Author Topic: Wanted references  (Read 226364 times)

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Wanted references
« on: September 27, 2001, 06:29:00 PM »
Reaction Byproducts of Common Cold Tablet Ingredients Via Hydriodic Acid/Red Phosphorus
Oulton-S-R; Skinner-H-F
Microgram 32(10), 257-285 (1999)

In southern California, the current method of choice for the synthesis of illicit methamphetamine is the reduction of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine with hydriodic acid and red phosphorus. However, as a result of restrictions on the availability of both precursors, common cold tablet preparations are increasingly being used as a source of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. Such tablets also contain other ingredients such as paracetamol, chlorpheniramine, dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, doxylamine, guaifenesin, and triprolidine. Depending on the isolation method used, these other compounds may be present in the reaction mixtures and subsequently produce other by-products. This paper describes the by-products formed as a result of the reaction between the tablet ingredients and hydriodic acid/red phosphorus. The identification of the by-products found in clandestine methamphetamine laboratories would help to determine the exact cold preparation used as the source of the precursor.
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Synthesis of deuterio-l-amphetamine, d1 sulfate
Foreman RL, Siegel FP, Mrtek RG.
J Pharm Sci. 1969 Feb;58(2):189-92.
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The Identification of Cathinone in Khat (Catha edulis): A Time Study
Lee MM
J. Forensic. Sci. 40(1), 116-121 (1995)

Previous studies on the khat plant (Catha edulis) illustrated the importance of using freshly harvested young shoots and leaves such that cathinone, the principal active component and Schedule I controlled drug contained within the plant, could be suitably isolated and identified. Upon drying and storage of the cut plant material, cathinone readily converts to the reduced product, cathine, which necessitates rapid extraction and chemical analysis for cathinone identification. This study demonstrates that by air drying the young khat shoots at ambient temperature, cathinone may be detected in khat samples that have been harvested for more than 10 days. Refrigeration for two weeks and freezing for one month of the khat samples also yield identifiable levels of cathinone. Cathinone and cathine are both specifically determined and differentiated by vapor phase infrared detection, which is the method of choice in relation to mass spectrometry.
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MS data of some metabolites of the amphetamine derivatives MDA MDMA
Verweij AM
Arch Kriminol. 197(1-2), 27-30 (1996) [Article in German]

Mass spectrometric data are presented for the detection of metabolites of the amphetamine derivates 3,4-(Methylenedioxy)amphetamine (MDA) und 3,4-(Methylenedioxy)methylamphetamine (MDMA, Ecstasy) as well as some other derivatives.
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Intermediates/byproducts in the illegal production of fentanyl, and its p-fluoro- and N-acetyl analogues
Fritschi G, Klein B.
Arch Kriminol. 196(5-6), 149-55 (1995) [Article in German]

The aim of the present work was the gaschromatographic and mass spectrometric characterization of intermediates and artifacts in the illegal synthesis of fentanyl and fluorfentanyls. These data provide the means to recognize fentanyls from illicit production.
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Fentanyl analogues with a modified propanamido group as potential affinity labels: synthesis and in vivo activity.
Essawi MYH.
Pharmazie 54(4), 307–8 (1999)

LSD and structural analogs: pharmacological evaluation at D1 dopamine receptors
Watts VJ., Lawler CP., Fox DR., Neve KA., Nichols DE., Mailman RB
Psychopharmacology 118(4), 401-9 (1995)
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Complex stimulus properties of LSD: a drug discrimination study with ?2-adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists
Marona-Lewicka D., Nichols DE
Psychopharmacology 120(4), 384-91 (1995)

High atomic yield bromine-less benzylic bromination
Mestres, Ramon; Palenzuela, Jesus
Green Chemistry 4(4), 314-316 (2002)


A two-phase mixture (sodium bromide, aqueous hydrogen peroxide/carbon tetrachloride or chloroform) under visible light provides a simple and convenient system for benzylic bromination of toluenes. A high atomic yield for bromine atoms is attained. Substitution of the chlorinated solvents by other more environmentally benign organic solvents has been attempted and good results are obtained for methyl pivalate.

Found in

Post 468080

(moo: "Another one", Methods Discourse)

The Synthesis of a New Homologue of Mescaline
Hey, P.
Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Vol. 20, 129-134 (1947)

Could anyone fetch these two revolutionary articles by Channe Gowda, published back-to back in Ind. J. Chem?

Hydrazine/magnesium mediated cost-effective and selective reduction of nitro compounds
Srinivasa GR, Abiraj K, Gowda DC
Ind. J. Chem. Sect. B,  42(11), 2885-2887 (2003)

Hydrazine aided catalytic transfer hydrogenation has been employed for the reduction of both aliphatic and aromatic nitro compounds to corresponding amines. The use of low-cost magnesium, as catalyst leads to high yields of amino compounds under ambient conditions of temperature and pressure. Many commonly encountered functional groups like ethene, nitrile, acid, phenol, halogen etc. are compatible with the present system.
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Magnesium/ammonium formate promoted rapid, low-cost and selective reduction of nitro compounds
Srinivasa GR, Abiraj K, Gowda DC
Ind. J. Chem. Sect. B,  42(11), 2882-2884 (2003)

The reduction of nitro compounds, both aliphatic and aromatic into corresponding amines has been achieved at room temperature in good yields by employing ammonium formate in the presence of low cost magnesium powder. The hydrogenation is fast and selective in the presence of other sensitive functionalities such as halogens, -OH, -OCH3, -CN, -COOR, -COOH etc. It was observed that, this system is equally compatible with existing methods, which employ expensive catalysts like palladium, platinum, ruthenium etc.

Wanted Amphetamine Syntheses:

Preparation of 2-phenylisopropylamine
F.M. Jaeger and J.A. van Dijk
Proc. Acad. Sci. Amsterdam, 44, 26-40 (1941) [CA 37, 6219 (1943)]

Reduction of phenylhydrazone-p-sulfonic acids
R. Fusco and L. Canonica
Chim. Ind. (Milan) 32, 208-210 (1950) [CA 45, 4645a (1951)]

Catalyst selection for the lactonization of 1,4-butanediol
Srinivas B, Subrahmanyam M, Kulkarni SJ, Rao YVS, Rao AVR
Indian Journal Of Chemical Technology 3(4), 237-238 (1996)

Chromite catalysts have been studied with and without modifiers for lactonization of 1,4-butanediol. The reaction on majority of the catalyst proceeds giving rise to cyclodehydration product, tetrahydrofuran (THF) mainly rather than cyclodehydrogenation product of gamma-butyrolactone (gamma-BL). The lactonization of 1,4-butanediol increases when the zinc chromite catalyst is modified with Pt metal. Few methods are discussed regarding the preparation and modification of the catalysts and their effects in selectivity from THF to gamma-BL.

Synthetic approaches to cocaine and its analogs    
Simoni, Daniele; Rondanin, Riccardo; Roberti, Marinella   
Targets in Heterocyclic Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 147-183 (1999)

A review of the most important synthetic approaches to cocaine and its analogs with 95 refs.  It is presented in the following chapters; (1) Introduction (2) Total synthesis of cocaine via Mannich-type cyclization, nitrone-based approach, and Dieckmann cyclization (3) Synthesis of anhydroecgonine methylester (4) Synthesis of cocaine's analogs (5) Conclusions.  Particular attention has been devoted to the recent synthetic acquisitions esp. regarding the synthesis of two-carbon bridge substituted cocaines as well as to conformationally restricted cocaine derivs.
(Please scan the pages in an OCR-friendly way, as in completely straight and in 200 DPI. Do not compress with jpg/djvu.)

Synthesis, Stability and Analysis of MDA analogs
J Alabama Academy Sci 64, 34-48 (1993)

Methadone NMR Analysis
Sci. Pharm. 68(3), 229-234 (2000)

Reactions of aliphatic epoxy compounds. IV. New route for DL-ephedrine synthesis.
Lunge, Jerzy; Belzecki, Czeslaw
Acta Polon. Pharm. 18,  177-81 (1961)

Ref found in in

Post 290749

(foxy2: "Novel route to Ephedrine and possibly its analogs", Novel Discourse)

Synthesis of benzyl chloride by solid-liquid phase-transfer catalysis method
Bui Thi Van Nga; Chu Pham Ngoc Son
Tap Chi Hoa Hoc 23(4), 6-7 (1985)

PhCH2Cl was prepd. by chlorination of PhMe with Ca(OCl)2 using tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate or tetrabutylammonium bromide as phase-transfer catalysts.  With suitable ratio of PhMe-catalyst, the yield was high and the reaction was quite selective.
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Chemical Reagents 21(4), 231-232 (1999) Synthesis of 1-(2-bromophenyl)-2-propanol
Chemical Reagents 21(5), 264-265 (1999) Synthesis of 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylbenzaldehyde
Chemical Reagents 22(6), 356-357 (2000) A new synthetic method for phenylacetone

Title: Hua hsüeh shih chi = Huaxue shiji = Chemical Reagents
ISSN: 02583283

Libraries in the western hemisphere carrying the journal:

Linda Hall Library

( (Kansas City, Missouri, USA)
British Library Science Reference Library (London, England)
Universitaets Bibliothek und TIB (Hanover, Germany)


  • Guest
wanted refs.
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2003, 01:58:00 PM »
This reference which discusses DXM would also be a very useful addition to the Levorphanol synth on Rhodium's by DopaMan,

The synth for this powerful opiate is very straightforward except for the difficulty in obtaining 2-(1,4-Cyclohexadienyl)ethylamine. This compound can be made from PEA (decarboxylate phenylalanine) with a controlled birch reduction of the ring, however the reference given here would seem to procede from cyclohexanone or cyclohexanol which would offer a far simpler route.

Preparation of useful intermediates of dextrorphan
Passarotti, C. M.; Valenti, M.; Grianti, M.
Boll.Chim.Farm. 1993, 132: 11 472-474

Dextrorphan is the main metabolite of Dextromethorphan, a drug with high anti-tussive activity.In this preliminary work we report on the synthesis of two essential intermediates for its preparation: 2-(1-cyclohexenyl)ethyl amine and (R;S)-1-(4-methoxy-benzyl)-2-methyl-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydroisoquinoline.


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Progress toward the total synthesis of salvinorin
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2003, 08:34:00 PM »
This is from the 225th ACS National Meeting. I hope that someone can post more about it  :) .
As far as i can tell, it is not yet available through

Progress toward the total synthesis of salvinorin A: A potent, non-nitrogenous kappa-opioid receptor selective agonist.
Vangapandu, Suryanarayana; Phillip, Ashok; Stewart, Jeremy D.; Zjawiony, Jordan; Avery, Mitchell A.; McCurdy, Christopher R.  
Department of Medicinal Chemistry,  University of Mississippi,  University,  MS,  USA.
Abstracts of Papers, 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States, March 23-27, 2003 ORGN-421.
Publisher: American Chemical Society,  Washington, D. C  CODEN: 69DSA4  Conference; Meeting Abstract  AN 2003:184914

Salvinorin A (1), a nonnitrogenous, neoclarodane diterpine, obtained from Salvia divinorum, has been reported to be the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogen, with an ED in humans in the 200- to 1,000- micrograms range when smoked with a typical duration of action being several minutes to an hour.  Salvia divinorum exts. and salvinorin A have become widely used in the U.S. as legal hallucinogens.  The site of pharmacol. activity remained a mystery until the recent report that identified salvinorin A as a potent and selective ligand for the kappa-opioid receptor.  Thus representing a unique structural class of nonnitrogenous opioid ligands.  In order to investigate structure-activity relationships of salvinorin A, analogs must be made.  One approach to analog synthesis is from a total synthesis perspective.  To our knowledge, there are no known syntheses of salvinorin A. Here we report our progress toward the first total synthesis of salvinorin A.

Surya N. Vangapandu



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the only ref. on MMA human use
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2003, 10:32:00 AM »
de Zorzi, C., Cavalli, A., Zacchia, 10, 3 (1974)

Journal info: Zacchia: archivio di medicina legale, sociale e criminologica
Roma, -, 1921-  *  Non pubbl. dal 1981 al 1982  *  ISSN 0044-1570

The experiments on animals suggest that MMA (3-methoxy-4-methylamphetamine) can be considered as a non-neurotoxic analog of MDMA (

). A quote from PiHKAL:

Some years ago a report appeared in the forensic literature of Italy, of the seizure of a small semitransparent capsule containing 141 milligrams of a white powder that was stated to be a new hallucinogenic drug.  This was shown to contain an analogue of DOM, 3-methoxy-4-methylamphetamine, or MMA.  The Italian authorities made no mention of the net weight contained in each dosage unit, but it has been found that the active level of MMA in man is in the area of 40-60 milligrams.  The compound can apparently be quite dysphoric, and long lived.

There are several questions that may be answered in this article:
1) Are there anecdotal reports on the effects of MMA in humans?
2) How was the structure of the seized substance elucidated? Is there any possibility that it could be actually an isomer of MMA, say, 4-MeO-3-Me-A, PMMA, or 4-MeO-3,5-diMe-PEA?
3) What method was applied to synthesize the substance?


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Wanted Articles
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2003, 08:41:00 PM »
Methoxyamphetamines and fenfluramine compared to amphetamine for antagonism of electroshock seizures
Davis, W. Marvin; Hatoum, Hind T.; Hatoum, Nabil S.   
Research Communications in Substances of Abuse  (1982),  3(3),  297-305.
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Synthesis of Ar-S-R from Ar-Br with Cu2+

New synthetic method for 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde.    
Chen, Zhi-tao; Xiang, Jian-nan; Li, Zhi-liang.   
Chongqing Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexueban  (2002),  25(2), 109-111. 
CODEN: CDXZF2  ISSN: 1000-582X.  Journal  written in Chinese.    CAN 138:73048    AN 2002:335010   

Reimer-Tiemann reaction and a methoxylation through di-Me sulfate are employed for the prepn. of 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde from p-methoxyphenol in this paper.  Comparing different phase transfer catalysts, it can be demonstrated that the PEG-10000 is the most favorable catalyst used in Reimer-Tiemann reaction.  The yield and quality are improved through the methoxylation of 2-hydroxy-5-methoxy-benzaldehyde in a buffer soln.  The diverse factors influencing the yield are examd.  Some explanations are given from theor. viewpoint.  The proper exptl. conditions are found and the overall yield reached 68%.
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Analysis of the essential oil of Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. from Indonesia.    
Taroeno; Brophy, J. J.; Zwaving, J. H.    Fac. Pharm.,  Gadjah Mada Univ.,  Yogyakarta,  Indonesia.   
Flavour and Fragrance Journal  (1991),  6(2),  161-3.

The compn. of the Z. cassumunar oil from Indonesia was examd. by gas chromatog. (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry.  A major part of the oil consists of monoterpenes with sabinene and terpinen-4-ol as main constituents.  Sesquiterpenes accounted for a small part of the oil with sesquiphellandrene being the principal constituent.  In addn. to these terpenes the oil contains a no. of phenylbutanoids.  The essential oil obtained by steam contained about 25% of these phenylbutanoids whereas, the oil obtained by extn. with light petroleum had about 46% with trans-1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)but-1-ene, trans-1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)butadiene and trans-4-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)but-3-ene-1-yl acetate as the main constituents.


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Dissertationes Pharmaceuticae
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2004, 04:35:00 PM »
Can anyone get this article?  Volume 1963 was gone at the only library I found in my area that carries it.

Dissertationes Pharmaceuticae 15(4), 419-426 (1963)
Infrared absorption spectra in the 1-14 micron range of apiole, 1,2,3,6-tetramethoxy-4-allylbenzene, myristicin, etc. obtained from various essential oils are recorded and discussed.

This is found in Chemical Abstracts (year = 1964) 4145b (volume 61?)

Some things I found using


Prace Komisji Nauk Farmaceutycznych Dissertationes Pharmaceuticae

Dissertationes Pharmaceuticae

Polish Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy (1973-1992) (ISSN 0301-0244 POL)
Dissertationes Pharmaceuticae et Pharmacologicae (1966-1972) (ISSN 0012-3870 POL)
Dissertationes Pharmaceuticae (1954-1965) (ISSN 0301-1615 POL)
Dissertationes Pharmaceuticae (1949-1952) (ISSN 0477-4795 POL)


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Traces of metals in Ecstacy tablets
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2004, 01:03:00 PM »
Could someone retrieve the following article?

Traces of metals in Ecstacy tablets
S. Comment et. al.,
Probl. Forensic Sci., 66, p. 131 (2001)


  • Guest
OK, I know...
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2004, 11:20:00 AM »
...this time I ask nearly the impossible but anyway:
Nikolova M., Daleva L. Marinova V. Farmazia (Sofia) 19 (1969) 31.
Vasileva E., Natova L. Compt. Rend. Bulgaria 44 (1991) 37.
The papers are probably in Bulgarian but that is OK


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Wiss. Z. Techn.
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2004, 04:39:00 AM »
Has somebee access to the (german) Wiss. Z. Techn. article about the Mannich reaction on primary amines?

H.G.O. Becker, W. Ecknig, E. Fanghänel, S. Rommel    Wiss. Z. Techn. (1968) vol 11 p 38


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quaternary N-methyl-4-piperidone methiodide
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2004, 01:10:00 PM »
Could someone get these articles drone mentioned on the reaction of the quaternary N-methyl-4-piperidone methiodide with amines to get N-substituted 4-piperidones.

Chem. Heterocycl. Compd. 21(12) 1327

Also, in an article I saw they alkylated 4-piperidone pyrrolidine enamine with allylbromide to get 3-allyl-4-piperidone but they didn't give reaction details or references. That kind of reaction would be useful for making 3-methyl piperidones.

Chem. Heterocycl. Compd. 21(12): 1362


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side-chain modifications of amphetamines
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2004, 02:52:00 PM »
Here is something interesting in the pursuit of AMT from isatin:
3-Methyleneoxindoles can be selectively reduced at the carbon-carbon double bond using sodium dithionite in aqueous ethanol.
Isatylideneacetones are reduced to the corresponding 3-acetonyloxindoles in 57-92% yield.

Joshi, K.C. et al, Pharmazie (1984) 39, 153

As posted in

Post 475500

(Nicodem: "Modifications on the side chain (again)", Novel Discourse)

“The alpha-methyl group of amphetamine itself can be replaced by allyl, ethyl, or ethynyl groups of electron-donating character, without deleterious effects on centrally-mediated actions [1,2], but replacement by electron-withdrawing groups, such as cyano [3] or trifluoromethyl [4], abolishes amphetamine-like properties.”

[1] Burger, Zimmermann, Ariens (1966), J. Med. Chem. , 9, 469. [Retrieved]
[2] Shamano, Hitchens, Goldstein, Beiler (1968), Arch. int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. , 172, 251.
[3] Pinder, Burger, Ariens (1970), Arzeim.-Forsch. , 20, 245. [Retrieved]
[4] Pinder, Burger (1967), J. Pharm. Sci., 56, 970. [Retrieved]

If anybody can find and post them, these are the refs for the phenoxyethylamines:
Julia, M. and de Rosnay; European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 4 (1969), 334.
Julia, M. and de Rosnay; European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 5 (1970), 337.
(European J. of Med. Chem. stil had the title Chim. Ther. in those times)
Rougeul, A.; Laval. med., 40 (1969), 37.
Rougeul, A. and Verdaux, J.; Rev. Can. Biol., 31 (1972), 49.


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« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2004, 07:13:00 AM »
Improved pharmacological activity via pro-drug modification: comparative pharmacokinetics of sodium gamma-hydroxybutyrate and gamma-butyrolactone
Lettieri J, Fung H-L
Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology 1978, 22(1)107-118

Although gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) rapidly converts to gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in vivo, the lactone gave significantly more prolonged hypnotic effects than GHB when equimolar doses were compared both parenterally and orally in rats. Plasma drug concentrations were higher after GBL administration through both routes, consistent with the observed differences in the pharmacological activity of these two compounds. Oral GBL was absorbed much faster than oral GHB, with the dual effects of decreasing potential first-pass metabolism and elevating plasma drug concentrations to the region where capacity-limited elimination is operative. Parenteral GBL produced a slower initial drug plasma clearance than parenteral GHB. In spite of the rapid metabolism of GBL to GHB, the apparent tissue distribution of these two compounds may be different.


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« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2004, 06:55:00 AM »
Medicinal chemistry and structure-activity relationships of hallucinogens.
Nichols, D.E., and Glennon, R.A.
In: Jacobs, B.L., ed. Hallucinogens: Neurochemical, Behavioral, and Clinical Perspectives. New York: Raven Press, 1984. pp. 95-142.

The replacement of two adjacent methoxy groups with a methylenedioxy ring generally increases potency...
I would be grateful if someone could supply me with this paper covering the details:

C. Naranjo, A. T Shulgin, and T. Sargent, Med. Pharmacol. Exp., 17,359 (1967)

Bibliography data on the latter, found by Major_Armstrong:
Medicina et pharmacologia experimentalis
Basel ; New York : S. Karger, 1965-1967, 6 v. : ill. ; 26 cm, Vol. 12, no. 1-v. 17, no. 6.


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Shulgin 5-MeO-DIPT article
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2004, 02:59:00 PM »
Someone must have access to Communications in Psychopharmacology. I'd love to read this.

N,N-Diisopropyltryptamine (DIPT) and 5-Methoxy-N,N-Diisopropyltryptamine (5-MeO-DIPT). Two Orally Active Tryptamine Analogs with CNS Activity.
Shulgin AT, Carter MF.
Communications in Psychopharmacology 1980; 4():363-369


  • Guest
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2004, 01:25:00 AM »

"Isolation of Lysergol from Kaladana", C.I. Abou-Chaar and G.A. Digenis, Nature 212, 618 (1966)

BTW, the plant's full latin name is "Calonyction-Ipomoea (Choisy) Hallier f. nova species"....



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« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2004, 01:58:00 AM »
First human trials with TMA
Peretz, D. I., Smythies, J. R., and Gibson, W. C.
J. Mental Sci., 101, 317 (1955)

Shulgin refers to this article a few time. It describes the first human trials with TMA. You can also read about it in PiHKAL under TMA.


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« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2004, 06:17:00 PM »
Raney Ni catalyzed Leuckart reaction

J. Gen. Chem. U.S.S.R. (Engl. translation) 25, 1377-81 (1955)

Abstract in

Post 512060 (missing)

(moo: "Nickel catalyzed Leuckart reaction.", Methods Discourse)


  • Guest
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2004, 03:22:00 PM »
Zhurnal Organichestroi Khimii, 1965, 1(11), 1973-1976

Hopefully related to butyraldehyde acetals - If it is of interest please translate it....


A novel metal promoter for the Sandmeyer reaction.
Anon. UK. CODEN: RSDSBB  ISSN: 0374-4353. CAN 103:87565 AN 1985:487565      
Research Disclosure  (1985),  252  171.

Fe2+ halide or Feo-Fe3+ system as a promoter for the Sandmeyer reaction, wherein Cu+ causes detrimental side effects in the case of Me-substituted or ortho-substituted arenediazonium salts, was discussed.  The oxidn. of pendant Me groups was not evident in the Fe system and the reaction was applicable to a wide variety of functional groups.  The Fe system is less expensive than Cu+ and more friendly environmentally.


  • Guest
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2004, 06:06:00 PM »
I've hada bit of a fish aroundlooking for this but haven't found anything yet if someones got access to this thanks.
Physical characterization of the new bis(N-phenylpiperazines).
Journal of Pharmacy (University of Karachi) (1985), 3(2), 89-94.


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Drugs of Abuse: historical context
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2004, 01:26:00 AM »
I would be interested in the following two articles, especially because of their historical context:

The Drug Problem in the Military: an American Lawyer's Point of View. Medicine, Science and the Law 9(2) (1969) 122-124
Hallucinogens and Narcotics Alarm Public. Chemical and Engineering News 48(47) (1970) 44-45

Thanks in advance