber stopper, drilled a hole in the stopper with a 1/4" drill bit to accommodate a 2 foot section of aquarium tubing.

Swim accidently poured in too much muriatic acid.

When he discovered that it wasn't producing any gas, he just decanted the excess acid from the damprid for later use. Connected the stopper w/ tubing, gave it a quick shake and off it went.  :)

When gas production decreased, all it took was to add a little more acid.

After awhile, crystals will start to form on the tubing.  ;)

This works awesome as a follow-up to the "tetra trap"; resulting in gakkless pseudo.

Swim would guess that one can easily gas 6- 1 quart mason jars, containing 750ml of NP solvent in under 10 minutes.

When finished, one can remove the stopper and put the original IPA lid back on in anticipation of future projects.

Specific gakks travel with water. As I'm sure bees that prefer to titrate, realize by now. No water = No gakk!

Swim used xylene as the NP solvent and dried with baked MgSO4 prior to gassing, although not certain if it was entirely necessary. The GUPS tend to absorb alot of water in the tetra trap.

Swim can also attest to improved yields over titration. Wareami mentioned it before, but Swim can definately see a correlation between heat, evaporation and smaller yield percentages.

With this gassing method, I'm sure one can theoretically pick up a few gs both before and after the rxn.

Recrystallization takes care of the rest.

Much thanks to Geez and VE...

Edit: Coincidently, someone had to start a new thread on the same subject.  ::)

Post 483440

(Mercury: "Gassing with HCL/CaCl2  (H2SO4 not required)", Newbee Forum)


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Hey now,
« Reply #54 on: January 27, 2004, 11:28:00 PM »
Hey now,

This post was when I tried it for the first time and havent went back since.Its so nice and easy!I used a squeeze bottle tip thats got a nice angle and a taper so nothing comes over during the process just add CACl2 to it a splash of Hcl and wallah!


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damp rid + HCl didn't work for me.
« Reply #55 on: February 29, 2004, 02:51:00 PM »
SWIM tried your method. The crystals that formed were all caustic. Why?


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« Reply #56 on: February 29, 2004, 05:12:00 PM »
how did swim determine that these crystals were caustic...the only thing swij thinks it could be is that somehow the results of the ph test were read upside down or backwards, which would be to imply that idiocy is afoot....damn idiocy!!


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hcl or muriatic
« Reply #57 on: February 29, 2004, 07:13:00 PM »
what concentration hcl are you guys using?


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muriatic acid
« Reply #58 on: March 01, 2004, 10:51:00 AM »
ok, so it seems that the pool guys in my neck of the woods are not using muriatic acid anymore. Seems that there is a new *safer* pH down for pools. I think its a conspiracy against beekind, but hey, never said I wasn't paranoid. So what kind of places still sell it? Is it somthing I could ask for at my local smalltown dump hardware store, or do I have to go to the hardware megalopolis. I think I saw the damp rid at my local hw store. Also think I saw some kind of cacl ice melter once, but I could be looney.
Note: the garden sprayer pump-bottle w/ a hose thing makes a damn good krv.


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not using muriatic?!?
« Reply #59 on: March 01, 2004, 01:03:00 PM »
"safer pH down"? what is it, did you look?
Swim went in to buy some for a previous dream and bought sh*t loads, common and cheap, wonder why in your area they have decided to replace it with a possibly more expensive route....  :o
Look in the big ass stores, they always have stock and are usually too busy to give two craps bout who buys what!