Author Topic: If at first you don't succeed, try and try again  (Read 7563 times)

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Offline SubliminallyOveranalyzed

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If at first you don't succeed, try and try again
« on: September 11, 2015, 08:28:37 PM »
Legalize Drugs: Zero Tolerance, Prohibition, Drug Laws, and the War on Drugs - Ron Paul

hxxps://      ~~August 26th, 1988 Ron Paul Interview (Good)

Thomas Sowell - Why Drugs Should Be Legalized

hxxps://   (below quote is this video)

It is a dangerous omnipotence to have the illusion to think that we can undo every evil. A crusading mentality can easily make things worse.

Drugs are inherently a problem for the individual that takes them, but they are a much bigger problem for society, precisely because they are illegal.

It is there illegality that makes them costly, and drives people by desperation to get the money by any means and anybody else's expense. The mere cost of production of drugs can be very inexpensive.

If an addict could support his addiction for a few dollars a week, he would still be an addict, but he would not have to steal, mug, or kill other people to support his habit. Neither would drug pushers have the financial incentive to try to get children hooked on drugs, if there was no big money in it.

Crusaders cannot accept the fact that they are not god, that they have neither the right, nor the competence to run other people's lives.

The years that preceeded prohibition saw private citizens take the law into their own hands, entering saloons with axes, to destroy bottles of liquor. It was ego boosting, moral exhibitionism. When the crusaders finally succeeded in getting their prohibition bill added to the U.S. Constitution, it was their crowning triumph, and the nations tragedy.

Organized crime blossomed, so did the corruption of the whole political process. When national prohibition ended, many localities passed their own bans on liquor. Bootleggers sometimes financed the campaigns to ban liquor. Their profits depended on liquor's being illegal.

Legalization would similarly destroy the profits of today's drug pushers. There is no way that they can compete with drugs that can be mass produced cheaply by big pharmaceutical companies. This is not a complete solution. No where is it written in stone that there are always answers in the back of the book.

What we can do as a society, is to cut our losses. It is bad enough that some people destroy their own lives with drugs. We don't need to add vast numbers of innocent victims, who are robbed, or murdered by addicts, who are trying to get money for a fix.

Like alcohol, drugs can be regulated for content, age required for purchasing, driving under the influence, etc. But this is just one more area where we have to recognize that government has it's limits. Ignoring those limits is not only reckless arrogance, but dangerous. We finally learned that painful lesson from prohibition, we need to remember it, when it comes to drugs.

~~~~~~~~~November 29th, 1984 ---- Thomas Sowell
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 08:36:13 PM by SubliminallyOveranalyzed »
You draw to yourself in this existence and in all others those qualities upon which you concentrate your attention. If you vividly concern yourself with the injustices you feel have been done you, then you attract more such experience, and if this goes on, then it will be mirrored in your next existence. It is true that in between lives there is "time" for understanding and contemplation.

Those who do not take advantage of such opportunities in this life often do not do so when it is over. Consciousness will expand. It will create. It will turn itself inside out to do so. But there is nothing outside of yourself that will force you to understand your issues or face them, now or after physical death.

The opportunity for development and knowledge is as present at this moment, in this life, as it will ever be. If you ignore day-by-day opportunities for development now, no one can force you to accept and utilize greater abilities after death, or between lives. The teachers are there in after-death experience, but there are also teachers here in your existence now.

If man paid more attention to his own subjective behavior, to those feelings of identification with nature that persistently arise, then half of the dictates of both the evolutionists and the creationists would automatically fall away, for they would appear nonsensical. It is not a matter of outlining a whole new series of methods that will allow you to increase your psychic abilities, or to remember your dreams, or to perform out-of-body gymnastics. It is rather a question or a matter of completely altering your approach to life, so that you no longer block out such natural spontaneous activity.

~Seth in TES9 (The Early Sessions Book9) by Jane Roberts - Session 510 - January 19 1970 (Seth is an energy personality essence no longer focused in physical reality for existence, as trance-channeled by author & medium Jane Roberts & her husband Robert Butts from Dec 1964 - Sep 1984 [Jane's Death])

Offline Lipbalm

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Re: If at first you don't succeed, try and try again
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2015, 09:41:39 PM »
The change won't come slowly over time with gradual victories like with marijuana. If you look at history big changes like this typically come out of the blue all at once at a time and manner no one had predicted. Hopefully it comes sooner rather than later. If TheVespiary became a nuclear power it would come pretty damn quick ;-P
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Offline SubliminallyOveranalyzed

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Re: If at first you don't succeed, try and try again
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2015, 05:46:02 AM »
you damn right lip cause somebody gorilla glued sub's itchy trigger finger to the scumbag nukem button and packed him a bowl big enough to finish off elvis a 2nd time on that shitter he left out on the first run some years ago, right b4 they left the control room in such disarray, yet such capable hands as sub, a loaded bong, and ol trusty big blue propane, with only one hand free  :o
« Last Edit: September 12, 2015, 05:50:26 AM by SubliminallyOveranalyzed »
You draw to yourself in this existence and in all others those qualities upon which you concentrate your attention. If you vividly concern yourself with the injustices you feel have been done you, then you attract more such experience, and if this goes on, then it will be mirrored in your next existence. It is true that in between lives there is "time" for understanding and contemplation.

Those who do not take advantage of such opportunities in this life often do not do so when it is over. Consciousness will expand. It will create. It will turn itself inside out to do so. But there is nothing outside of yourself that will force you to understand your issues or face them, now or after physical death.

The opportunity for development and knowledge is as present at this moment, in this life, as it will ever be. If you ignore day-by-day opportunities for development now, no one can force you to accept and utilize greater abilities after death, or between lives. The teachers are there in after-death experience, but there are also teachers here in your existence now.

If man paid more attention to his own subjective behavior, to those feelings of identification with nature that persistently arise, then half of the dictates of both the evolutionists and the creationists would automatically fall away, for they would appear nonsensical. It is not a matter of outlining a whole new series of methods that will allow you to increase your psychic abilities, or to remember your dreams, or to perform out-of-body gymnastics. It is rather a question or a matter of completely altering your approach to life, so that you no longer block out such natural spontaneous activity.

~Seth in TES9 (The Early Sessions Book9) by Jane Roberts - Session 510 - January 19 1970 (Seth is an energy personality essence no longer focused in physical reality for existence, as trance-channeled by author & medium Jane Roberts & her husband Robert Butts from Dec 1964 - Sep 1984 [Jane's Death])

Offline eesakiwi

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Re: If at first you don't succeed, try and try again
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2015, 11:18:15 AM »
I have some American WWII soldiers education movies (Propaganda to some people, not me)

Where they say that "Prohibition was a mistake" and they spelt out why.
 Its weird watching this as you know, from 80 years + of experience, they were right all along.

Offline SubliminallyOveranalyzed

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Re: If at first you don't succeed, try and try again
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2015, 02:20:32 PM »
I hear ya eesa, that same weirdness won't leave me alone either

and i'll occasionally review over the process of that weirdness' head scratching moment of realization, to remind myself that yes, they really are that big 'a bunch of knowingly commit to the current mission of telling other people how to live, and what their habits ought to be.........when they began it back in the early 20th century....................

yet eagerly maintaining the guise that we live in a free society in this country, while their habit teaching laws completely negate that fact!
« Last Edit: September 12, 2015, 02:22:15 PM by SubliminallyOveranalyzed »
You draw to yourself in this existence and in all others those qualities upon which you concentrate your attention. If you vividly concern yourself with the injustices you feel have been done you, then you attract more such experience, and if this goes on, then it will be mirrored in your next existence. It is true that in between lives there is "time" for understanding and contemplation.

Those who do not take advantage of such opportunities in this life often do not do so when it is over. Consciousness will expand. It will create. It will turn itself inside out to do so. But there is nothing outside of yourself that will force you to understand your issues or face them, now or after physical death.

The opportunity for development and knowledge is as present at this moment, in this life, as it will ever be. If you ignore day-by-day opportunities for development now, no one can force you to accept and utilize greater abilities after death, or between lives. The teachers are there in after-death experience, but there are also teachers here in your existence now.

If man paid more attention to his own subjective behavior, to those feelings of identification with nature that persistently arise, then half of the dictates of both the evolutionists and the creationists would automatically fall away, for they would appear nonsensical. It is not a matter of outlining a whole new series of methods that will allow you to increase your psychic abilities, or to remember your dreams, or to perform out-of-body gymnastics. It is rather a question or a matter of completely altering your approach to life, so that you no longer block out such natural spontaneous activity.

~Seth in TES9 (The Early Sessions Book9) by Jane Roberts - Session 510 - January 19 1970 (Seth is an energy personality essence no longer focused in physical reality for existence, as trance-channeled by author & medium Jane Roberts & her husband Robert Butts from Dec 1964 - Sep 1984 [Jane's Death])