Site > Harm Reduction Resources

How can The Vespiary help reduce harm given the enviorment of drug use?

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First and foremost The Vespiary must be policed with virulent effort to stop the spread of disinformation.

Disinformation (especially in the world of drugs) can cause SERIOUS harm not only to oneself but to nearby others.  I am no expert in many aspects of what are discussed on the forum, however, in my short time in this community I have been led astray by MUCH bullshit (Not much at all on this forum but others, etc).   Some of this bullshit causes unnecessary paranoia, or is just downright incorrect and dangerous.  Even some of the formally educated overlords of the previous incarnations of this site love to tend to forget WHO is using the information, and HOW it is being used (ahem Rhodium at the Hive ahem).  This negligent behavior by those who have clear superiority complex's arising from their expertise in the topic of discussion is just as bad as the trailer park hick who has no idea what they are talking about.  Effort must be made by those with formal training in chemistry to understand that like it or not this is a clandestine community.  Ones who are not as versed in the methods of organic chemistry may cause themselves serious damage that could have been easily avoided by a simple (*CAUTiON*) and if need be a footnote with an explanation. 

Sub suggests Awareness. Simple, Basic, but persistent Awareness of reality, which is essentially accountability and mindfulness.

Unavoidable disclaimers upon entry of site are informing, awareness inspiring, and thus, exonerating to a degree, as self preservation must be a priority in all such endeavors, but unfortunately you can't fix stupid, and stupid people will inevitably make up some percentage of this and any other collective of individuals(in all times past, and yet to come)....

To be honest, I'd hope that each and every one of us strives to correct, debunk and re-educate our fellow psychonauts, friends, new-bees, family and all altered-consciousness enthusiasts in order to CEASE the perpetuation of what I call "stoner myths"

you know:

"coughing gets you higher"
"you can make meth out of just some drano and sudafed"
"i have X based, coke based and acid based tabs"
"microwave your coke and the cut sticks to the plate"
"jus dump n sum bakin soda n boil off da water homie"
"just steal a dead guys puhneel gland and just smoke the juice maaan" [mispronunciation to illustrate ignorance, yes, ive ACTUALLY heard this proposed as a route to 'cheap easy dmt' O.O]

feel free to remind me of more of these, because you hear shit like this ALL the time from burnouts, trailer park species and ex-cons - but sadly this has permeated even the upper-middle class and even further. like, people ACTUALLY think when your coke smells like GASOLINE, its REAL "fire" around these parts. -_-' they arent even AWARE that dealers will cut with things like lidocaine or other anesthetics specifically to mimick "good" shit.
I think if common knowledge to folks like us, who REALLY know what the other side of the coin looks like is such a DUHH type thing, we really are obligated as good people to let the lesser-informed know and help them to understand what the 'drug world' is all about - in all its gruesome detail. just so they dont accidentally kill themselves simply from ignorance, which then puts drug chemists and distributors of ALL substances in THE worst light possible. hell yes there are some shady bastards out there, always will be, but there will always be the educated, ahem "Elite" [if i may] who CARE to understand these things deeply.

so it makes sense that we should impart this knowledge and prevent the potential end users of GOOD, helpful chemicals from fucking themselves - and in turn genuine folks like us, in the ass - metaphorically, of course. we should take a Shamanistic responsibility headed attitude toward this type of thing. shows what we are all about; understanding, peace, love, respect for fellow man, unity, etc. not ALL of us are ratchet ass, hustlin ass punks bumming rides to sell 'soff and h0rd' to 'make a rack' with total disregard for anyone but themselves and money.

forgive me if any of you speak in this ghetto dialect naturally, but, if you do, i hate your voice. know that. deeply.

back on track though!
I propose some kind of direct assistance with this issue involving a LEGITIMATE AND LEGAL product of some kind to aid the User in his/her own harm reduction.
i DO have a specific idea in mind, but id rather talk about it with anyone interested through pm. so please, please if any of this hits home for you.

been thinking on this for a while, it really is a brainless solution and there is someone already doing something akin to this - however the organizer of this outfit is not a chemist, nor does it seem that he knows the 'drug world' as intimately as some of us. meaning something crafted by do-gooding folks who KNOW their shit inside and out could really make something happen.

if this was just too damn pandering of a post or too wordy, just remove it or do whatever. i apologize in advance if any of this violates some rule i missed, but i think im in the clear here.



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