Author Topic: little smoke in LWR?  (Read 9346 times)

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Did you drink anything to piss?
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2004, 09:08:00 PM »
If you have consumed any liquids and really cannot urinate then you should get to the hospital.  Seriously, being unable to urinate is a medical emergency usually the result of kidney failure.  If you haven't consumed any water then you should and if you do and still can't urinate then call an ambulance cause you won't bee able to drive. Unless the hospital is across the street.


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hey shorty
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2004, 10:24:00 PM »
lots of things can prevent urination. blatter issues,prostate problems, the list goes on.


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It`s normal to have problem to piss when ...
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2004, 11:48:00 PM »
It`s normal to have problem to piss when someone take biglines


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"lots of things can prevent urination.
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2004, 12:30:00 AM »


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Thanks for the concern!
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2004, 12:50:00 AM »
Wow the love is great! Nobody cares that my dick looks like an asian five year old, you're all worried about my health! Fuck my health and get a dick pump fast!
   Since I drive the ambulance,it probably wouldn't be smart to call my fellow employees and have them take me to the hospital where my medical director will see and hear me!
   I just meant that I can't piss as much as normal and the fluids are retained a little more, no problem but appreciated.
    DRAGAN how large of a amount equals the bottom circle of a cigarette? That big line was from the yellow fast P/P shit. I don't know how much to do but I will definitely stop when my heart beat breaks a couple ribs!
   The real emphasis of helpful feedback I could use is on the effects that I'm feeling and do things sound like they went okay,good,or great! No experience with the ones to go up, just the opiates.
   Also was just to give kudo's and thanks to the tons of info here and the guys who let me fill up their PM's with questions as to not waste thread space.



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Dicks and healthy(er) consumption
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2004, 01:42:00 AM »
"...No experienced friends over yet to be guinea pigs, but SWIM got a great body rush,warm euphoric feeling for quite a while,pulse doubled in around a minute,stayed up talking with girlfriend all night,now it's the next night and still no agitation or anxiety. SWIM feels like he could sleep anytime he wants,which should be next week some time.
   Only drawbacks were SWIM's jaw felt tight like on double dose MDMA and girlfriend said she didn't get the helicopter sound like when she tried years ago. Oh yeah, and my dick looks like I am five and Chinese and I can't piss!..."

Thats a pretty good summary of some pretty nice gear.  You'll probably feel the need to clean up soon... The dick thing is normal... it depends on the meth isomer ratios - dictated by feedstock and rxn method.

From Callen No 478837
"...Reason being...d-meth is psychological, i.e; mainly affecting the mind...and No hard on. l-meth is more physically oriented. You can play your woman like a fine Fender Strat or Gibson Les Paul.The physical sensations are overwhelming. 5-hour sex marathons are the norm...your dick stays rock hard the whole time whereas with just d-meth you have a half-rigid, limp dick that is semi-hard at ejaculation. Doesn't impress the woman much...".

HOWEVER, it is advisable that whilst under the influence of meth; you need to 'pretend' you're normal.  That is, although you don't feel hungry, thirsty, tired or need to piss..., you need to have your rests, eat whatever you can force down your throat, and drink fluids and try and push out a piss whenever you can muster up the will power. 

This makes the comedown less harsh, and your body more healthy(er).  Now some may be like 'fuck health'..but think of it this way.., the longer your healthy, the longer you can get high and mighty.  The alternative is nasty ass comedowns that last days; the only way to feel better again is to hit the gear..COUGH!-JUNKY-COUGH! COUGH!


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Almost there
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2004, 10:01:00 AM »
I think you're really close, but still aren't quite where you want to be. The jaw clench suggests the presence of unreduced intermediates with the meth. Other symptoms, such as difficulting urinating, are common with meth , but seem to me to be more pronounced with bathes that are not quite fully reduced. Remember to stay hydrated and nourished.

Meth certainly increases interest in sex, and seems to make it much more enjoyable and intense; nothing about meth improves your erectile function. Meth impairs erectile function, particularly when you do too much of it. Unreduced intermediates, byproducts-- or combinations of them-- seem to me to impair erectile function more than too much meth.  That is just my take on it, from experience.
Sleep deficits can play a role in this too, but at times the tiredness will help relax an overamped body enough for the sexual response to kick back in. That last fuck of a long, hot weekend is sometimes the hottest one of all.

That is always a good way to wind up a weekend, IMHO.  :)


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Guess i overreacted
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2004, 01:09:00 PM »
Well i guess i over reacted on the not being able to piss thing.  My wife recently donated on of her kidneys to her brother in order to save his life and i remember reading that if you are unable to urinate then you should seek medical help immediately cause the kidneys hold alot of toxins and if they are unable to release them then it could bee fatal. 

I have never experienced any dick problems associated with meth except.  Does that mean my meth is weak or what?


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Wow! didn't know you were married Shorta!
« Reply #28 on: January 09, 2004, 01:36:00 PM »
Wow! didn't know you were married Shorta!

Well i guess i over reacted on the not being able to piss thing.  My wife recently donated on of her kidneys to her brother in order to save his life and i remember reading that if you are unable to urinate then you should seek medical help immediately cause the kidneys hold alot of toxins and if they are unable to release them then it could bee fatal. 

I've got problems urinating, it happened whilst on DXM syrup.HBr, and my kidney's do kind of get sore sometimes when I lay on my side. Maybee I did limited damge on the DXM trip (2YRs ago).

I told the Dr I had problems urinating and that it was a waiting game and he didn't care the R-hole! He just wanted to make money off the next patient.

Ill go see someone again because of this reminder. It has improved, but I still have to wait sometimes.


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JUMPER almost feels guilt!
« Reply #29 on: January 09, 2004, 02:55:00 PM »
Shorty, I read your post and I felt like shit! I had to go back and read mine to see what I said that made you feel like you overreacted. You read right about those kidneys and the dangers from not pissing. Not only are they the most important factor in controlling the A/B's and our PH system. Which kills us when the acids and ions aren't processed or toxins released, but also plays a huge role in our cardiac output and blood pressure.
   I think that honey shoots out a bunch of ADH hormones that are produced in our kidneys and that is what causes the lag in piss. Once a bunch of ADH gets released it makes the body think that it needs more water even if your not dehydrated. So even if you drink a lot of water like myself, your body pushes it into your blood and tissue causing you to get edema, or extra water everywhere but out. This also would explain why even with my high water intake when I piss it is very concentrated and yellow from toxins. Your body is being tricked into pushing that water out where it doesn't need to go and not helping clean out the system. That is why you have to concentrate or think about pissing, because your body doesn't want to lose any fluids because of all the damn ADH floating around.
   So just be careful the other way because drinking excess water while on a binge will cause edema everywhere from the body trying to compensate for no reason and then we thrash our heart from to much Sodium or Potassium. That's when that funky heartbeat is going to start wasting you.
   The kidneys are no joke my brother and I am sorry to hear about your wife and her surgery. If you were serious then you should know that you guys are in for a long haul if she doesn't take care of herself. Way too much responsibility in them kidneys. Do they think she will have to start dialysis or is she pretty healthy otherwise.
   Hope the best for you guys and no more making me feel sad in posts!
   Thanks for all the input on SWIM's results bee's!!

   Spectralshift, I do know medicine and I feel confident that if you quit straining so hard mentally to try and thrash people in posts, especially my two main tutors. Your kidney's will feel better and you wont have any more trouble pissing. Oh yeah,and you can't be doing any meth either. Sorry but I think it's better for everyone!

   ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D


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Shes fine
« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2004, 02:04:00 PM »
I think you misread :) , my wife gave one of her kidneys to her brother who was on dialysis.  She was the only one in her family that was compatible.  Its been a year since the surgery and she didn't have any complications other than the fact that we live in a different country which is on the opposite side of the planet, so she had to endure 30 hours of air travel to get back home.


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Good to hear about wife!
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2004, 12:17:00 AM »
That's cool that everything went well and her body has compensated well. Sometimes that doesn't end up being the case even though were suppose to. If she ever kicks you in the balls remember which side has the kidney to hit! ;D

EDIT! EDIT! Previous post!  

   Also our hormone ADH-anti diuretic hormone is excreted from the pituitary gland which receives it's impulses from the Hypothalumus in brain, which in turn gets it's cues from our fucking kidneys. The more I read, the more were fucked by our kidneys when honey is involved!  :)