Author Topic: Ammonium nitrate solubility data  (Read 6108 times)

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Ammonium nitrate solubility data
« on: October 24, 2001, 05:11:00 AM »
does any one know where i could find soulbility data of ammonium nitrate,CuAc & Mdp2pol in various solvents? . Include Dmso methanol ethanol acetone and ether. would the methonal oxidise to formic.yes i know this is technicaly a dehydrogenasation not an oxidation.


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Re: Ammonium nitrate solubility data
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2001, 05:34:00 AM »
Why don't you tell us what the problem is in your dream and there might be another way around it.  I doubt you will get much of an answer to this question because noone will spend the time to look up this stuff unless they think the results will bee helpful to many.  Or create a new synthesis ect.

You need to stick out a carrot if you want the horse to run.

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Re: Ammonium nitrate solubility data
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2001, 07:40:00 AM »
He wants to oxidize MDP2P-ol to MDP2P.


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Re: Ammonium nitrate solubility data
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2001, 07:56:00 AM »
Swim is working on the MDP2POL oxidation working with diffrent combinations of conditions and solvents. 22 diffrent carefully planned, controlled monitered and recorded  experiments each with only one variable are in order once all the nescesary information is collected in hopes that one of the 22 procedures will work,  and work every time.  In theory there is no problems with the procedure for a normal allaybenzene but with safrole acetic conditions combined with heat cause the rapid carbo cation rearrangement to the P1P diol.  Swim is looking for a procedure that will safeguard againsed this rearrangement and produce a working synth to ketone using all Otc Percursers. Swim has been non stop working on this synth for the past couple of months and is busy doing many other things relating to this subject. He has looked for this data himself. Solvent solubilitys needed are ,  DMSO ACETONE METHANOL ETHER He will greatly appreciate all help in this effort and give the due credit to all those who came before him and to all those who are presently helping him.   the Day is near when all of this will make sense.  Now is that worth helping out in.  He gaurentees it would definatly be worth any effort that is invested into the project by anyone. Hundreds of dollars have already been spent by many bees on the origional Procedure and thousands will be put into the rest until there is a solution.  He sends his apologies to the sass gods about all the wasted sass althoug it could have not gone to any better purpose. 
VL out
Hopefully will have the answers by christmas


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Re: Ammonium nitrate solubility data
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2001, 08:00:00 AM »
How are you producing the MDP2P-ol?


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Re: Ammonium nitrate solubility data
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2001, 08:05:00 AM »
Well it shouldn't bee to hard to get rough estimates thru experimentation for the solubility of ammonium nitrate and CuAc in various solvents.

I would just assume MDP2OL is fairly soluable in most all organic solvents and probably DMSO also.

Another possibilty is solvent mixtures or wet solvents.

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Mdp2pol Synthesis
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2001, 08:23:00 AM »
Allaybenzene is chilled in freezer for 2 hrs. then is dropped in to a flask that is sitting in a dry ice bath.  85% H2SO4 is also chilled in freezer and placed in a dry ice bath. Magnetic stirring is started in the flask containing the safrole.  A CO2 tank is slightly inverted and liquid CO2 is Jetted onto the outside of the flask containing the H2SO4 to the point of freezing. The same CO2 jetting is commenced on the flask containing the safrole when the H2SO4 is almost all liquid again. It is important that stirring is maintained or else the safrole will freeze. As soon as the safrole is super cooled addition of the, almost frozen, H2SO4 can commence at a what i can describe as a fast drip. An additional cooling with the CO2 bottle is good to do at the half way point of the addition.  but the addition is not  to be stopped.  After the addition is complete water is added at a rate which i could describe as a slow pour>>>ie just past the point of drip. the water is from a flask that has been sitting in the frige and in a dry ice bath since the beginning of the procedure. Spinning is continued for an additional 5 minutes then the layers are seperated and washed with 5%NaOH & Saturated Nacl and Bicarb.  BiCarb wash first.  The alcohol is kept in the freezer until use with internal cooling by way of dry ice in test tubes(4) sitting in the flask.


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Re: Ammonium nitrate solubility data
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2001, 08:27:00 AM »
4 experiments involve first dissolving the Am nitrate and the cu in water then adding them to the solvents.  perhaps this will work the best with DMSO I am famillar with it as a phase transfer catalyst. The alcohol will be added to the DMSO mix dropwise because i believe the dehydrogenation will take place very quickly in the DMSO.  Aliquatt 336 could possibly also be used with methanol or such but that  is not over the counter.  IN another with the same chems everything is to be added at the same time and the reaction will be allowed to procede slowly at sub zero tempatures for a week or so. Swim should do four samples of each reaction that time is the variable in say one at T+6Hrs 24,48, 7days. You can imagine the ammount of money going to be put into this.  All ketone will be verified by reductive animation.


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Re: Ammonium nitrate solubility data
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2001, 08:47:00 AM »
You need a GC

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Re: Ammonium nitrate solubility data
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2001, 09:04:00 AM »
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