Author Topic: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs  (Read 18890 times)

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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2001, 10:14:00 PM »
Amost nothing???

I told you the whole answer to your question!!!
Acid/Base extraction!
Time to read and search and get a clue

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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #21 on: May 25, 2001, 05:45:00 AM »
pyrrolysis of 5-MeO-DMT HCl will cleave the methoxy and leave you with DMT(and a sore throat). makes a bit of a mess on the glass too.

"pull the wool over your own eyes"


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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2001, 05:49:00 AM »

pyrrolysis of 5-MeO-DMT HCl will cleave the methoxy and leave you with DMT

Doesn't sound likely.


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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2001, 10:25:00 AM »
Bioassy seemed to prove you wrong, try it sometime

Do Your Part To Win The War


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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #24 on: May 25, 2001, 04:43:00 PM »
They say you got to "defat" the plant extraction to remove chlorophil. It's in the above links.


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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2001, 01:00:00 PM »
Referring to:

                             A MeOH pull wouldn't release the goodies on green plant matter satisfactorily"

                                  WRONG, TOTALLY WRONG!!!!!!!

                                  MeOH wil release too much stuff
                                  You will get DMT and a shit load of chlorophyll!!!!!
                                  ie.  thick black/green goop that sucks

                        Thanks for correcting me foxy, my answer was an uneducated guess at best,  on further investigation/reasearch i.e a dictionary, I   discovered to my surprise that it is in fact a pigment.


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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2001, 06:21:00 PM »

They say you got to "defat" the plant extraction to remove chlorophil.

Regardless of what they say on that website, trust me: Defatting is not necessary with MHRB. Or, more accurately, it was unnecessary for my friends who did simple A/B extractions on Mimosa Hostilis root bark from BPC (the source), using DCM as their non-polar --> those clowns used to get orange wax every time, and that uniquely nazty DMT smell you can never forget once you get your first whiff... mmmmmmmm. Smells just like a freshly opened can of Dunlop racquetball balls... Or maybe it was Penn Ultra, or Ektelon balls, I can't remember.

They always got SERIOUS emulsions using DCM and hard shaking though. Took at least a full day, usually two, for the DCM to settle back out.

Not sure if defatting is unecessary with other plant materials or non-polars.

Everyone should try DMT, if only once, just to see what the brain is truly capable of, hee hee!

Greetings, earthling. Take me to your dealer.


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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2001, 01:10:00 PM »
"This is probably a dumb question but is the HCl form smokable and if so, how does it compare in potency? It seems like it would be better because it's water soluable."

  Wouldn't half of it get destroyed before it hits your lungs, because the hydrochloride's heavier than the freebase. I do know that the hydrochloride is great for snorting, but it takes a little longer for it to hit you.
  In my dreams, I've found that dibutyl and diethylether are good de-fatters as well as freebase extractors. :P

  I'm going to help all of you cleanse this diseased planet.


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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2001, 01:23:00 AM »
Here's one I found snooping around the net tell me what you think!!!!

       Vine has the occasional interesting dream; here is one of the better ones.
Vine obtained some M. hostilis rootbark of excellent quality. It was ground up in a blender yielding earthy red powder and fibers. This was soaked in water and HCl of pH~=1 for close to a week with daily stirring. It was then filtered through a permanent coffee filter to get the big chunks and then a coffee filter. Deep red liquid was the result. (This was done again and the liquids combined)

NOTE: If you wonder if pH of near 1 is necessary, Vine invites you to do a little experiment. Place some DMT in a dish and throw neutral water on it. Slowly add HCl while stirring and watch as the dissolution speed up GREATLY as the pH approaches 1. Dissolving is minimal until you reach around 3. Now you know why the successful extractions specify a low pH.

Vine attempted to defat the liquid, with one slight problem. The DCM came out almost completely clear. When evaporated there was a small amount of what appeared to be pigment left. Vine always gets a little pigment in DCM extractions from the original fluid whether it's basic or acidic so in subsequent batches defatting was skipped.

A saturated solution of potassium hydroxide was poured in slowly while stirring hard. As the pH reaches neutral LOTS of crap comes out of solution and the color changes to greenish gray. The solution gets quite think and you have to really crank up the mag stirrer. As it goes basic it all dissolves again and you end up with a black solution. Once you get to pure black extraction is possible, as far as I can tell. (This is pH of 10-11, roughly)

Vine dumped in a reasonable quantity of DCM, reagent grade and stirred on low for 15 min or so.

NOTE: Emulsions. Vine had zero emulsion problem. Vine attributes this primarily to the use of DCM. Vine found that the strength of the emulsion generated was directly proportional to the strength of stirring. Hard stirring results in a thick emulsion that needed two days to settle out. Light stirring (for a longer time) gave same extraction results with an emulsion that separated in less than an hour.

The DCM was on the bottom, of course, and since Vine didn't have his sep. funnel yet he used a 25ml pipette to suck the DCM out and dump it in a bowl. A small amount of the aqueous solution comes along so it is encouraged to stick to the sides of the bowl and the DCM pulled out and put in an evaporating pan. Evaporate (takes a day if you just leave it out) and observe the oil/crystals that is left. Every time Vine did this the same product resulted; a dark orange oil which crystallizes to dark orange to black crystals. Overall Vine got approximately a 60% yield assuming a 1% total alkaloid content. Oh, and Vine discovered that two extractions were usually sufficient. If they were done right additional extractions produced MINIMAL product, not worth the cost of the DCM used. Your mileage may vary.

NOTE: hydroxide removal. The DCM always pulls some hydroxide along and it ends up in the crystals and is very annoying when smoked. Washing the extracted DCM with pure water helped, as did leaving some water on top of the evaporating DCM. Swishing water over the crystals in the dish also seems to help. Vine hasn't had enough time to do fully experiments in this area. Has anyone else?

Vine's first DMT experience:

It was one helluva trip. Let me explain. Vine has a nice .0001g balance that was freshly purchased in the above dream. It's a mechanical balance and had several protective devices for shipping and Vine missed one that only threw off the result a small amount. The DMT was just about the first thing weighed and Vine THOUGHT he was getting a 20mg dose when what he probably had was close to 100mg. A small test tube was altered to make a nice DMT pipe and the dose loaded in. Vine took it out in the woods and sat down with back to a low bush. Since Vine wanted to get the FULL 20mg (ha!) down, the pipe was heated vigorously with a small butane torch. Thick white vapor appeared and was eagerly inhaled. It went down very smooth, was not harsh in the least bit or even tasted of anything. (This turned out to be normal w/ Vine, others who tried found it quite harsh. Vine doesn't know why he tolerates the vapor so well). Vine was concentrating on the smoking so it was a total surprise when suddenly a strong buzzing appeared. he finished inhaling and sat up. The buzzing was rising in volume rapidly. Vision was becoming slightly blurred. Vine realized he'd better put the pipe and torch down FAST! Right as they were set down the forest MORPHED in the space of a second into an alien landscape. It was supernaturally clear and bright. The same scenery was there, but it looked wholly alien and fractalated; the leaves were sets of fractals. Little gremlins were popping up behind the trees and bushes. This vision lasted about 3 seconds then began to fade. Vine was still going up like a rocketship and was scared shitless as this was CONSIDERABLY more than he was expecting, and he was rather inexperienced w/ hallucinogens having had just two shroom trips, a low dose and a HIGH dose. (both were incredibly wonderful, esp. the high dose) It felt like the ego was desperately running away and the DMT was RAPIDLY catching up. Right after the forest started to fade Vine lay back against the bush (the leaves crackling sounded VERY loud) and closed his eyes. About this point the DMT caught up and Vine's memory after this point is rather hazy. At some point Vine experienced the same loss of identity that the large shroom dose induced; he could name significant people in his life and the words meant NOTHING. Father, who/what is father? Vine also remembers seeing a line of odd looking gnomes with pasty white skin and long skinny limbs passing him from hand to hand while muttering unintelligibly all the while. Some time after this the world slowly came back into awareness. Vine was VERY shaky and just lay there for around 20 mins. Afterwards he was EUPHORIC (normally right after a dose, even a small one Vine feels quite euphoric, though not always) and very excited. Vine didn't remember ANYTHING after the forest vision at first. It wasn't until a month later that the rest was unlocked during a session w/ another wonderful entheogen. Vine guesses he had a MONSTROUS dose as no subsequent trip has produced such an mind-blowing experience. It was really something, came on with FANTASTIC rapidity. No subsequent dose has come on so fast.

Feel free to ask questions. This procedure is ridiculously easy. Vine could do it with his eyes closed. Vine thinks he knows why so many fail. They try to take shortcuts. Case in point. Vine is BEWILDERED as to why ppl would waste so much as a MILLISECOND with phalaris. Yields are LOW, the product is 5meo, NOT DMT, and much labor is involved in growing/preparation. For a small amount of $$ one can have high quality mimosa from such places as ***. A 50mg dose of DMT costs Vine around $2.

Second, Vine has grave suspicions concerning the use of naphtha as a nonpolar solvent for DMT. See his previous post for details. Vine HIGHLY recommends the use of DCM.

Third, get the pH right. Get it down close to 1. After an extraction or two one doesn't even need to measure it at the high end, just look for the glossy black aqueous solution (same color as grand pianos)

Vine did discover that he could do it without ANY fancy lab eq. All one needs are some glass containers, a pipette, evaporating dish, some bowls, and coffee filters. The critical items are the consumables.

Vine is telling all now as the chemistry is done and danger of exposure past. He has enough D to last him for awhile.

Feel free to ask questions. Good luck on your own extraction. DMT is a wonderful substance!



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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #29 on: August 15, 2001, 05:01:00 PM »
As far as I know, MHRB is the best plant matter to extract, because it has a high DMT content. I've tried growing the plant, but it's a slow grower. I was thinking about extracting phalaris a. again, because it's easy to grow, but alot of folks have been talking shit about phalaris, because of the low DMT content, and I agree. What other plants out there are easy to grow and have at least a moderate amount of DMT worth an extraction? Alot of the literature I've found provides info on tryptamine concentration, but less on how to grow. I'm looking for less text book stuff, and more actual experience. Peace and happy cookin'! 8)

  I'm going to help all of you cleanse this diseased planet.


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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2001, 06:55:00 PM »
Desmanthus illinoiensis (& D. leptolobus) should give something usable in 2-3 years...
i've got some whole plants uprooted last year sitting in my garage, waiting for a final cleaning prior to shredding & soaking in white vinegar (i will process the aerial portion and the subterranean portion seperately...)
& if i like the results, mebbe pick up 1/4 # seeds for sowing purposes...

don't you folks ever sleep?


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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2001, 06:23:00 PM »
Wouldn't the ease of growing (growth speed, easy reproduction, etc...) compensate for the low (but present) amount of DMT? I think it is well worth the try. Besides it *is* a nice shrub to have on your back yard  :)

Chemically enhanced.


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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2001, 09:03:00 PM »
"Wouldn't the ease of growing (growth speed, easy reproduction, etc...) compensate for the low (but present) amount of DMT?"

  Yes, it's the best idea for an impatient person like me that always wants something yesterday. If 5-MEO-DMT was cheaper, than I wouldn't fuck with phalaris. :(

  I'm going to help all of you cleanse this diseased planet.


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Re: DMT from MHRB in 2 hrs
« Reply #33 on: August 19, 2001, 08:14:00 PM »
Recently, I've noticed that a certain company is selling mimosa hostilis from Brazil at an insane price, while the price of the Mexican m. hostilis is reasonable. Is this because of a higher DMT content in the Brazilian type?? :P

  I'm going to help all of you cleanse this diseased planet.


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« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2002, 11:27:00 PM »
These are VERY basic questions from an old post, so I'm sorry to bother my more erudite companions, but I would like the help.

These are taken from the seminal (and most excellent) post of this thread since many posts have come since then.


>25g MHRB
>Hydrochloric acid
>Solvent(Naptha,Toulene,Xylene etc)
>Filter papers
>A few glass jars
>Sep funnel

Q1: The lye intended in this lye is Red Devil Lye a.k.a. NaOH, correct?  Can I just use the NaOH from a lab without any modifications to the procedure?

>Okay, basically you grind your bark in a blender - it'll >end up as mostly a fine pink dust and a fibrous material, >the pink dust is where the goodies are at, but the elves >chucked the whole shebang in a glass jar and filled with >methanol, which instantly turned burgendy. This
>was allowed to settle and decanted into a funnel with >doubled up filter papers and repeated several times until >the colour had faded to almost clear again. The combined >extracts were evaporated down to a very crystalline dark >purple/black substance, scraped off and set aside.

Q2: Alright, here is where my complete ignorance shines. This is how I understand this tep, please correct or confirm (I'm guessing the former). So I run the powder/methanol solution through the funnel and discard the solids that the filters keep out.  Then I keep running the methanol through the filter papers (new ones each time, I presume) until it turns clear again.

>Pour jar contents into sep funnel and seperate (and Keep!) >the bottom layer. Rinse with distilled water at least >three times or until the water is clean.
Q3: What do I rinse with water here? And to separate the two layers what is the physical procedure I need to do?

>Add another 100ml of solvent to the saved bottom layer and >let sit overnight
>Pour solvent into pyrex pan and very slowly evap the >solvent off.
Q4:  For this procedure, I could use generic re/crystallization techniques with ice baths, etc., right?

>Go back to your saved jar and see if any more base has >migrated when convenient.
Q5: The saved jar is the one that was originally the thick bottom layer, right?

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)


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I love helping others produce this wonder drug.
« Reply #35 on: July 23, 2002, 02:42:00 AM »
I love helping others produce this wonder drug. Its realy easy to extract. Answer to Q1: Of course you can. Answer to Q2: you are simply extracting the the crud tar from the mimosa. Just mix MeOH with the mimosa (preforably warmed MeOH if you have a hotplate), shake it up and filter. You want to make sure you got all the tar out of the mhrb, so you add new MeOH to the wood and extract again. If the MeOH after the second extraction is pretty clear, than you know you have all the tar extracted. Then you discard the MHRB and evaporate the methanol. Or you could filter the methanol again befor evaporation, but it's not needed. Simple as that. A to Q4: You drain off the black liquid (into another container and save) than you add water to the sep funnel with the solvent (containing DMT), shake the sep funnel (this is washing the solvent), let the solvent and water separate, drain off water and evaporate solvent. There, your done. A to Q4: Forget about that, just scrap up wax with a razor and smoke it. A to Q5: yes ther is still some dmt in the black liquid.


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bwiti, supposivly there is a slightly higher ...
« Reply #36 on: July 23, 2002, 03:13:00 AM »
bwiti, supposivly there is a slightly higher content, although swim believes it is just net lore, as he has tried both and gets pretty close to the same yeilds with either.  Remember also, from plant to plant there is obviously going to bee different alkaloid content.  Go for the cheap stuff, and buy more  ;)

i FEEL funny.


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Some more tips
« Reply #37 on: July 23, 2002, 04:01:00 AM »
You will suceed, if the mimosa is good. Here is an absolutly foolproof method to have DMT whithin two weeks from now. Its basically Akata's method with slight variation.
1. Go to read the reviews of the vendors and order from the one that seems best. Order at least 60g so you get two chances.
2. Powderize 30g mimosa in a blender. Continue blending for15min until there are no more chrunching sounds.
3. Remove container from blender base. Pour in a 500ml or so MeOH or denatured alchohol. Shake the container for 15min or so. Filter the mixture through coffee filters.
4. Pour the red MeOH solution onto a pyrex baking dish and evaporate the MeOH away. At first the remaining tar will be very runny. There is still MeOH. Continue evaporating the MeOH away until the tar is very thick and solid. To speed this up, place the dish full of runny tar on a warm hotplate, with the fan still on it, and use spoon or spatula so mush around the tar like your cooking scrambled eggs.
5. Once the tar is dry,leave the tar in the dish. Mix 1ml of HCl with a cup of water. Pour the cup of water into the dish of tar. Use a spoon to mix the tar into the water for a few minutes. Try to expose as much area of the tar to the water as you can. Filter the red water through a couple of cofee filters. If your aiming for pure DMT, than the red water shold be filtered untill transparent. Once filtered, I think it should be nuetralized with baking soda because I hear its not good to let the DMT sit with HCl for to long. I also was told its possible to extract the dmt from the tar by using hot neutral water. That would probably be better.
6. Pour the grey water (grey after adding baking soda) into a soda bottle. Dissolve a table spoon of NaOH in a cup of water and let it cool. Slowly add the NaOH water in small increments with stirring. Once you see the solution turn black, stop. Continue stirring. If it remains black, proceed to next step. If not, continue adding NaOH with stirring until it remains black.
7. Pour into the sodabottle a couple cups of your solvent (toluen works like a charm, naptha is ok also). Screw the cap on the bottle and SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE. Do that for 15 min or so then put the bottle in the freezer. The water will freeze, your solvent wont. So just pour of your DMT containing solvent into another 2L soda bottle for the next step!
8. Pour 1L of distilled water into the bottle with the solvent. SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE. Put in freezer as befor. When frozen, pour solvent off the block of ice and into your clean evaporation dish. Evaporate with a fan (no heat at all). Now there are going to be droplets of water on your dish. You can wait for it to dry, or if your realy impatiant and your sure its water and not solvent, you can lightly dab the dish with a piece of toilet paper. Try scraping the initialy goey DMT up with a razor than spread it back ont the glass. Repeating this apperently helps solidify the DMT. One time I got yellow goo that didn't solidify and the stuff was CRAP. Probably polymorized DMT. Use two razors, one to scrap the stuff off from the dish, the other to scrap the stuff off from the razor so as to form nice little balls of DMT.

A green pea sized ball of dmt is about 25mg. I think smoking less than 50mg is a wast. Smoke the stuff out of a test tube or a light bulb. Use a staw trom a pen (dont use drinking straws, they melt shut). Exhale all the air out of you lungs, heat up the test tube untill you see smoke, inhale deep and slow. Hold it in for a count to ten befor you take you next hit.


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Naphta for recrystallization
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2002, 08:22:00 PM »
Perhaps this is already published at the Hive somewhere, but according to some old notes of me, naphta is great for recrystallization/purification of DMT. The freebase dissolves at 50 centigrade or so, but almost not before that temp. At minus 20 centigrade it slowly recrystallizes.

Dissolving the pea sized balls from Ghost_Of_BT's post in a tube filled with a few ml of Naphta, which is warmed up in a glass of hot water, then cooled and finally frozen leaves amazingly pure crystals.



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Some mo' tips on Dimitri Extraction
« Reply #39 on: July 27, 2002, 08:01:00 AM »
Naptha and Ether seem to work the best as a NP for DMT.  Careful when heating it, its easy to evap. the whole thing away.  Use minimal heat if needed at all.  Let it evap. slowly, with no heat and preferably no fan if you have the patience - even maybe try letting it evap. in the fridge - remember slow evaporation = beautiful aesthetically pleasing crystals. 

MaDMAx got swinl started on performing two A/B extractions instead of just one.  When in base form wash with water and brine to wash away impurities, but mostly NaOH (very important if you want it to be a rock and not goo!).  When its a salt and dissolved in water, wash it (defatting I guess) with a non-polar each time (not just at the beginning) - xylene, DCM, possibly Naptha.  Also, xylene works better as a NP initially because you don't have to heat it as with Naptha - freebases dissolve more readily and in higher concentration in Xylene (or tolly for that matter).  So don't use Naptha until the end. 

Also, Once filtered, I think it should be nuetralized with baking soda because I hear its not good to let the DMT sit with HCl for to long.

I don't know about this - swinl's let the shit sit in HCl for weeks at a time before and still had consistent results.  You don't seem to be able to over-acidify or over-basify (within reason).  Extreme PH's are good with MHRB - some even say necessary.  Go from 0 to 14. 

Oh and filter the living fuck out of it at any stage necessary and a lot at the beginning - especially if you have an emulsion.  Sometimes semi-solid crap will pull right through your coffee filters until a pH change occurs and then it hardens enough to be trapped by the filters.  Start filtering with a paper towel, then coffee filters, then doubled, tripled, etc., use actual filter paper if available. 

The freezing and pouring sucks.  Make a ghetto rig sep funnel if you feel up to it.  Check it.  Get two 4L wine bottles - cheap shit, $10 from the grocery - has some old Italian looking dude on the label.  Of course empty them and here's where it gets tricky ...on one of them, you want to break off the bottom only - or break a decent sized hole in the bottom.  Use a thick towel, screwdriver and a hammer (or glass cutter I suppose if available).  Try to chisel at the glass - all you really need is a hole in the bottom to pour through and allow air to travel when emptying so it doesn't suck air bubbles in as fluid escapes through the same hole disrupting your perfect line of separation.  Leave the other jug intact.  Oh yeah, while at the grocery store, buy a standard bottle of mustard.  Take off the cap and clean off any mustard on it.  If you got the right jug of wine, the twist top to it will fit the wine jug perfectly (teflon tape may help prevent leaks, but in swinl's experience it caused leaks more than prevented).  The cap also fits 3L soda bottles (but not 2L mind you) if you really want to be ghetto - but this won't last as long as the glass wine jugs - love those things.  Somehow suspend the jug upside down (the one with the hole) - maybe try using one of those plant stands that holds plant pots.  Put a jar underneath the broken jug to catch any leaks that may occur.  Now with the other jug you can shake shit up, then pour it into the suspended jug to let it separate.  You can be pretty accurate with that mustard cap and control the rate of drip decent enough.  Congrats, now you have essentially a decent 4L sep. funnel (pricey and depressing as all hell when they break - especially when full of precious materials).  Hope this helped someone.  Glad I type fast.  Also just for due cred.'s - for me, this last idea was inspired by PoohBear4Ever who pointed out that mustard caps fit 3L soda bottles - I just modified the idea and added some details.  Never done it - but its a backup plan in case swinl ever ends up in a tight spot (breaks his 4L sep.'s or something  :( ).   :P