Author Topic: 5-MeO-AMT HCl  (Read 5569 times)

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« on: February 06, 2003, 09:48:00 AM »
I have been obtaining an doing research (heheheh) with freebase 5-MeO-AMT for quite some time now (screw regular AMT, which is becoming illegal in about a month anyhow).  I have found a web-site that sells a gram of the HCl for half the price.  My only problem is it's in the HCl salt.  My main question is is the HCl salt active?  Would I just have to re-calculate the dosage to make up for the weight of the HCl ion?  Or would I have to just convert the salt to a freebase and go from there.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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If the base is psychoactive, the salts are too
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2003, 10:59:00 AM »
My main question is is the HCl salt active? 


Would I just have to re-calculate the dosage to make up for the weight of the HCl ion?

Yes, if your source for suggested dosage really referred to the freebase. In the Tihkal entry at

the suggested dosage is for the hydrochloride salt.


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hell yeah
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2003, 11:07:00 AM »
Thank you very much, this makes me very very happy.  I usually take about 5-8mg's of the freebase, so I'll calculate accordingly.  Thanks!


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« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2003, 05:45:00 PM »
The Hcl is a far superior product


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« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2003, 08:55:00 PM »
That makes me even happier.  Can't wait till tomorrow.


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« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2003, 11:33:00 AM »
Why is the HCl a superior product? Because its water soluble?


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It is so much more stable on storage in its...
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2003, 12:19:00 PM »
It is so much more stable on storage in its salt form too.


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« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2003, 08:33:00 PM »
Many different reasons.  Yes one is the water solubility.  When it is Dissolved in alcohol The molocule is very prone to degredation.  At first with isopropanol or methanol as the dilutant for the freebase  The product is very good but as you cannot control how the distributor handels the product.  The adverage person is going to keep their bottle in their pocket and the body heat causes the product to degrade very fast.  At first the liquid will be clear but as it degrades it turnes an orangeish brown.  When this happens and the liquid is consumed the subject gets bery sick with severe abdominal pains accompanied with frontal lobe headaches.    ALso the duration is afected.  WIth the freebase duration is in the 18-24 hr range  with strong visual affects until about the 20th hour  there s also a very high body load.  The salt falls into the 12-14 hr range and is a much more comfortable high.  nausea during the first segment of the trip s greatly reduced.  The freebase was fouund to cause stomach cramps in about 50% of perticipants for the first 3 hrs of the experience.  This happened to 75% of females and only 25% of males.  With the salt these numbers were reduced to 25%females and 10%males.  These figures come from new undegraded product.  Withthe freebase dissolven in alcohol the product is generally unusable by 14 days through thermal and uv degredation.  Product stored at room temp out of light was unusable at 9 days causing .  Use of the salt storing at rt in H2O the product was in the same condition as initial mixing after sitting 14 days with no UV protecton.
Bout the Affests. 
A wide range of affects have been noticed that we have not been able to unravel.  Perhaps it is just related to the previous psycadelic experiences of the user.  This compound has been tested in the .5 to 100 mg range.  One subject that took 10mg of freebase oraly dissolved in Alcohol and was tripping so hard that he was delivered to the hospital and was administered thorazine.  this subject was throughly pleased with his experience.  One subject took 55 mgs of the salt and ran rampped through the city naked and ended up gettig tied to a post


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WIth the freebase duration is in the 18-24 hr...
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2003, 01:26:00 AM »
WIth the freebase duration is in the 18-24 hr range  with strong visual affects until about the 20th hour  there s also a very high body load.  The salt falls into the 12-14 hr range and is a much more comfortable high.

This doesn't make any sense.  When 5mg's of freebase gets to your stomach its instantly converted to the salt.

If I were to guess I would assume you measured incorrectly or that the freebase was a much more potent product.

The only other explanation would bee if you were allowing the freebase to absorb from the mouth or under your tongue, which it would do much more readily than the HCl salt.  Its also possible that such absorbtion is much more efficient than digestive absorbtion thereby giving you a larger dose.


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« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2003, 01:31:00 AM »
It may not make any sense but I can say it does because i know it does.  And i still have no fucking idea why.  Can anyone explain why crack is different than coke.  Mabyee the same thing applies here. Idon't know.  But that is how it is. :-[


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coke & crack
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2003, 01:55:00 AM »
Crack is smoked, and is thus instantaneously absorbed, while coke is insufflated and is thus taken up more slowly. The absorption rate is responsible for the subjective difference (which possibly could be correlated with peak plasma levels or somesuch)...


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« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2003, 06:31:00 AM »
I have smoked cocaine hcl and it must be very diferent than crack because th eafects were definatly not tth esame as what the typical eports werer like


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crack vs. cocaine
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2003, 07:48:00 PM »
Smoking crack and shooting cocaine are very similar in effects and this is because the rate of absorption, just as Rhodium has said.  I have tried both forms every different way and the effects are the same, snorting is a more gradual come up and, for me, less desirable, because you don't get the rush.  With crack cocaine or I.V. cocaine the buzz is almost identical, except that I.V. you can get a stronger rush because your lungs can only absorb so much, so fast, but with I.V. your body is forced to absorb what you put in, immediately, hence an even stronger buzz.  All the difference is merely the rate and method of absorption.  Now for a question, if I have AMT freebase, what would be the best way to keep/use it, as a freebase or HCl salt, and which method should I use to convert to the salt if it would be more desirable?  Also, what is the best way to store either/both?  Thanks for any opinions and/or replies.