Author Topic: In your opinions?  (Read 5354 times)

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In your opinions?
« on: February 03, 2004, 09:32:00 PM »
In your opinions people what do you consider to be the best clean for 60mg s@$#%*d with pseudo being the only active ingredient. I think a/b is maybe a little of an overkill with steps maybe reducing yeilds a little, other than that its a great clean. ive tried pulling three times with metho, evapping and then flashing with acetone at end, once dried added more metho and then precipitated with xylene in the microwave which gets you a product i wouldnt say is the cleanest but still not to bad, but to many processes reducing yields i feel.


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Here's swim's two cent
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2004, 09:53:00 PM »
I would recommed TCE. 
Last time swim used those piils there was no orange 2. But if things have changed I would recommed the slanted EGULL here is the link bro,

Post 463438 (missing)

(wareami: "News Flasher Blue Streaker UP!", Stimulants)

Swim loves this method personally as it involves no boiling of flammable solvents.


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Most Simple - Least Steps
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2004, 04:26:00 AM »
Try this one on for size. Soak > Precip > Rinse > RXN

Post 484704

(ChemoSabe: "extraction? (+ rxn)", Stimulants)

For some reason I've now got the name of that old bee called ZingoBingo on my mind.

PS. Swims buddy has only told of his dreams of extracting de-redded redhot 30s or the pearly 120s with this method but would not expect bad results or hesitate to try it with others. Alkys _gotta_ be dry but fresh 99% works great straight out'a 'da bottle.


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« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2004, 12:49:00 PM »
IMHO the best method of getting clean pseudo involves an a/b extraction. I grant that there are some pills which can cleanly extracted with an alcohol extraction method, but most cannot. Many more can be extracted cleanly enough to react. Many cannot be extracted by alcohol alone.

There are a few formulations that yield clean pseudo after acetone boils to remove the antihistamine and extraction via the Straight to E method.

For everything else, nothing beats an a/b extraction method.

My opinion, from my side of the fence.

Ware's grass, however carefully dyed green, is on his side of the fence, and you know how the grass is always greener---  over the lateral lines. He claims my grass is green because I am far more full of it than he is.

He will no doubt have a different opinion, which likely involves TCE and alcohol. I can just almost guarantee it. I can almost bet on it.

(I can bet on it. Just don't tell him.)  ;D


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Dammit Geez...
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2004, 02:39:00 PM »
If we weren't all in the same boat doewi$e...I'd say A/B them suckers just to UPset the applecart! ;D
Unfortoonately, I can't bring myself to do it!
I'll have to watch ya collect on that bet and pretend nobody told me! ;)
As of last week, and bets are still pouring in, Anybrand will fair well under the JD/Tetra/Tone treatment.
AWE roomtemp and relatively speedily I might ADD!
The only downtime is alkysettling time.
UP to three hours clearing wait per pull.
Last pull is usually clear within 90min.
Then of course there is always the other patient trying areas of the wing which states that it's best to evap at room temp and avoid trying to speed things UP with heat.
It seems that gets em everytime in the unsatisfactory yield department.
It's apparent that some of the rules that govern the use of Tetra aren't to be overlooked or kicked to the cirb just because other chems are present in the sandbox.
The slanted is still alive and kicking and ranging on ther HIGH 80-95% yield expected.
And the LWR is bangin `em out at 85% after the slanted extract.
Did I mention "AWE GAAKFREE"?
Ibee needs to confirm the latest reports of success with redhots, but he's had two separtate dreamers confirm success. One after after HI/RP LWR.
All japtetratoned redhots.
Last month confirmed the 120's falling victim to the slanted!
When using other than white60's, Ibee suggests the ratio bee bumbled down to 1ml JD for every 10ml tetra.
Excess JD requires excess tone in the end.

Remind me never to bet against the GeezMonster!
That bee's always right ;D


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Woah! Whatever happened to Straight to E?
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2004, 02:52:00 PM »
Geezmeister:  On

you wrote glowing praise for VideoEditor's straight to E extraction.  Have you run into problems with some new pills?  Scary.  SWIM has never had problems with straight to E, even with time release 120s, or gacktacular 30's.


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what about mr full turps?
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2004, 04:05:00 PM »
swij only had 6 boxes of 24 pills...after the fourth litre of turps, the boils were still murky...this had to be a nightmare so a disparing mek boil was instigated...plenty of goop...more turps...five fucking litres, god knows how many boils and it's still not crystal clear....fuck it...acetone boil...the first boil is a horrible dark orange, which after several boils seems to clear up nicely...looking, methanol pulls, evap....and finally, a nice gram or two of horrible dark goo precipitates which, for a joke, swij flashes with acetone to watch it turn into more interesting types of different coloured goo...anyway, swij is going to bed...he hates pills and wishes he never had to tell another stupid pharmacist, ever again why he wants some fucking, cunty sinus tablets...they're for my fucking sinus fucking problem... fucking...bloody!--poo--argggggg

swij just read another post that was rather enlightening...that was orange gak 2 last night wasn't it..oh dear..


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« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2004, 04:58:00 PM »
has anyone tried extracting in oils?, i'm serious


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I agree...
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2004, 05:39:00 PM »
I agree that the a/b is the best extraction going for most pill types, i was just hoping that with straight 60mg pills there was something a little quicker giving the same result.
While where on the subject of cleaning, can anything be done with sinus and hayfever caps, these are the soft liquid centred caps containing 60mg pseudo and 4mg chlorpheniramine maleate. Theres abit on the utfse about chlor maleate but nothing about the liquid caps. they are like a little football even the same colour.


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Gel Caps
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2004, 08:48:00 PM »
If you somehow managed to find a list of the inactive ingredients, you would then be able to assertain whether or not to try your luck  :)
Swim, has thought about this procedure in the past, but decided against it seeing as swim does not encounter O2 in his travels.
Swim, has also thought in past that there must be a 'better' way to extract straight Suzy Hcl 60mg pills.
Or at least one that didnt involve solvent boils, oh well.
Apparently TCE works well defeating CM, but what would i know; Im just a misunderstood individual with minimal chemistry experience. Hey on that note, does anyone offer tutoring classes?  ;)
Later guys


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If these brand name pills are not red hots,...
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2004, 09:03:00 PM »
If these brand name pills are not red hots, and contain no antihistamine

60mg s@$#%*d with pseudo being the only active ingredient

The Straight to E method should work well.


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a fact, not just an opinion
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2004, 09:43:00 PM »
hey man! why don't you use water and low heat. the results could be surprising. swiS is not going to elaborate with a method of using water and low heat because she had a friend that elaborated and their post vanished. so obviously there someone that doesn't want you to know the only thing necessary is a little time, VERY LITTLE water(hint), and low slow heat.


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reread the thread
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2004, 08:51:00 AM »
Methymouse, reread the Straight to E thread.

I have ten posts in the thread which discuss problems with gakks and binders in some pills causing problems with straight to E. It works wonderfully on a select group of pills, and works very well on a number of others that need a little more work than the technique alone provides.

I have a lot of praise for the method with the right choice of pills. It works wonderfully well with the right pills. With the wrong pills, you get gakked. You have to know which ones to use.