Author Topic: Dateline Hysteria  (Read 9144 times)

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Offline Coopertino

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Dateline Hysteria
« on: February 22, 2016, 12:44:56 PM »
I'm watching a Dateline expose about two teenage girls who allegedly took LSD and one of the girls died.  Why do they do these fucking scare stories?  This is the type of shit that drives the drug war. Ends up it wasn't LSD but 2i-nbom.  The girl that died took two hits and died apparently of cardiac arrest.   Her friend was fine.  The Drug War and fear of getting in trouble with their parents and the Law discouraged her friend from getting her medical attention.  They need to enact Good Samaritan laws everywhere and if they really cAre about people, have a license for hallucinogen experimentation.  I realize making it legal would take away the outlaw fun of the experience, but these substances are too important to leave them banned and used in the shadows. LSD is physically not that dangerous, but these new research chemicals are.   They've succeeded in making drug use MUCH more dangerous

Offline Lipbalm

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Re: Dateline Hysteria
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2016, 08:00:51 PM »
I saw that too. I love how the dad was blaming everyone but himself and his daughter whom ultimately have the complete responsibility with what to put in their own bodies and to raise a non-stupid kid. He wanted a couple goodie-too-shoe honor students to go to prison for life for murder all because they did the girl a favor by trying to procure a drug she asked for. All she had to do was buy a $10 test kit which most responsible users do. What I found funny is all of those kids (and the dealer who had all the responsibility on the sell side) had to do to avoid a possible murder conviction is not say anything to the police. But every single one (including the moron dealer) said every single thing the cops wanted to hear (god that dealer was a moron and deserved time just for sheer stupidity).

... And sometimes accidents just happen. Everyone's biochemistry is different and every year people instantly die from normal common foods due to allergies and whatnot. It's no one's fault. It just happens. If thousands of people die a year from peanuts and shellfish then it is perfectly understandable that one or two people may die a year from a rare reaction to commonly used drugs.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 08:03:37 PM by Lipbalm »
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Offline Coopertino

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Re: Dateline Hysteria
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2016, 08:47:35 PM »
Omg, I thought the same thing too!!  The dad was out for blood when it was HIS daughter that asked a friend to do a favor.   Those kids were friends not dealers--not even the supposed 19-year old "Dealer".  They all spilled their beans.  (At least they stated the truth about LSD--that it's physiologically harmless.).  How many people die from drug interactions with "benign" substances?  Tylenol and aspirin?  I did notice that she dropped TWO hits the first time she's ever tried it.  All of it related to research chemicals flooding the market because the relatively harmless substances are schedule 1.  So stupid...

Offline xtvree

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Re: Dateline Hysteria
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2016, 10:51:55 PM »
I did notice that she dropped TWO hits the first time she's ever tried it
Such kid shit - behavior of one who's never truly had their ass handed to them by drugs

Offline trapstar

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Re: Dateline Hysteria
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2016, 12:59:57 AM »
This is a tragedy on a couple of fronts. One, a pitiful waste of life- totally preventable if proper education and preparation had been given.  Two, because this is the type of shit the DW Nazis blast all over and point to as an example of why substances should be controlled.  It is a sad situation for everyone in this community.  Drug related deaths happen daily- through both legal and illegal drugs.

What else do you expect from a parent who lost a child? Rational thought of logical cause and effect? I'm in no way supporting his baseless accusations, but it sounds like pain and denial to me.  The media shouldn't be blasting that nonsense either.