Author Topic: Vacuum Pump Noise  (Read 8569 times)

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Vacuum Pump Noise
« on: October 12, 2004, 07:54:00 PM »
Since it's basically impossible to connect an Aspirator to a facet I will probably just throw it out (anyone want to buy it for a dollar  ;D  ;) ). A vacuum pump is the way to go anyway... I should have purchased one to begin with. I see a nice pump that I will probably get, which gets down to 10 torr. I've never used a pump before and I was wondering how noisy they are. I know there are all different types of pumps, but in general are they real noisy? I do most of my work at night and I live in a very residential area so I can't be making a lot of noise at this time or someone will complain for sure and of course I don't want anyone coming by to ask what is going on etc. If they are real noisy is there anyway to make them real quiet? Also, on some pumps I see two, three, and four hose connectors. I guess on the regular pumps with two connectors one is for vacuum and one is filling (compression?) things up huh? Why would you need one with three or four connectors though? What is their purpose?


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Aspirator and vacuum pump
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2004, 11:40:00 PM »
It is easy to connect a vacuum aspirator to faucet. Please use the TFSE, I and others have posted on it. Need to get some hardware for a few bucks at your local hardware store. If you search for my username and aspirator probably you will find it.

If pump noise is a concern, look in the vacuum pump specs before buying it. I did so, mine is low noise, I think 55 dB or so. When I operate it, anyway I like to turn on the radio and let one water faucet running low, but this is overkill, it is essentially inaudible from outside my apartment.


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Aspirator faucet connector
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2004, 01:41:00 AM »
To connect aspirator to a threaded faucet :

1) First remove the aerator piece.

2) Buy a metal connector part named "Dual Aerator to Male Hose". I found this at my local hardware store. This provides a very reliable and solid connection to your faucet. If you do this, now you can screw a garden hose to your faucet, right ?

3) Two ways now : connect a piece of tubing like a plastic hose, as short as possible, use metal clamps ( metal rings with screws ) to keep it TIGHT. Aspirator in one side, garden hose to faucet connector in another side.

4) If you can, find screw type connectors till you go down to aspirator size thread, I think it is usually 3/8 ".

Comment on 2 : I was using waterbed plastic connector, very fragile. The metal part is much better. My aspirator connection is now very solid and reliable and does not leak one drop. I can screw this in/out of my faucet when I need it in two minutes. Of course then faucet 100 % back to normal state.


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you could
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2004, 12:18:00 PM »
buy a decent aspirator.

Try KNF, they make good aspirators and vacuum pumps. Their web site will also give you all the info you need and all you need do then is correlate it to the bp of you safrole or iso to the chart provided in the literature.

Vaccum pumps are loud to start with but the noise rapidly diminishes as the vacuum increases, if you have good seals round your joints that is. Still, if you in a an apartment, you wanna be on the ground floor, cant escape the vibration....

There is generally 1 inlet (vacuum connector) and one outlet (vent). Some pumps are dual purpose as far as I know but I cant say I've seen one with four connectors.


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Thanks for the info my fellow Bees.
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2004, 01:42:00 PM »
Thanks for the info my fellow Bees. Yep, Wolfx I was going by your previous post where you where helping someone out with this very same problem. I went to all the hardware stores around me and none of them had the correct parts... most of them can barely speak english... lol. I guess that's what I get for living in illegal alien city USA.  ;D  Well, living around here sure comes in handy when you find certain places selling exactly what you want and they can't speak your language well enough to ask you any questions.  ;)  

In my final act of desperation I went out all day searching for a part that would fit the Aspirator directly to the faucet snugly. I finally found what I was looking for at a photo shop (of all places  ::) ). The connector was a perfect fit. It goes from 3/8" to 5/8" and it looks like some kind of thick anodized metal. I had to travel a little bit to go to a bigger hardware store and they had the Dual Aerator to Male Hose adapter. I also got some cheap garden hose and some clamps and made a connection setup with them for my other sink. That other adapter I found at the photo store also fits in the hose and the other side fits the aspirator. Yeah... all problems solved! All I need now is a nice quiet vacuum pump. Well... r2e3 I’ve seen those Aspirators that sell for close to $200 before, but I really didn’t notice much difference with the one I purchased for about a tenth of that and that's getting close to vacuum pump prices.


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« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2004, 11:14:00 AM »
Vacuum pumps (from personal experience), from noisiest to quietest.

Rotary Vane oil (the more horsepower, the more noise)
Water Jet Aspirator (see above about motor horsepower)
Tap Aspirator
Teflon Diaphragm

> Vaccum pumps are loud to start with but the noise rapidly
> diminishes as the vacuum increases

Very true, but not to the point where it is silent.  Also, the exhaust port is where a lot of noise comes from.


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I tried to safe water with my aspirator so I...
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2004, 12:07:00 PM »
I tried to safe water with my aspirator so I attached an aquariumpump to my aspirator.
So the water would cycle around.
But I now use a 800 l/h pump. But there isn't a strong vacuum...
I tested it at school and on a manometer from 0 to -600mbar I got to -100mbar and with the tap I could go further then -600mbar.
Has anyone tried this before with a waterpump?
And a how powerfull pump should I attach to get 300mbar vacuum?


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Need More Pressure
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2004, 02:07:00 PM »
800 L/h is just enough flow rate but you need more pressure than an aquarium pump will give you. You need at least 1.5 bar (15 m head) and the pump needs to move 800 L/h at 1.5 bar (not at zero pressure, which is how a lot of pumps are rated). You need 250 W (1/3 H.P) or greater. Cheapest option is typically a 0.5 H.P. garden pump.

See Rhodium's page for homebrew aspirator stations.


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Noise from vacuum exhaust..
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2004, 05:52:00 PM »
To reduce vacuum pump noise:
Attach a fleible hose to the exhaust and run the hose into a bucket of kittylitter. This will not only drastically reduce the noise, it will also stop many odours from stinking out your lab.
To reduce vacuum pump exhaust smell:
There are many products available at hydroponics stores that claim to remove airborne odours. I've found that the brand "Ona" odour remover can be dripped onto the bucket of kittylitter above to reduce odour to almost non-detectible levels.