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It’s Official: NSA Data Will be Used for Domestic Policing not for terrorism

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Not a US wasp, but it doesn't at all surprise me. What surprises me, if anything, is that they actually admitted to it, and/or that its taken them this long to either start doing this, or to be caught with their pants down and a thumb busily picking old food crumbs out of its collective governmental appendix.

The US, the EU govt. and european union in general, and the UK, all fucked up fascist pigfuckers.

Just look at what tony bliar (spelling quite deliberate :P ) did, getting eventually forced to admit to not only his involvement in the iraq war, and to being a disgusting, filthy fucking race-traitor, deliberately forcing open and or dismantling our borders, in order to, and I quote 'rub the right's nose in diversity'
Deliberately, as a matter of actual policy, shafting real, ordinary, genuine british folks and the country as a while by doing everything within his evil power to open the doors and everything short of actual physical kidnap of soon-to-be,-forcibly made into asylum seekers, flooding the country with hordes of pestilent vermin.

If it were left up to me, Bliar and his revolting-looking shrivelled up old besom of a wife (or possibly, husband, its hard to tell by looking at any region not always (Thank fuck for small mercies or what???!) covered by clothing) would be executed as war criminal, generally speaking, corrupt little shits and race-traitor filth.

^^^ Blair's involvement with that kid raping lil girl turturing Muammar Qadaffi (sp) was also quite perverse.

Haha Tsath, you always have the most interesting posts, you should be an author!

Never knew Gaddafi was a nonce, but it doesn't really surprise much.

And then there is that really shady fucker of an incident where that iraqi weapons inspector was found dead slumped against a tree in the woods, slashed wrists, surrounded by propoxyphene tablets (DISCONTINUED IN THIS COUNTRY), with a few in his stomach, but not anywhere close to a toxic level either in him or in his stomach unabsorbed, and with him having only a blunt knife on him, which he couldn't have inflicted the wound himself anyway from what I gather, due to having some sort of wrist problem or and hand problem that prevented him from being able to cut steak for instance.

Not to mention either, the fact that the knife had been wiped down of prints, including the scientist's own.

IMO the whole case SCREAMS of conspiracy, lying and cover ups at the highest echelons of govt.

Anyone else reckon the guy was murdered rather than either suicide or accident? the UK govt. seems to have made remarkably little fuss over it when it happened, which is part of what set my tosspot-detection radar pinging like crazy, and straight away more or less stated it was a suicide.

The toadmeister would have thought a government egghead being knocked off who is involved in inspections of iraqi WMD related stuff would trigger an immediate and thorough investigation, especially with it having being a british subject.

Ever heard of a dead man wiping down the weapon  used to end that man's life? corpses don't, generally speaking, tend to display much awareness of forensic science, nor does human carrion usually wipe down the means of their shuffling off this mortal coil.

Have contemplated writing a book though actually. Main idea is a comprehensive field guide for the amateur mushroom forager out to harvest himself some supper, but also for those interested in the likes of ergot chemistry, fungal toxicology  in general, data on lab techniques for culturing things, making spawn,  sterile working and  stuff like bioengineering w/fungi, microscopy (about time I had myself a good reason to get his microscope out.

A handbook detailing reagent testing of fungi in the field, or at home would be very useful to others IMO, if they are fellow mycophiles, Not just for some UK/european macrofungi species, but something more specialist, just for the reagent identification data and for microscopy, such a specialist guide would have come in really, really useful to toady, most field guides either barely touch on the use of chemicals, stating that such falls outside the scope of the non-professional mycologist, or for the more comprehensive, detailed and in-depth gruide, such as Phillips (spotted a few errors in his work however, such as for example, stating Mycena pura is edible. It isn't, and whilst not anywhere near as much so as most of the Inocybes, but M.pura does contain muscarine, and has caused quite a few cases of poisoning, neglects to warn against the consumption of the man on horseback [Tricholoma flavovirens, syn. T.equestre], which certainly used to be one of the more highly regarded edibles, yet it contains a cyclopropene-based small molecule toxin that causes rhabdomyolysis (direct myotoxic injury, causing destruction of muscle tissue, the breakdown products of which then go on to work over your kidneys, potentially causing kidney failure.

I forget the exact structure of the toxin, but its the same substance as is found in the notoriously toxic japanese mushroom species, Russula subnigricans, another myotoxic mushroom. But the man on horseback, or knight on horseback, Tricholoma flavovirens doesn't seem to cause instant poisoning upon eating it, and as such was regarded as edible and choice for quite some time,   But when people eat the species in multiple meals over a short period of time, being greedy basically, then it can start lysing muscle and shutting down kidneys.

Phillips claims its edible and good eating, and although not specifying especially, unusually good, also names those two hygrocybe spp (the hygrocybes, and hygrophorus spcies are commonly called waxcaps due to the greasy or slippery texture of the caps, especially when wet, there are some good ones to be had, Toady used to enjoy going to his grandma's house when she was still alive to stay over for things like xmas, b/days and generally speaking the family going to do social to them, because it meant he could go out with a pocket full of bin bag rubbish sacks, and come back with a truly gigantic crop of waxcaps from up on the yorkshire moors, especially Camarophyllus pratensis, the meadow wax-cap,, scarlet hoods and crimson waxcaps, all three of which are very tasty; the meadow waxcap most of all, which is quite a bit bigger than the rest of the waxcaps, or at least most of them, and it has quite a nice texture, with a delicate, but very pleasant flavour indeed after rinsing off any organic debris, and throwing them into a frying pan with a knob of salted butter, maybe just a pinch of very finely ground black pepper, sprinkled very finely over them, although they are perfectly good to eat without any seasoning at all, short of some butter in which to fry them, and maybe a bed of beans, rice, maybe some chickpeas for something on which to serve one's hard-foraged harvest.

Phillips makes a couple of significant errors regarding waxcaps, stating the conical, and the blackening wax cap are edible. Again they are not, although quite the extent of how poisonous they are isn't known for certain, but that they are, is certain.

Lists some Galerina and Conocybe species as merely inedible, IMO given how toxic they are, being full of amatoxins,  a full warning is not only justified, but had Tsath written Phillips' book rather than the man himself, it would have been obligatory.


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