Author Topic: 8-10 hour "checkpoints"  (Read 4182 times)

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8-10 hour "checkpoints"
« on: April 23, 2004, 05:53:00 AM »

A while ago SWIC posted some questions about a 7g-yield batch.  Wareami suggested to start with 10g of pseudo.  Foxy2 then chimed in and suggested that, for a first-timer, SWIC should double that.  ChemoSabe then chimed in and suggested that SWIC triple it instead.  Okay, SWIC's *finally* got an ounce of what he thinks is super-duper-clean pseudo and he's ready to go :-)

One final question:  regarding the "8-10 hour checkpoints" where SWIC knocks-down the goods that have stuck to the sides of the flask back into the "jacuzzi", how does one do this with a pressurized (i.e., inflated balloon attached to the condenser) system?  Should SWIC try and keep the ballon inflated during this time, or should he let the gas escape?  Should he reduce heat and let the flask cool before his "knock-downs"?  Will the balloon re-inflate upon re-heating?




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« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2004, 02:22:00 PM »
Gradually reduce heat til cool and the pressure should reduce.
In this day and age...Ibee doesn't suggest anybee put all his eggs in one flasket :)
There are hard to detect gaaks that could screw things up.
If half were run or even smaller(testrun) and these gaaks were encountered, one could be assured that more cleaning is needed.
Most bees are soo consumed by getting the goodz and they lose sight of all else.
You'll recall my reply to that thread and to foxy and chemo's replys. If not go back and check.
While they may have been beeing slightly sarchastic, my smiley's were beeing serious. ;D
Take it slow and bee patient.

The question posed is a prime example of why bees should never jump in with both feet. There are many things uncovered in the books that can only bee experienced first hand. Mny of those are things that can wrong! This board is riddled with them.
Getting a feel for the rxn requires babysteps and don't let any bee tell you different!
It's fine if yer cup runneth over with goodz in the end...
After you get a handle on how to achieve that end!
But never yer flask :o  8) !


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Why not give it a swirl?
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2004, 10:06:00 PM »
I don't see why it would bee necessary to stop the rxn by cooling it down.  Just giving it a few swirls should bee able to wash any rp off the sides of the flask.  If you are doing a lwr then you most likely won't even have to do that.  However, you should check it to make sure that everything is working properly.  I have had a thermostat stick on my hotplate, a circuit breaker trip and the pump on my condenser stop working during past rxns so looking in on it every so often is good but on a lwr that is all i do.  However, Everybee has their own method and what works for me may not work for you.


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Do it all
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2004, 10:06:00 PM »
Do it all, do a long wet reflux by the book with the ratios Ware suggests or (even better IMHO) the ratios I suggest. Don't open it up--- and quit worrying about it. If you use a 0.8ml dH2O per gram of pseudo, and let it simmer at about 100C in the flask, you won't need to knock anything down. The reaction will tend itself. You won't need to do anything unless you lose a seal.

Don't open it unless you have a problem. Add enough water at the start so you don't NEED to do anything to it during the reaction.


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Both are Right....
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2004, 01:58:00 AM »
Shorty and Geez are correct about the hydration factor and I'd even bee inclined to agree with geez on the ratio if it weren't for one critical area of concern...The HI concentration camp factor ;D !
Geez and Ibee are both happy campers and many may say "How can that bee if they both can't agree on how deep the pool should be?" :o  
First let's address shorty's reply:
It's been The Kidz experience that if a rise occurs in the reactants at any time, then that rise will deposit RP up to the highest level it wants to rise on the flask before the reactants subside back down to reflux level. Early on in rxn, the reactants will be less viscous and a simple swirling will suffice to bring it back into play. But as the rxn progresses, the precursors become more viscous(thicker)!
Yeah yeah...I know....some will say, "Yeah that's because Ibee don't use enough dh2o from the Ghet-Go" to prevent that from hapening!" ;)
Rest assured...Many fail-safes are factored into why Ibee's ratio's are as they are.
He's seen his share of bees reporting unconverted or failed LWR attempts to know the areas that may be the likeliest cause. Aside from less than pristine clean feedstock.
This isn't meant to detract in any way from the experience or skill of those that suggest .08ml dh2o per 1g E from a "preferences" standpoint. And in no way am I saying that those ratio's won't work for the seasoned bee under the working conditions they've established!
Let's remember that many bees look to this guidance and these suggestions that have not yet established equal ability or experience...or conditioning!
With that said, when all things are considered, like HI concentration...flucuations in heat...wetness of precursors...humidity...etc..., it leaves the door wide open for Murphy's Law and The MethGodz to say "Screw That...This Newbee WILL NOT rise UP on the Third Day!" 8)
God knows they turned a deaf ear to Ibee's chants on more than one occassion ;)
Ibee likes to keep that margin to err as small as possible.
.05ml dh2o per g of E is more than sufficient for creating and maintaining HI in the 50-57% range throughout the entire length of the rxn.(48hours)
Ibee has it down to a science.
This doesn't suggest that geez or other masterbees don't. But I hope they remember that we're trying to put newbees through the eye of the storm and into the ballpark of success with absolutely zero chance for coming UP short of that goal!
If they agree that it can be done sufficiently successful with the ample hydration factor set at .05ml dh2o, I hope to win them over at suggesting this.
Ibee wouldn't suggest it...that's for sure...if it didn't work first time, everytime for Ibee and the Kidz to this day.

Can this LWR be done without an ounce of supervision from start to finish(48hours)?
AbsoFreakinLutely! Just like it was suggested to begin with!
"Set it-Forget it!"
Since those initial trials, some refinements, or as Ibee likes to call them...,"Refreshments" were served! ;)
Ibee included the suggested 8-10 hr Checkpoints for the soul purpose of allowing bees to see if anything cereMOANiously deposited itself outside the pool ware AWE the fun is taking place.
If the reactants are still viscous(semi) than a simple swirling will not suffice without the drier, stuck on glass RP(Outta The Poolbunch) seeking the company of those still in the pool having a blast! :P
In other words...a swirling will sometimes deposit more on top of the drier RP rather than clean what's there off!
If that's the case, ya gotta open the rxn and coax everything back in.
The question was what to do with the gas pressure in the event the rxn needs uncapped.
Ibee suggests cooling for two reasons.
•Some may not be using heat proof glassware.
If the flask/bottle...what have you, gets set on a cooler surface, cracks can occur. Ibee's made that mistake.
•Alot of the generated gas will condense back to the reactants or the flask sides on cooling soas to avoid many escapees from the gas chamber :o  ::)  ;)

Geez...we've noticed a difference in products produced between 36hr and 48hr.
One slight adjust(accidental) by adding moist I2, FB E, or over compensation of the suggested .08ml dh2o, is enough to lower the concentration of HI. For a time, mind you! But that time may be during the critical preconversion/impurity decomposition stage and without tacking that time back onto the end somewhere, a bee might end UP with less than "As good as it Ghets" for AWE they've invested timewise to that point.
These are areas that only bees control and one undersite/oversite might put a bee back to square on on the quest for the "Wholeliest Rail"(As Good As It Ghets)
Just some fine points to consider.
GeezMonster... :) Ibee respects your skills and advice and would never outrightly disagree, but he will appeal to you're fact finding side with the obsevations he's been exposed to over time and hope that they make some sense.(Without the aid of tequila :-[ ) ;D


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Well it may be a moot point...
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2004, 07:28:00 AM »
Well it may be a moot point...

Ware, SWIC's not putting all his eggs in one basket.  If you can recall, SWIC posted about his mostly-successful 2g nano a couple of weeks ago.  The main point of that nano was to see if his pseudo was as clean as he thought it was.  Turns out it was, no gaak was detected.  The pseudo was extracted with the Tetra Trap (using VP&M Naptha), then exposed to Japan Drier, then washed 3x with NaOH, then 1x with H20, then gassed, then crashed out into Zylene using Geez's recrystallization suggestion.  All that seemed to get the psuedo clean, no gaak, no emulsions.  SWIC used more pills from the same lot and used the same treatments on them, so he's pretty sure this batch is gaak free, too.

Another reason for SWIC's nano was just to get his feet wet, and to learn from any mistakes.  In SWIC's nano write-up, he mentioned one mistake he made--immersing his test tube into hot oil right away (and using freebase).  The combination of these two caused the reaction to rise so high in the test tube, and so quickly, that the reaction rose all the way to the top of the test tube and busted the balloon.  SWIC did NOT make the same mistake this time.  This time, he heated the reactants *very* gradually, so gradually in fact he had a hard time detecting that the reaction had indeed started.

One of the benefits of doing so, that he wasn't able to realize previously, is that the RP didn't get splattered all over the flask walls due to the slow heat-up.  In fact, SWIC just did his first 8 hour checkpoint and there seems to be no need to knock anything back down into the flask.  So, the question may just be moot--it would seem that if one doesn't get reactants spread all over the flask sides in the first place then there's no need to knock them back down.  Live and learn.  Everything seems to be proceeding nicely... 39.5 hours to go!

Thanks everybody,



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P.S., yes, a LWR, amount of precursors were
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2004, 07:42:00 AM »
P.S., yes, a LWR, amount of precursors were 26.0g pseudo, 10.5g lab grade RP, 34.6g lab grade I2, and 19g H2O, which translates, roughtly, into 1.0E/0.4RP/1.33I2/.73H2O.  SWIC thinks he should be okay...



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Checkpoint Charlemagne
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2004, 11:57:00 AM »
I had somewhat forgotten about this but it will now bee interesting to see what your total in reX'd final product will end up being. From the thoroughness you seem to bee exhibiting I'd say you should easily hit your original goal of getting a 1/4 oz. return. But hopefully you'll hit close to the 1/2oz mark or better.

Possibly the biggest advantage in doing an occasional large batch as opposed to frequent nanos is that it truly allows you to spend quality time doing things other than preparing for the next batch. (a joking comment that almost might bee true)


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Come back down to earth...
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2004, 12:26:00 AM »

Shorty and Geez are correct about the hydration factor and I'd even bee inclined to agree with geez on the ratio if it weren't for one critical area of concern...The HI concentration camp factor!

Come back down to earth, Ware. The concentration of HI is fine even with a ratio of water to pseudo above 1:1. IME 1 ml H2O to 1 ml I2 in the presence of the ratios of phosphorous anyone recommends will give an HI concentration high enough to drive this reaction. You'll need all 48 hours at the lower concentrations.

It's been The Kidz experience that if a rise occurs in the reactants at any time, then that rise will deposit RP up to the highest level it wants to rise on the flask before the reactants subside back down to reflux level. Early on in rxn, the reactants will be less viscous and a simple swirling will suffice to bring it back into play. But as the rxn progresses, the precursors become more viscous(thicker)!
Yeah yeah...I know....some will say, "Yeah that's because Ibee don't use enough dh2o from the Ghet-Go" to prevent that from hapening!

Damn right. Sure seems simple to me. You could add enough water at the outset that this sticking-on-the-side-of-the-flask thing is just not a problem. You should try more water some time, Ware.

Rest assured...Many fail-safes are factored into why Ibee's ratio's are as they are. He's seen his share of bees reporting unconverted or failed LWR attempts to know the areas that may be the likeliest cause. Aside from less than pristine clean feedstock.

I disagree, my friend. Lower moisture levels do not produce more dope, they produce more byproducts-- when things are not as they should be in the flask.

And in no way am I saying that those ratio's won't work for the seasoned bee under the working conditions they've established!Let's remember that many bees look to this guidance and these suggestions that have not yet established equal ability or experience...or conditioning!

Utter nonsense. You may as well recommend the newbee to a hot, fast, dry reaction. Any newbee who has basically clean precursors can use the ratios I success and if they let the reflux take care of itself have success. That additional water is its own safety factor, and limits by product formation, and assures a good completion.

With that said, when all things are considered, like HI concentration...flucuations in heat...wetness of precursors...humidity...etc..., it leaves the door wide open for Murphy's Law and The MethGodz to say "Screw That...This Newbee WILL NOT rise UP on the Third Day!"
God knows they turned a deaf ear to Ibee's chants on more than one occassion.

With a dryer mix, I don't doubt the deaf ears. My recommended methods call for honest glassware, good precursors, a stable heat source (in fact, I recommend an oil bath and consider the recommendation an important part of the whole) and keeping your nose out of the damn flask for the whole reaction so outside temperature and humidity are not a factor at all.

Ibee included the suggested 8-10 hr Checkpoints for the soul purpose of allowing bees to see if anything cereMOANiously deposited itself outside the pool ware AWE the fun is taking place.
If the reactants are still viscous(semi) than a simple swirling will not suffice without the drier, stuck on glass RP(Outta The Poolbunch) seeking the company of those still in the pool having a blast!
In other words...a swirling will sometimes deposit more on top of the drier RP rather than clean what's there off!
If that's the case, ya gotta open the rxn and coax everything back in.

To translate from Wareamiese to English: "Fuck with the reaction every eight hours by opening it up, stirring it, adding water as necessary, and generally tweaking around with it." In the first place, if you start with enough water, you won't have to wash anything back down. In the second place, you won't have to open the reaction up so gas can escape, humidity can enter, seals get compromised, or the tweaker in each of us do something unwise. Add everything you need to start with, and don't open it up until its done.  If you use enough water you don't have to tweak with it. You have stated the most succinct argument for a wetter reflux that I can make, Ware. It should start out wet enough that it doesn't stick to the flask when swirled.

The question was what to do with the gas pressure in the event the rxn needs uncapped.

If you have to open it up plan on losing some gas. Better to set it up so you don't have to open it up, but if you do... pinch the damn balloon and tie a quick slip knot in it to hold the gas. Or just let it go. You don't need the balloon for the whole time anyway. And the pressure is, at most, just gravy. The reaction will run fine after the initial gas production with no balloon on the condenser -- if the condenser is doing its job-- and you will have just enough gas escape to smell it a bit. Leave the balloon on to control odor. When I do have to open one up, I don't worry with maintaining any pressure in the balloon. I just put it back on and if it blows up some again, fine. I like going two days with the same size inflation in the balloon, and never having to take it off. By all means-- cool everything down if you have to open it up. The first time you bust a flask or coffee pot or Sobe bottle with cool water mid reaction will be the last time you pull that dumb a stunt. Its really much easier to add everything the reaction needs at the start, so you never need to open it up.

One slight adjust(accidental) by adding moist I2, FB E, or over compensation of the suggested .08ml dh2o, is enough to lower the concentration of HI. For a time, mind you! But that time may be during the critical preconversion/impurity decomposition stage and without tacking that time back onto the end somewhere, a bee might end UP with less than "As good as it Ghets" for AWE they've invested timewise to that point.

Its not that sensitive to the amount of water, Ware. Particularly at the start. You just have to give it more time. At the ratio I suggest, you can add wet iodine and add water later and still have the reaction complete. Thbe ratios I suggest are not at the outer edges of the envelope by any stretch of the imagination. At your ratio, you risk by product formation at the start, or by overheating the slurry that sticks to the sides of the flask. Get it wet.

These are areas that only bees control and one undersite/oversite might put a bee back to square on on the quest for the "Wholeliest Rail"(As Good As It Ghets)
Just some fine points to consider

And I much prefer to get a good wet bath to reflux my pseudo in for a couple of days. I control the reaction from the outset to avoid having to open it up and risk operator error. Or avoid adding too much water because it obviously needs more water than it has. I'm not being disrespectful here, I just differ with you because I can't see the sense in doing something in a way you have to tinker with it over and over when you can do it in set-it-and-forget way to start with. Jacked and Placebo will always be my heroes, because I learned how to make meth from them. And I watched those reactions all the way through, intently. Then I listened and learned from Os, and got lucky enough to realize that the reaction didn't need me, it just needed clean precursors and enough water to run its course. Damn, its so simple. No user serviceable parts inside the geezmeister LWR. Cook until done, then extract. Tweaking not needed or observed until the crystals crash out in the fridge in the end. Its MORE than a philosophy, Ware, its science. Its doing it in a way that the reaction does its thing on its on. Its too damn easy, which is why it needs to be done that way. Add a little more water. Take it easy for a change.

he will appeal to you're fact finding side with the obsevations he's been exposed to over time and hope that they make some sense.(Without the aid of tequila)

Ware, you made my arguments for me. I don't need to even make them. Just add a little more water and let the reaction do its dance by itself. I'd rather watch Susie strip down doing her pole dance while I drink a little tequila than stay sober and have to work at stripping her down while she dances. Get her wet enough at the start and she'll do it all for you.


Wonder if we got Aztec wet enough....? ;)


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Good Arguments
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2004, 03:11:00 AM »
Geez: I have no interest in disagreeing with you on this other than from a mutual disagreeance position!
Consider this the only time in the history of Ibee's tenure here at The Hive that he succumbed to a bombardment of reasoning. :P
I could argue this hydration point til I'm blue in the face.
Bees need to arrive at a comfortable ratio untimately anyway regardless of what we suggest.
We agree to disgaree and I'm happy with that while respectfully holding my opinion on ratio and the reasoning behind that opinion.
Let me say though that it's unfair to compare apples and oranges analogy-wise concerning what Ibee recommends in relation to running dry and wet!
Dry Runs that Ibee has read call for 6-8 drops dh2o per 2 grams of E, up to and including 5g nano amounts and that instruction was how Ibee started out.
He now runs 20 drops for 2g of E, which is double+ that initial amount which amp-pully handles any side rxns or impurities even during 72hr runs.
Don't tell me bees forgot about those runs? ;)
Never once in Ibee's history of running the LWR has he ever needed to add dh2o at any point during a rxn in progress.
But he has employed those checkpoints with a cathexis with no ill effects from lost HI gas.
You yourself admit that a condensor isn't required throughout the rxn. 8)  
I've asked about this several times in the past with no reply.
"What is a required amount of dh2o to create HI in the 50-57% range when marrying RP with I2 and maintaining that concentration in the presence of E?"


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not quite...
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2004, 05:25:00 PM »

You yourself admit that a condensor isn't required throughout the rxn.

I admit the pressure isn't necessary, and after the initial production of HI may be dispensed with so long as the condenser is in place and working.

I've asked about this several times in the past with no reply. "What is a required amount of dh2o to create HI in the 50-57% range when marrying RP with I2 and maintaining that concentration in the presence of E?"

This depends on how much iodine you add, and whether you have enough phosphorous present. I add less water than iodine--0.8:1.2 typically for a red p reaction, although I don't hesitate to use 1:1.2 ratio and have used a 1:1 ratio. In my experience, when the ratio exceeds 1:1 -- and I hit the excess at 1.5:1.2 the reaction tended to stall. Can I answer your question? No. Not with any certainty or precision, or scientific logic. I can say that from my experience the 50% concentration of HI (and as I understand it, as long as the concentration is higher than 50% the reaction will proceed) can be maintained if you use less than 1ml of water for each gram of I2 and use a little more than a molar amount of red phosphosphorous. Using a little higher concentration seems to speed the reaction, but using too high a concentration tends to create by-products.

(And BTW Ware... with your recent posts, you have again demonstrated your ability to make really good methamphetamine...)  ;)


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Great...not really good :•þ
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2004, 07:38:00 PM »
I admit the pressure isn't necessary, and after the initial production of HI may be dispensed with so long as the condenser is in place and working.
Mere Technicality
(And BTW Ware... with your recent posts, you have again demonstrated your ability to make really good methamphetamine...)
You ain't no slouch yerself there oldman! ;)
Total posts:2775
Total posts:1806

I add less water than iodine--0.8:1.2 typically for a red p reaction,
Since you were kind enough to translate Wareamiese...allow me to translate Meisteratioese ;D

.08ml dh20 per 1.2g I2 = 1:1 dh2o:E ;)

I do beelieve and always have that a slow start will result in the rxn progressing to completion with very little, if any, by-products/impurities.
The jury is still out on by what mechanism this works. But it's been easy to establish that h2o plays the largest role.

In summary, my fear lies in suggesting something universal that might aid in a Ñöößêê cumming UP short of that goal.
That only applies to situations where a Ñöößêê is following a suggested Universal Ratio of Precursors
1g E
1.2g I2
.08g MBRP .25g-.5g LGRP

Experienced Bees know where to apply changes and any changes made in relation to dry precursor ratio will require an adjustment in hydration.
With that said...I wonder if we've hydrated Aztec enough!


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Silly Me....
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2004, 09:18:00 PM »
Oh Yeah....How silly of me?
I think I might have forgotten to mention a very important factor here in keeping with the topic of threads title "Checkpoint Charlie"(good one chemo! 8) )

Suppose for a minute that we have a closed system! As most do when performing a LWR.
Since it's likely that the rxn process DOES produce side by-products/impurities, as a necessary natural progression of the rxn, (WET or DRY)Ware do you suppose those decomposed sides may go if the vessel remains closed the whole time.

Do a little dance, make a little love,Get down tonight.

Ibee feels that some impurities...iodosides...p3?...etc..., depending on which ones, will continue on to aid in the reduction process. Some may also be nasty unwanted sides and remain continuously recycling from gas to liquid.
Who's to say that forcing the checkpoints and uncapping the rxn at these checkpoints aren't benefitial by allowing the escape of some of those unwanted sides via gas?
Yeah it's a long shot....but ya'll know better than to back Ibee in a corner like that....Next?...

Refreshments have been served


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That suggestion is at best speculative
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2004, 10:39:00 PM »
Who's to say that forcing the checkpoints and uncapping the rxn at these checkpoints aren't benefitial by allowing the escape of some of those unwanted sides via gas?

I can tell you that there are no 'unwanted byproducts' formed which are gaseous or highly volatile.


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As long as a little HI gas is being emitted
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2004, 11:32:00 PM »
"What is a required amount of dh2o to create HI in the 50-57% range when marrying RP with I2 and maintaining that concentration in the presence of E?"

I may be wrong but as long as some HI gas is being produced then the concentration of the aq. HI will be 57% as this is the most that can bee held in solution.  Therefore the amount of dh20 determines how much aq. HI is actually in the rxn as long as enough iodine was used in the beginning of the rxn to saturate the water with HI. If this is true then the small amount of gas generated at the start of a lwr which inflates the balloon is a good indication that the concentration is 57% aq. HI and then a small amount of HI gas.  If left to reflux then the concentration of HI should remain at its maximum concentration until nearly all the rp has been consumed which would probably take several days.
The only way a rxn would fail at this point other than dirty pseudo is that not enough iodine and rp were added at the start to make the required amount of HI or that not enough water was added to contain that HI.


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excellent point, shorty
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2004, 12:08:00 AM »
honing in on this point allows one to run a rxn w/ negative pressure

hard to beat the smell of this


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back to kidclean's reaction
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2004, 02:19:00 AM »
IMHO you're wet enough that you can swirl the contents of the flask to remove and return any red p that has been flipped up on the flask sides by the bubbles popping by simply swirling the reaction contents. A little more water wouldn't hurt, but you are wet enough that there should be no reason to open it up. (Most of what is on the side is just red phos. Its the solid in the reaction fluid that gets stuck on the side.)

If your reaction fluid is so thick that swirling it to knock down the red that dries on the inside of the flask leaves solids on the side of the flask above the reaction fluid, you are too dry and need to cool it down and add water. If the balloon is still inflated, you are still good on the concentration of HI. Let it cool, add water to bring the water ratio up to 0.9 of 1:1 with the E, swirl, bring it back up to heat again, let it do its thing. Set the reflux up the right way, the most you ever need to so is a little swirl.

You can get by without the swirl. I've returned at 48 hours many times, never swirled the flask, and had superb results. But I added enough water at the start.


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« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2004, 02:51:00 AM »
Absolutely Rhodium...
It was a bit on the speculative side.
In the absense of much physical evidence, many of the preferences that shape these newer proposals are based on that type of speculation. But not solely from a purely speculative assessment. Many come from hands on experimentation and logical deduction in leiu of a better scientific explanation.
We kick all this around from time to time and mostly we all wind UP back at square one...
I'm never satisfied with that. I have a pioneering mind that needs answers. I can't be content with mere speculation and conjecture. Sometimes it's all I have, but rest assured that more information lay beneath the surface of what you see reported. 8)
I've already been accused of beeing the "King of Verbiage" around here ;D
And the last thing I want is to add to the heap, but I can't help myself sometimes!
I find it difficult to beelieve that any bee here is capable of underestimating the work that goes into bringing any of Ibee's contibutions to the collective with speculation being the only tool by which these innovations materialize successfully.
In the Beginning, Chemistry-wise I was like the common domestic person that looks at the Light Switch and the lamp, hits the lightswitch...the lamp comes on and the commoner scratches his head and walks away content for having light by which to see!
I could have been content if it weren't for my inner drive that needs to know why the damn things work.
You'll follow a trail something like this:
Lightswitch plate off the wall and the wires exposed!
Romex wire ripped through the drywall all the way to The socket ripped out as well and the upsidedown lamp completely dismantled. The romex feed wire down to the circuit panel box exposed beside the hole in the floor used to follow the continuity of the source. And there you'll find Ibee sitting on the floor, wires everyware, with his head buried in the "Modern Electronic Circuitry Reference Manual" trying to get at the bottom of why that freaking light came on by hitting that goddamn switch! :)
My heads still buried in the "Handbook of Chemistry and Physics" and every Organic Chemistry book I can get my hands on.
Yes!!!! You've created a monster! :P  
Shorty brings up a very fine point and one that I have held for a long time.
The presense of HI gas is a good sign but not a necessity.
57%+ HI Gas
50-57% HI aqueous
The rxn will proceed to full reduction over several daze at 50% HI concentration and that concentration is the minimum dividing line! Excess h2o will overstep that demarcation line, pushing the rxn in the red, if only for a short time(8-12hr).
Without that time(unreative) being added back on to the overall cook time, a bee may still have meth, but I'm argueing that it won't be "Good As It Ghets".
Who determines purity?
Now I find it extremely difficult to disagree with Geez because I know he's one bee that knows the difference between purity.
This subject has put me at odds with Geez, it may seem to those that don't know us, which is the last thing I would ever want.
We agree to be mature by agreeing to disagree on the ratio's and that's fine. I must respect his position regarding this but I don't have to adopt it as a working practice. I say "at odds" because we are both respected bees offering two differences in preference.
I want to make it clear that this difference should in no way be looked to as a reflection of one cook beeing better than the other. We are peers here!
And that in itself leaves me at at odds and wondering if I left something out or maybe missed something myself.
I hate second guessing myself but hey
Either way...we'll always be beefriends no matter what!
I still learn from him and remain teachable so that's all that counts in the end!

Bees have been producing less than pure for years without even knowing that a purer form existed until the discovery of the hydrated longer cook LWR.
Ibee's bio-assayed meth from every possible spectrum imaginable over a six month period. These bio's were from rxns conducted under controlled trial study's.
Different ratio's, different cook times, various concentrations of HI....from excessively wet to excessively dry rxns.
Yeah I know....some will also want to know that if Ibee was that anal about this, why didn't he adopt more reliant analytical methods to determine purity?
He's Ghetto that's why.
The first blast from "As Good As It Ghets" cannot be denied as beeing the best you've ever come across.
Geez knows this as do many others now.
Ibee's first sample had him thinking he created a new methamphetamine analogue all together.
He also learned early on he could impart a numbing cokelike bell-ringing buzz effect by adding excess sodium thiosulfate below the H2S creation level to rid excess free iodine. Do you think he'd report that here for others to try?
Hell NO!
He quit using sod thio altogether for this reason.
The safety of this is not known.
I did research this effect back to sodium thiosulfate through one of my chem books.

Geez: I sense that I may have ruffled yer feathers some and this is never my intent and you know that!
Bee's will rationalize and debate this rxn everywhich way they want, but there's a HI level of futility involved in trying to sway somebees METHodology when that bee consistantly bats 85-90% and has been for two years!
Most wanna say "preposterous" to which I reply "If you only knew" and "Try It You'll never GO back".
To boast such yields is just that....boasting!
So a refrain is applied to yield reporting except where it's necessary to get bees to stop settling for less!
If there is an epitaph on Ibee's Tombstone it should read "You'll Reap What You So... There". ;D
Akin to Jacked's old "End Result" sig line!
Three months before the 7 day rxn reports, Ibee was refining the LWR and nailed it. The three months that followed were a continuance of those controlled study's.
It's not always wise to go into such detail but for the sake of clarity, Ibee'll stick his neck out from time to time. But never to the extent of hurting the collective. If he looks like a bee it. It'll at least spark some serious individual reflection and possibly some creative insight into the rxn mechanism itself.

What's offered, isn't shoved down anybees throat and is geared more toward a take it or leave it stance. But it's hoped that most will consider it none-the-less based on the surface reasoning until they take it for a test drive themselves.
If I recall were a pretty hard sell yourself on this LWR shyte. :)
 It would be pretty shallow and ignorant of Ibee to have not run identical ratio's to those reporting success before arriving at final conclusions and suggesting shifts that vary from the best cooks the colony has to offer! ;)  :)  And no....that is not a shameless attempt at brown-knowsing!
The coolest most spectacular sold out event at the Hive would include the Top DawgBees involved in a "Good As It Ghets" analog taste-sampling competition.
And I'll never forget the shear hilarity I experienced when PandaBare bee was scoffing at Ibee's Egull Method and challenging Ibee to such a cook-off at around the same time the LWR experiments were being conducted.
The fruits of all that labor and frustration are to this day unmatched by even the happiest of daze Ibee's traveled in this universe!

I still say that the smallest flucuation in dh2o, on the high side, from the outset, will impact the concentration of HI in relation to RP/H3po3/4 to an unfavorable level so this creates a fine line that if crossed will result in unreduced E or less than fully reduced iodo meth if the rxn is stopped on a timeline as in the LWR.
Much Respect Geez!



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Don't forget
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2004, 05:28:00 AM »
Don't forget I make my living by arguing, Ware. I think you're wound a little tight, and I am probably as much too clean and sober right now as you are too wired. (Wanna trade places? The pill situation here HAS become a problem!)

Don't take my arguments personally. Hell, I can't help but argue with you. By my nature, training, and daily work experience over the last twenty five or so years, I've gotten to where I will argue with anyone over anything for a little bit of nothing.  (I argue with Dwarfer for the sport of it, although he claims it isn't much of a sport, and I agree, but for different reasons.) ;D  

At least we have raised and made our points. I cut for the jugular when I can by instinct. Don't take it personally,  if you can keep from it, because I am not taking you on or trying to minimize your message, or say you are wrong. You are in the envelope of success with your ratios, as you posts amply demonstrate, even if in my opinion you like to fiddle with the reaction more than you need to. You get off on it. I get off on coming back to the lab and to a done deal.

I am taking advantage of your current state of mind to stress the one thing (about the reaction itself)you and I do differ on... and that is how much water should be added at the outset. And you set me up so nicely I couldn't pass it up. Its the opportunist lawyer in me, and my training to turn the other side's closing arguments against them whenever I can. You left your jugular exposed. I couldn't resist.  :-[  Maybe its the bloodsucker litigator in me.  :o

My apologies if I have offended you, as that was not my intention. Nor are my feathers ruffled in the least. And if I have ruffled yours, I'll be happy to send you some duck oil, which makes the extra water run right off your back and into your flask. Or snake bite anti-venom, whichever you think appropriate. Or an entire bottle of Dr. Parmenter's Magnetic Oil which I have found to heal all sorts of ailments, real and imagined.

Do devote your excess energy to solving the other equation I posed earlier in the thread. We both make fine dope. But if additional hydration will help... we need to know about it now. I'm not getting younger, you know.  ;)