Author Topic: Equipment for distilling safrole at 238°C  (Read 2534 times)

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Equipment for distilling safrole at 238°C
« on: March 11, 2004, 11:24:00 PM »
Hi, I am new to the hive:)

Currently, SWIM is tasked to get about 20kg of safrole out of sassy per day. What SWIM has seen from are methods using fractional vacuum distillation. If the volume is big(in this case 20kg), there is chance to get impolsion. The question SWIM is asking is can SWIM do the distilling like distilling water under atm pressure at 238°C? Will the yield be lesser(yield is important in SWIM's case)? Does SWIM need a stirrer like stated in Brightstar's syn?

Thanks for all the kind replies(if any:)).


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You always start small, and work upwards...
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2004, 12:25:00 PM »
If you need to ask this, you are not well suited to the task of producing 20g of safrole per day.


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Pretty cuffs
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2004, 12:54:00 PM »
What kind do you like? pink or blue fluffy ones? coz if your getting 20kg of sassy ANYWHERE you will be involved in a setup and be arrested, sheduled substance the dea is all over it like flys on shit.

Even if you were being serious about have 20kg (per day?) you cant do it all at once yes you'll implode, do small batches under reduced atmosphere, doing it at 238 @ 1atm is hard as that higher a temp is too hard to stabilise, and you'll burn the oil before it starts to distill, end up with fuck all of nothing.

20kg, dont be an idiot, if anyone in any country offers you 20kg its the drug squad/agency whatever, ie your fucked. And distillation of ~800g takes about 6ish hours to get decent yeild and purity.

If you had maybe 20 vac stills working in unicen, yeh maybe but otherwise your dreamin.

Rhodium is right, if you have to ask a question like that your in the wrong place.


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Thanks Rhodium. SWIM can have as much as sassy
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2004, 04:08:00 PM »
Thanks Rhodium. SWIM can have as much as sassy if SWIM can get the required output per day. SWIM will design(as SWIM does not have chemistry background, SWIM is an engineering gradute) the process and try to find out what will go wrong during the process.

Alright, SWIM will go read the things about organic chemistry online and find them all by himself.


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if you can get 20kg of sassafras oil a day
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2004, 04:15:00 PM »
you can get  vacuum pumps. are you sure you dont mean sassafras root or something like that? tell whoever is commisioning you that you need equip, if they can supply 140kg a week to you they can get you stirbars and vacuum pumps, i use the plural because you will need more than one setup for the scale you want it at.

i hope this is legal where you come from because you will bee the fall guy no doubt about be honest it was brave of you to agree to producing that much daily without knowing how...if you can get that much safrole you could borrow a chemist to show you.


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Hi anOrangeDrip:) SWIM's task is only to ...
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2004, 06:49:00 PM »
Hi anOrangeDrip:)

SWIM's task is only to distil them.:) There are actually huge amount of sassy in a store that SWIM has no access to. SWIM comes from east of the planet, a place where Ketone can be bought(not too easy but still can be bought)..... Currently, SWIM's customer has got huge pile of sassy and might just want to dispose them off if they are of no use to them.


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check this out Post 292562 i think in one of...
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2004, 08:12:00 PM »
check this out

Post 292562

(wyndowlicker: "cant get safrole? FREEZE IT!", Methods Discourse)

i think in one of the threads i read about someone freezing 5 gallons at a time. if their doin 5 i guess you can do more than that at a time.

which country is this where mdp2p is legal and available? i might have to take a vacation and send a case of mountain dew back home  :)


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Thank you very much homeslice:) This has been...
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2004, 08:37:00 PM »
Thank you very much homeslice:)

This has been very helpful and i can sit infront of tv and oops, its done:) Thanks again for your helpful information.

I wish I can contribute like you in the future. Cheers.


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massive stores
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2004, 12:35:00 AM »
God im hoping you mean 20Kg of the plant material, if its 20Kg of oil it is going to be watched.

Wait.... east..... asia..... is it illegal there or not? maybe not seeing as you said you can buy ketone....

But anyway if your removing e/o from plants its not a lot of oil for the amount of actual root bark, hope you know that. And if its safrole from 20kg of e/o.... fuck... that’s a lot of a carcinogenic substance to be dealing with, hope you have a well vented area and got protection wear on, or fumes will be nasty as and make you sick.
Good luck anyway. Take photos of your massive still so the hive can see what that much safrole looks like.



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If you make a stainless steel distillation...
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2004, 04:50:00 AM »
If you make a stainless steel distillation apparatus then you should bee able to do a large vacuum distillation.


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hi apprenticecook, thanks for the info, the...
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2004, 02:31:00 PM »
hi apprenticecook, thanks for the info, the characteristics of the oil have been studied.

hi foxy2, thanks for this. SWIM has come to ask about distilling in atm pressure(in large amount), it seems like it is not recommended using vacuum fractional distillation in large amount.

anyway, SWIM will proceed to do it using freezing as the melting point of Safrole is well between a freezer's range of temperature


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i agree
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2004, 02:27:00 AM »
20kg - china - indonesia - but yea -they catch you and you can expect a long life in a jungle prison -um not pleasant unless you like fungal infections...

in response it to being a carcinogen - only in some animals - and no doubt as you are aware - different organisms metabolise things differently.

but hell - it removes paint effieciently so it aint gonna do you no good in 20kg samples

optomistic pessimist - well i never


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HEy now,
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2004, 04:43:00 PM »


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Variation in freezing point
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2004, 01:17:00 AM »
PURE safrole freezes at 11C but usually you have to go quite a bit lower than that to freeze the safrole out of solution in sassafrass oil.  But a deep freeze should do it everytime.  SWIM has given up distilling it out long ago.  I like distilling.  It is a fun and wholesome occupation for the whole family but when it comes down to it freezing is exponentially easier, you don't really need any equipment other than a freezer and I believe you can get it purer with freezing.
Besides it's pretty cool to carry out.


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PURE safrole freezes at 11C but usually you...
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2004, 07:01:00 AM »
PURE safrole freezes at 11C but usually you have to go quite a bit lower than that to freeze the safrole out of solution in sassafrass oil.