Author Topic: Not Drying  (Read 16597 times)

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Not Drying
« on: July 25, 2004, 04:55:00 AM »
Hi guys , can anyone suggest OR tell me what im doing wrong . because for the world I cant dry my Psuedo Ive have tried 2 ways, the first way im doing straight E Extraction standard procedure , on the 120mg's decant with ISO 3 times, threw  charmin plug ::)  ::)  ...I then put it in a pie dish, to let dry. With fan and heat ive tried it. everyway and even just in room temp. i even tried Tetrachloroethylene Perchloroethylene but cant get the decants dry when you surpose to dry under a fan it stays wet, can somone pleas tell me what im doing wrong ,cause i fallow the instructions but cant get passed the third stage..when trying to dry ...I know im going to get Flamed, cause for somme reason, i think i coulndt explain it to you guys ,please have mercy.For those that didnt understand, please just dont answer me i'll understand. I know you Hive bee's are busy, and have better things to do than, tell newbees like my self to UTFSE , cause its already been discussed. i have read and read, but it seems that more i read the more it get confusing..for Eg: some post ive read says, that you can use colemans fuel, and others tell you shouldn't ..which is it.and can you use Dimethyl Ether instead of MEK, and whats a carafe ??? is that some type of coffee filter ??
and Dry Ice is that Dh2o frozen in a ice cube and whenyou do a TETRA and you use brake cleaner and spray inside the flask to soak the pill mass whay and what is that freezers on the side of the flask and after a while if you left for couple of days little rocks form ,now are they good or bad do you decant as normal or because they are solid wash them.,And one last thing ,Ventti premium lighter fluid exstra refined is that Naptha, its manufactured in hollandin, liqiud form and if im not mistaking it writes ANapthpes something like that its in another language as much as i can under stand ...??? if anyone has the time, to answer  some of these questions for me ,then this newbee will be very happy, and can move onto next stage.


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all your gonna get here is a USTFE, i didnt...
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2004, 05:04:00 AM »
all your gonna get here is a USTFE, i didnt even have to read ur post i just read the subject line.
Gaks are in a new era these days, those procedures wont work for gaks now.

Hint: KOH Boil or Short Path Distillation


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hey blackie
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2004, 05:14:00 AM »
UTSFEing is a great thing, but reading te current threads is also a useful tool. your first mistake is using the 120's. using the search engine can often be frustrating because you are getting bits of information taken out of context. what you should do is e patient and go back and read through a few current threads and keep up with them. and when i say read a thread i mean READIT ALL. every post . you'll get a better feel fr the methods that way. cheers


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Looks like your the one needs to read
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2004, 06:56:00 AM »
Obviously you guys are more stupid than i am, if you guys read my post Quote :...I know im going to get Flamed, cause for some reason, i think i couldn’t explain it to you guys ,please have mercy. For those that didn’t understand, . , Please don’t respond cause its already been discussed. i have read and read, but know if some of you hive bees, stop and think, maybe this newbie aint smart or have the luxuries as other bees and in a different environment having mentally disorder which leaves being handicap than other bees not the one needs to read and UTFSE its you guys need to read im not putting that up cause im lazy ive just got a different way of understanding things its not my fault i was born like that SO PLEASE WHY DONT YOU READ MY POST BETTER AND WHEN YOU COME TO THE BIT PLEASE DO NOT RESPONDE IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND .do me a favor don’t respond if its going to be critisim..the UTFSE aint going to tell me the suggestion I ask for suggestion was weather you can use Coleman fuel ,or not or is it true or not ,I wasn’t asking answers  wanted options so I can understand it properly , the hole site contradicts it self a lot, go on one site it say it works, like then couple of pages , they say no don’t do that way its bad ,for what ever I hope you got my point I’ll let you guys have your piece and you leave you wont here from me again on this site. You guys have no idea i about teaching, no wander the fucking hole world is fucking stupid cause when someone ask for help people turn around says over the river there your life jacket across the river just swim across instead on pulling him on his boat with his hand nurturing him across ..I don’t have much time in this god forsaking world so i did allot of reading and it got all confusing for us and having only 3 months I don’t think I want to waist my time here speaking to people that have no idea about life around them peace be with your world ….


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Where is the E
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2004, 07:30:00 AM »
Its not inside a flask is it?
If it is take it out, rinse with dry acetone
air dry on a glass dish, a light will speed up drying(dont put it too close)


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« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2004, 07:35:00 AM »
I believe it was geezmiester who had a post about the gak that refuses to dry.


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evilscripter69 im not beeing a smart arse ,or...
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2004, 07:57:00 AM »
evilscripter69 im not beeing a smart arse ,or disrespectful , but if you read his post up top, he tells you Eg: :) I then put it in a pie dish, to let dry. With fan and heat ive tried it. everyway and even just in room temp. i even tried Tetrachloroethylene Perchloroethylene but cant get the decants dry when you surpose to dry under a fan it stays wet, can somone pleas tell me what im doing wrong  :)  :)  funny you should say that blackice cause  i was following (barkingburro) post he did 2 weeks ago given his way and ive come to the same conclusion of blackice ...but never thought that it can be a new wave of Gakk ...after the 3rd decant wand was rerady to dry in pyrex dish still there not dried either ??? :)  :)


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actualu since we're on the subject
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2004, 09:09:00 AM »
ok speaking of rereads, why dont you re-read mine? first point i made is DON'T USE THE 120'S!!!!!! the second point was read up to date threads. there is a reason i told you to do this. if you had read any of these up to date threads you might have learned something, first off THERE IS NO WORKING CURE FOR 120'S AS THE STAND TODAY. now you may have FOUND a cure for them, but go back and look at the dates. why does the site contradict itself? well, heres a news flash : SHIT CHANGES. this means that what worked today may not work in 4 weeksd and what doesn't work now may work in 4 weeks. if you want to learn anything from this site then you will have to learn to use the context of the situation to properly make a decesion. this isn't dope cooking for dummies. if it were that easy then everyone would be trying it. oh yeah almost everyone is. but not alot of them are doing it worth a damn. most of the people here however ARE. now you want some simpleton answers? fine here you go :
how do you dry out these 120's? you don't rrash em and start over. you are fighting a losing battle especialy for someone with your expertise. go get some 60's with ch, or trip. start with those and report back. don't use any cleaning method dated before feb 2004, unless you are using a variant that has updates since feb 2004. want a hint as to where to start finding these methods? ok, look for the following users posts, uncle fester, prepuce, barking burro, scottydog, geezmeister, chemosabe, squidippy, some of these people have info you want. now go get it. and don't pm anyone, it'll get you blacklisted. cheers mate. we're not here to make this easy for you, we're here to teach and learn from each other. but heres the kicker, you kind of have to do it our way, or no way at all. sorry.

oh and dont use colemans, or lighter fluid, use vm&p naptha. its more expenisve, but theres a reason. pure in = pure out, dirty in = dirty out. cheers


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Mate i gave you a hint, if your too lazy to...
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2004, 10:32:00 PM »
Mate i gave you a hint, if your too lazy to look up what i gave you in TFSE then you dont deserve to be apart of this forum. simple.

And BB i beg to differ about your comment.
Have you tried a KOH boil or a SPD on the freebase?
Dont give out false info like that, newbees get confused easily.


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12cheman12 . .
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2004, 05:29:00 AM »
SWIM agrees with you there, the 120's here are a mixup, mostly Non Dry Matrix formulations. Our generic red hots(non shiny) are horribly gakked as of recent times,the advantage of 60's is mostly price and pill mass size, huge diffenence in price, For 10$ american you get 3/48 count 60's (generic) and 3/96 count 30's for about 25$, the 60's are nice to pull. IF you want to pay 13$ for a box of 48 30's (no red coating) up to 10 boxes at a time, you may visit certain mexican markets, pills contain lactose, Microcrystalline cellulose,and gypsum,


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back to subject.
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2004, 05:37:00 AM »
why not base the suzy, move into xylene, and titrate (i dont think i am going to recommend you to even try generating hydrogen gas) after titration you can then dry it. but it will probably be gakk of some kind, if its not eudragit, or this funky yellow oil shit, geezmeisters microwave precipitation method works very well. SWIM has had some gakks fall out xylene, leaving a heavy green tint, and nice crystallizd E, but again this might be a bit much to run on 2 grams of E


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Here in oz we got the dogs end of the deal.
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2004, 06:02:00 AM »
Here in oz we got the dogs end of the deal.
$20AUS for one box that contains about 1.8 grams of pseudo.

Limit is 2.2 grams for a box if its pseudo sulfate and 1.8 grams if its pseudo hcl.


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. . and we thought they were expensive,
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2004, 06:48:00 AM »
kind of  puts things into perspective,


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ok first of all your 120's probably contain...
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2004, 08:43:00 AM »
ok first of all your 120's probably contain poly 80, only luck ive had with this is too put some jap drier in iso naptha mix whats thew inactives?


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i think its poly 80
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2004, 08:49:00 AM »
i think its poly 80


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A carafe is one of those glass coffee pots :-D
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2004, 05:41:00 PM »
A carafe is one of those glass coffee pots  ;D


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ok let me rephrase
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2004, 02:59:00 AM »
in the US there is no currently verified cure for 120's. not KOH not SPD, not anything. perhaps i have missed something, but i'm pretty sure i haven't. i know there are a few works in progress, but nothing confirmed yet. OZ may be an entirely different subject.


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U.S__vs__OZ pill's
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2004, 07:58:00 AM »
Well from what swim has read BB, The pills that all ya all have in the US sound easyer to extract psuedo from ::)
Im only realy geussing when that is said because swip keeps upto date with all these pill extractions espicly since swip lives in OZ. ;)
So if OZ bee's can do an extraction with reasonable results then swip cant see why all ya all in the US are having a hard time with some of the pills that US bee's have to deal with, And not to mention that all ya all US bee's can obtain good chemicals and the like alot bloody easyer then OZ bee's can ::)


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120's aren't the only ones with PS80
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2004, 06:25:00 PM »
Where SWIE lives red hots as well as most other pills have this crap in them(Polysorbate80)Prepuces ammonia extraction has worked on it, see the Gakinator thread  No512919
KOH has worked too, but not consistently so no results will be posted.


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well, i'll tell you what
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2004, 05:56:00 AM »
how about a lil pross continent pill swap and we'll just see how different the pills are. cause i know alot of US bees are damned good at extraction and alot of US bees are stumped at the 120's as of today. if theres something that AU (pronounced 'ewe' for the time being) bees know that all of US bees don't then maybe AU bees should share a little, eh?