The Vespiary

The Hive => Novel Discourse => Topic started by: ClearLight on May 22, 2002, 07:49:00 PM

Title: Electrophoresis separation
Post by: ClearLight on May 22, 2002, 07:49:00 PM

  I had not normally thought of this as a viable purification method, however I just picked up copy of CL Stong's Amateur Scientist book from the 70's and there on the Electroph. article is a discussion about a 30 inch vertical plate with the charge applied across the entire horizontal vector... The individual used it for rapid large scale purification, by catching the right, left and middle flows down the plate...

  This strikes me as a novel method for purification/separation that could be accomplished with say,  electrolytess, glass plate, fiberglass cloth and 200 volts D.C., without the vac distillation etc...

 Any thoughts?

Infinite Radiant Light - THKRA
Title: How exactly does that work?
Post by: SPISSHAK on May 22, 2002, 07:55:00 PM
Is this like chromatography assisted by electric current or something?
Title: Not YET
Post by: foxy2 on May 22, 2002, 08:10:00 PM
Not applicable to large scales.
They are struggling to get up to gram scale seps.

Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
Title: Large Scale?
Post by: ClearLight on May 22, 2002, 08:24:00 PM

 so foxy, what's the problem with this in large scale?

Infinite Radiant Light - THKRA
Title: temerature
Post by: foxy2 on May 22, 2002, 08:40:00 PM
your applying a huge voltage, which requires very good cooling or you cook the stuff.  Thats why they normally do electrophoresis in a capilary tube, easy to keep cool.

Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
Title: LSD
Post by: hest on May 23, 2002, 02:38:00 AM
Hmm might work for 100mg shitty acid. Make an gel plate (agar ?) ad the 100mg and aply power from the neontube (with a diode :)
Title: well...
Post by: ClearLight on May 23, 2002, 10:33:00 PM
Not to beat this to death, but it seems that the problem is that the substances to separate ( and what we are interested in) have weak charges, so the separation is not efficient...

  Does anyone think that might work??

  What would happen if you irradiated the area with laser light tuned to the orbital wavelength of what you were interested in???  Similar to the atomic vapor isotope separation???  Then you would have a selective charge on your molecule, that should, afaik, make it more mobile across the voltage differential?

Infinite Radiant Light - THKRA
Title: capilary EP
Post by: foxy2 on May 24, 2002, 01:16:00 AM
New capilary electrophoresis techniques have gotten separations of over a million theoretical plates.

Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
Title: electrophorisis
Post by: dwarfer on March 17, 2003, 03:18:00 PM
The migration is a function of molecular charge,
impressed voltage,
and media.

You can use 200 volts and watch it migrate,
or 24 volts and come back next week.(Exaggeration.)

A piece of blotter paper, between two glass plates,
with the overhanging ends immersed into the electrode

Hmm:  meth FB has almost zero charge: ephedrine does not have much.


Just put your 5 grams in the middle, and come back next week to collect your 2.3478 grams of pure shitola??

Title: Any free amine has lots of charge and should...
Post by: foxy2 on March 17, 2003, 08:23:00 PM
Any free amine has lots of charge and should easily bee able to bee separated with electrophoresis, at very small scales.
Title: fun
Post by: hest on March 18, 2003, 11:23:00 AM
´The idea is fun, but I don't think it has any practical use. With 'standard' chromatography (dry colum ect.) you can seperate almost any thing in a few houers in the 10-100g scale.
Title: A 'freebase' amine doesn't carry a charge.
Post by: Lilienthal on March 18, 2003, 03:14:00 PM
A 'freebase' amine doesn't carry a charge. If you want an amine to move in the electric field, you have to protonate it by adjusting the pH.  :)