Author Topic: giving up  (Read 7077 times)

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before giving up try converting
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2004, 01:22:00 AM »
before you give up try converting to a NH3/Li reduction process. Please do a little reading first but it's really a forgiving process and only takes about one hour from E to Meth. Check out a "True Blue" NH3/Li reduction post for a briefing. Keep in mind that the ephedrine extraction has previously been done and depending on preference there may be some post reduction leg work to achieve the desired product.
All of the necessary reagents are easy to obtain and no special lab grade equipment is required. The final product blows doors on the Rp/I or Hi reduction product by far.


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rest, purify the mind, evacuate evil thoughts
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2004, 08:20:00 PM »
'if it wasn't illegal swim wouldn't even consider giving up.'

He said it right there.

In the face of the law, making an illegal drug it isnt even comparable to following a recipe.

See, it all comes down to your temprement and willingness to take risks.
If your happy to have all your reagants around the place on-tap, in order for you to be able to do a rxn every week or less that's fine.
But not everyone has the nerve for that.

95 times out of 100 the guy/bee who is less anxious and paranoid will get further quicker, and will be happier because of his/her willingness to take those extra risks.

But it's the 5% chance of disaster that the more anxious (and paranoid) people cater for, because being caught could mean lot's of things to them...even suicide.

Look man, take a break is my advice, it's obviously getting to ya and your dreadfully frustrated aswell. you can always come back to it.


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Old Posts!
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2004, 10:15:00 PM »
OrdinaryGuy & Shane Warne,

Zorilla isn't 'giving up' anyway. He's been active, his last post was on May 19th


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old posts
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2004, 04:56:00 AM »
Thanks Kris. Wish I had someone around to keep me in line all the time! If I ever get down under........

Blah blah right?he he  ;)