Author Topic: UK blanket ban on all psychoactives incl research chemicals 6th april 2016  (Read 15629 times)

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Offline b6baddawg

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Some online vendors are carrying advance warning about the change in law, I don't have to hand the precise detail but you guys who order RCs online in the UK double check the legality status and don't get caught out with parcels in the post after the deadline

Offline ricky

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I have never heard of anyone getting busted with RC's.

I'm in the USA as well, where most of them are already considered illegal anyway, with the exception of things like benzos (class c does not fall under the analogue act).

It doesn't seem like anyone really cares about them, either o.O

Don't get me wrong, if there are vendors in the UK selling stuff they could very well get busted.

I'd be surprised though if anyone even took the time to arrest someone here caught ordering them.

Generally they just disappear at customs >.>

Offline luminouspath

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Apparently this is going to be next to impossible to prosecute. The Irish have had this law for some years and have made about 4 convictions...they have to prove in court that the substance is actually psychoactive, which isn't going to happen for RC's that are new to the market. If suppliers are smart it won't affect them too much.

Offline Zippy

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Not if they go by the Analog Act interpretation.  That is if it is just a minor tweak of something on a list 'substantially similar and expected to exhibit similar activity' sort of stuff.

Offline thewire

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"With great sadness I am writing this blog post to announce that ..... will be closing down at the begining of April, due to the UK's Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.

The Home Office has said that the provisions of the Act will come into force on Wednesday 6th April, therefore if that transpires to be the case, our last shipping day, assuming we haven't sold out of stock by then, will be Monday 4th April.

Game over for UK RC fans.

Offline Lipbalm

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Dammmmmmmnnnnnnnn. That's hardcore UK. In the US they can't get away with that shit because they have to schedule the actual specific drug. Anything short of that the law will be ruled unconstitutionally vague (which is why a federal court ruled the Analog Act to be unconstitutional). I think criminalizing all RCs is a good thing though. RC's are crap and if they are in the same boat as MDMA, LSD, DMT, ect., then people will just go back to buying, selling, and taking the original real things instead of the shitty RC alternative. Make everyone go back to momma.
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Offline thewire

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I think criminalizing all RCs is a good thing though. RC's are crap...
I disagree with that. There are/were fantastic RCs (LSD, DMT family).
The problem is, people can't use these substances responsibly .

And another one...

"Hi Guys

Just an update on things as we did promise people a closing down sale which we have not yet started and we're getting a few emails about it. Since revealing our closing date it has been absolutely crazy and we're struggling to keep up with all the orders and emails. Because of this we are a bit hesitant to do anything which will make it any busier as we simply dont have the resources to keep the business running smoothly if it gets any busier. We are also at a stage now where many of our products are running low and most of them we cannot re-stock, so we're hoping they will last until next Friday but we are already seeing some products gone and they will not be re-stocked, so if you are wanting to buy something before we close I suggest you order now before it runs out. We will likely put a sale on our website next week to clear out any remining stock but at this rate there won't be too many products left on the site by that stage.

Lastly I would like to sincerely thank all our loyal customers over the last 6 years, we greatly appreciate it and we hope you have had fun researching our products. Take care!
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 07:49:25 PM by thewire »

Offline thewire

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UK Blanket Ban Delayed Thursday, 17 March 2016
For the last week there have been rumours on Twitter that the UK's Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 will not commence on the 6th April, and whilst there is still no public announcement on the Home Office website, I feel that I have enough information to make the call - there is going to be a delay but we don't know how long for.

The BBC's Home Editor, Mark Easton, has said on twitter that he had to "wheedle" the information out of the Home Office and there is a delay of at least a month, and 3 weeks notice will be given to Parliament of it commencing.

Additionally, a source in local government sent us this copy/paste extract from a communication they received from the Home Office:

"We expect to commence the Psychoactive Substances Act in the spring, subject to work with partners including the devolved administrations. We need to ensure the readiness of all the activity necessary to enable the smooth implementation of the legislation and to support law enforcement in their ability to drive forward the legislation on commencement.

While 6 April was the first date on which the legislation could be commenced, it has always been subject to consideration of all the activity necessary across the UK for the provisions to come into force.

We are looking to give 21 days’ notice of the commencement date which is when Parliament will also be informed."

I have also been told by other well placed contacts that a delay of at least a month is on the cards. And I've heard from one other source that it could be delayed until maybe even October, but I would not put too much hope on that at this stage.

So it's a bit of a fiasco really since various police forces have had their officers along with Trading Standards officers going around headshops and even visiting some internet vendors to advise them that the law is changing on April 6th, but that is clearly now bad info, given that we are less than 21 days away from the 6th April and no notice has been given to Parliament.

As we get further info or an official confrimation i will post it here, but it looks like the 4th April will not be our last trading day after all.

Offline myhero

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I agree with Lipbalm. And on top of that RCs have probably done more bad than good to the image of psychoactive substances.  Although it's going to be hard to prove that something is a RC if you don't actually schedule it.

Offline luminouspath

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Cardiotoxicity aside 4-MMC is amazing and the euphoria far outweighs MDMA for me. I also prefer U-47700 to oxycontin or morphine. Classics are classic for a reason, but that doesn't mean that new compounds are worthless. I will agree there was a lot of shit made to replace 4-MMC after the ban though.

Offline thewire

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The End of Legal Highs?

Joshua Rozenberg with the legal magazine programme featuring reports and discussion.
On today's programme, will new legislation deal effectively with the problem of so-called legal highs? Or will it just drive the issue further underground?
In a rare interview, Joshua talks to the Chief Coroner for England and Wales. Does the inquest system need reform?
And we hear from departing Director of Liberty, Shami Chakrabarti.
Producers: Jim Frank and Ben Crighton.

BBC Law in Action Radio Show

Offline Lipbalm

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Every time I read some news article or watch some news report about some 15 year old honor student taking drugs for the very first time and either dying or ending up in a coma it is always an RC. I'm not saying thousands a year don't OD on heroin, coke, and meth, but those are ODs by idiots who are living on the edge and who know it, not someone unknowingly playing a game of Russian roulette.

... I didn't know about 4-MMC being better than MDMA. If true that's cool.
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Offline fractal

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It's not better than MDMA, completely different feel. It's not even an empatheogen. I've been eating randomly substituted tryptamines and phenethylamines for over a decade and haven't had any issues. The problem comes from people getting their hands on things they don't know how to use in a safe manner. They need to spend some of that loot on spreading information rather than flushing it down the drain trying to stop people from getting things most people here can make from household products with a bit of effort.

Offline Tsathoggua

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It will only serve to drive things underground, driving down quality, purity, safety and increasing the number of substance related deaths.

With the ever-constricting noose of repressive drug legislation in the uk causing the people distributing these sorts of products to have to resort to scraping the bottom of the barrel for ever more meagre returns, in terms of safety, toxicological profiles, and user tolerability.

Just look at the way things started out, the first wave of compounds, HU-210, CP-55,940 and analogs of it, the JWH aminoalkylindoles, or some of them weren't too bad, but some of the garbage thats been released is just shocking. things producing fluoroacetate in vivo, that one that knocked off a lot of russian users.

Help things? this new legislation, unless it can be defeated, can only serve to inflict shocking decreases in overall safety of the using population, which isn't going to go away all of a sudden.

Nomen mihi Legio est, quia multi sumus

I'm hyperbolic, hypergolic, viral, chiral. So motherfucking twisted my laevo is on the right side.

Offline thewire

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UK Blanket Ban starting Thursday MAY 26th

"The government has just published the commencement order for the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, and so given 21 days notice from today - the Act comes into force on Thursday May 26th 2016."