Author Topic: Mercury Chloride Synth  (Read 6464 times)

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Mercury Chloride Synth
« on: September 25, 2001, 02:24:00 PM »
Hi Ya'awl
Was going through an old book and found this and was wondering if this is an acceptable route or is there a better, easier safer one.
1. 4 parts elemental mercury are boiled in six part conc H2So4 untill a white mass is left.
2. When the mass has cooled completely, it is mixed with 4 parts elemental mercury. This process must be performed in a ceramic vessel , using adequate skin protection.
3.  when completely mixed , 3 parts sodium metal are added and the mass rubbed untill it is powdered and all globules of mercury cease to appear.
4. the mixture is then sublimed
5. the sublimate is then reduced to a fine powder and washed with boiling distilled water until the washings yield no precipitate when tested with aqueous ammonia.

Anyone used this method or know of a better one? ;)

Still stranger than you!


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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2001, 10:06:00 PM »
Where does the chloride come from???

And it uses watched sodium metal!!

Definately Not a Good Synth

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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2001, 11:19:00 PM »
Sounds like a 100 year old prep for an anti-syphilis potion.


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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2001, 12:32:00 AM »
Thank Chief, I ran that Rxn (HgCl2.txt) with 10g Hg and got 8.95g of my desired Mercury salt.
Look forward to seeing how it goes with the Al foil.

Foxy 2 loxy,  Sodium metal is not a problem for me as I make my own, quite easy really when U got the right gear.

Terbium, how did you know? You must also have that book "Cure's for syphyllis, gonoreah and other STD's" By I.P Freely. Great book, except for that part about the red hot needle and the blind eye.
:)  ;)

Still stranger than you!


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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2001, 04:48:00 PM »
Ok lets hear a DETAILed description of how you make that sodium metal.  Especially the apparatus used.  And how you separate the sodium from your reaction mixture.

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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2001, 07:39:00 PM »
Yes, inquiring minds want to know.


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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2001, 11:15:00 PM »

Big dogs, on the prowl.  8)

You guys crack me up. Its so obvious, too. Well, let em havit. Its a Hive tradition.  :P


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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2001, 04:41:00 AM »
Doubters in our midst? :o
Well, it really is quite simple, y'know.
I am a skilled alloy/stainless/etc welder(not my profession , just an interest) and knocking up almost any lab equip in metal is easy, especially with a good lathe and vert mill  MIG TIG etc
I will have a digital camera soon, so will attach some nice little piccy's for the sceptic's  too.
Simply it is a thick walled (3.6mm)S.S container with a tang for Attaching  the cathode (-) which has been shaped with a cone out whick is attached via a water trap to a Ass-pirater  for suckink away  that nasty chlorine gas, and a carbon rod, removed carfully from a carbon arc lamp (or a carbon battery D cell or bigger)to which the anode(+) is connected.  have also included a shield around the C rod which sit above the molten NaCl( molten what?) by about an inch whch provides an inert atmosphere to what is going on, bit like a TIG torch , sorta.
Currents and voltages to be discussed later.
This metal flask is then placed on to a gas burner and about 300g NaCl(salt) is poured inside, and slowly heated till salt melts @ 800ºC Once salt start to melt , the inert gas is turned on (I use argon, as it is cheaper than nitrogen) electrode is placed in molten compound and slowly moved around. Lostsa fisssing as Cl exits and , shit , what are all this funny little globluses of silvery lookin metal.
I then scoop these balls out and drop straight in a jar containing mineral turps (using a S.Steel spoon).
Voltages and currents.
Low voltage D.C. currents are required 14-18 volts is the range, and my Shunt tells me I am ranging around 30-70 Amps, but I think my shunt is damaged as  this is a bit on the high side I believe, but then again I=V/R.
So there you go My version of a "Down's Cell".
Look it up, very old technique hasn't changed much as  it\ aint broken.
Will post some piccys for viuals evidence soon.
Dont try this at home without good ventilation as Chlorine gas will kill you are make you really starve for air and turn blue before your mother breaks down the door and does that thing to you she saw on E.R©. Serious, Cl gas suck.

Still stranger than you!


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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2001, 06:04:00 AM »
"Sounds like a 100 year old prep for an anti-syphilis potion."


  If you're thinking about doing an Al/Hg on a P2P: Mercuric nitrate is just as effective as the chloride, and it's not as suspicious.



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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2001, 03:32:00 PM »
Nitrate work's my ass, you trying to kill me? you bastard!
The only good use for that stuff is making #6 or #8 caps or packing into low velocity hollow points. Well actually, I can think of a lot of thing's it's good for.

Also, if trying the electroylsis of NaCl add 3 grams per 100 grams of CaCl to the salt before heating and it melts a bit quicker, also remember that the Na is molten as it melts at about 100ºC so when it hits the turps, you some times get a little spit back at ya.
I suppose you will tell me next about the reduction of P2P with nitroglycerine or TNT next.
Personally I like the Hexamine- H2O2(50%) and citric acid route, . :)

Still stranger than you!


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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2001, 03:51:00 PM »
Mercuric nitrate is non-explosive. You must be thinking of mercury fulminate, Hg(ONC)2.


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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2001, 01:27:00 PM »
Doh, of course it is how stupid of me.
So the nitrate salt works O.K huh?
Fulminate was something I liked playing with as a kid
Apologies Bwiti, I sit corrected.
So the nitrate is used it the same proportion as the chloride?
Time to hit the search engine. :-[

Still stranger than you!


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Re: Mercury Chloride Synth
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2001, 02:56:00 PM »
Yes, use about the same proportions as with the chloride, it will work at least as good.