Author Topic: Getto Glass Crystalization  (Read 7899 times)

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Getto Glass Crystalization
« on: September 19, 2004, 06:27:00 AM »
This is NOT a tried and true method; however, Alces's first attempt at crystalizing by this method had very promising results

stuff required to do it:
- meth
- alcohol
- shot glass or equivalant
- microwave
- Aresol can of 'Dust Off'

The meth was placed into a shot glass and a very small amount of alcohol was added:
not even enough to dissolve all the meth !

The shot glass was Very Carefully microwaved
in short bursts until all meth was dissolved and the alcohol boiled a little bit (reducing it's volume some).

This careful burst mircowaving of the goods continues until you get to the point where: when you remove the shot glass from the microwave, the Alcohol immediatley begins to skim while still hot !

Now your ready for the magic !
Simply flip that 'Dust Off ' can upside down and use the straw to direct the freezing cold liquid Tetrafluoroethane onto the contents of the shot glass !

Snap Krackle POP .... Your done !
From start to finish it took the Alces less than 2 minutes...

A single translucent chunck was plucked from the shot glass, cut into quarters and washed with Acetone.

you have to pulse the microwave ON & Off in short bursts
or else the goods will boil out of the shot glass.


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This is NOT a tried and true method; however,...
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2004, 08:33:00 AM »
This is NOT a tried and true method; however, Alces's first attempt at crystalizing by this method had very promising results.

So its not a tried method but you have used it? how does that work?

This would be good for street meth re-x but a comment on quality of re-x material would be good, microwaves wouldnt affect the meth would it?

Sounds good, but how long are the bursts of microwaves?



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Hockey Pucks
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2004, 08:34:00 AM »
BenWhiffen used to do something similar but without the cold dusting treatment that he called making hockey pucks.

I'm sure this technique works but I think it would require _super_ clean starting meth stock to guarantee that the end product would also be clean.

And since crystallization is generally done _to_ purify it I would think this technique would only really be of value to impatient tweakers who don't have the discipline to properly reX their shit.

But since there are probably a lot of those lurking around here I'm guessing this recipe may actually have a decent audience out there.

PS. Be sure to use a pyrex heat-proof shot glass (if one actually exists) or that cold treatment could easily shatter it to smithereens. If you can't find a heat proof shot glass then at least wear eye protection for the shattering glass.

I just dug up Ben's old post

Post 362899 (missing)

(BenWiFFen: "Radar Rocks AKA /hockey pucks", Stimulants)


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« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2004, 04:06:00 PM »
I don't think the microwave is doing anything but rapid boiling solvents and the same affect would be found if it were to be on a hotplate instead. Unless maybe you can superheat alcohol? then safty glasses would be in order at the least..


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« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2004, 04:09:00 PM »
You must have a bunch of liquid in that shot glass to have anything left after sending compressed gasses through such a tiney straw in such hot alcohol.


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since the gear ends up as one lump(the hockey...
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2004, 07:05:00 PM »
since the gear ends up as one lump(the hockey puck)i'm wondering if this is re-x-talisation or if it is some sort of melting and fusing thingo....what do the smart bees reckon?


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« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2004, 10:17:00 PM »
Nah, once you flip those cans over, it's possible to slowly drip the TFE out.
Cooling the heck out of the solution VERY focally.  Instead of a standard but fast reX  where you went from hotness right into the freezer and got poweder/needles -- this is just so focal that it amounts to an extremely cold seed crystal in there that forces all the dissolved molecules onto its own lattice by proximity.

Imagine a guest, who by his mere presence, causes most of your other guests to want to leave immediately -- but with him is the only way out..


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Interesting procedure...
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2004, 12:19:00 AM »
Ibee never has equiped the lab with a microwave.
Microwave chemistry is interesting though.
The only problem is channeling heat and energy evenly.
Short bursts doesn't afforf the same control as steady heating.
So my vote goes for jacked's stovetop suggestion or even an oilbath using tall flask to minimize spitting.

The first thing that came to mind when reading about Mr.Mooses employment of TFE was the chems used to make ICE.
Is it Dry ice, Co2, and liquid nitrogen?
Well either way...I knew it had to be cold cold stuff used to make it.
Not I have a cleared picture with Red_crowns description.
TFE is pretty cold so no wonder it works.


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« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2004, 03:29:00 PM »
Well Swim tried this out only he used freonTF it contains trichlorotrifluoroethane with a CO2 as a propellant. It spit popped and groaned and produced not a hockey puck but a bunch of teeny tiny white xtals that is remnant of a fast recrystallization via refrigeration. Not large chunks of anything and provided no purification only redepositing of contaminants on the surfaces of these tiny crystals. What can I say, Swim was board that day...


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try again
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2004, 07:09:00 PM »
this bee had to mess around to get it nice

but spraying the liquid freeze down aroud the sides of the container gave the best results for getting a single puck that literally had to be plucked from the schot glass

for purification purposes, I agree that this route is not suitable as the formed crystals have too many cavities and flaws... The refridgerator or air drying would be better.

but My intended result was for nothing other than presentation... I did have to break the puck and then mist the pieces with alcohol and allow then to air dry... This gave a cleaner shardy look to ste stuff.

No contamination was noticed from the spray: the goods were eaten, snorted and smoked !

I am glad to see that others are at least trying it, Jacked !


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« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2004, 04:53:00 PM »
Swim sprayed it down the sides of the beaker.. Maybe he should have done it more that once before making me post that.. If he was to use recrystallized stuff in the first place there wouldn't be a worry about the quality.
 Presentation is very important.. Curbs "buyers remorse" anyway.


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Compressed Gas vs Solvent
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2004, 01:35:00 AM »
Ibee's no expert on the subject of HCFC's, CFC's, and HFC's but he did amass alot of useable data enroute to the Egull the term "skilled in the art" used by chemists, becomes "skilleted in the art" for the clandestin kitchenstyle cookery :P
Jacked:The Two Chems solubility difference data may explain why one works better than the other.
The TCTFE(R113) can be used as a solvent meaning it is miscible in other solvents
The TFE(R143a) is a compressed gas that vaporizes too quickly at room temp and boils out of most liquids.
Same difference as R12(solvent) and R22(gas)

The dichlorodifluoroethane(R12) is what Ibee initially used in the Pre-Egull days. It was found to be a superior extraction aid than  tetrachloroethylene.
Due to Ozone depleting substance phaseout, Aquistioning a suitable effective substitoot proved to be pretty tough as most of the available CFC and HFC OTC options were gasses and couldn't be contained in liquids.
Then along came tetra and The Egull Method as used by those "skilleted in the art :) ".

aka...Freon 113; 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane; Freon TF Solvent (Ashland); Halocarbon 113
CAS NO.: 76-13-1
MOL WT. 187.38
SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Slightly soluble
Soluble: alcohol, ether, benzene

aka...1,1,1-Trifluoroethane; Freon 143a; R143a, HCFC143a
CAS No.: 420-46-2
Molecular Weight:  84.041
Molecular Formula: C2H3F3


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With the original post, if you just zap it in...
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2004, 02:57:00 AM »
With the original post, if you just zap it in the microwave enough to remove all the solvent, whats the point of the "Dust Off" can. All the solvent will be removed so the only thing left in the container will be a puddle of molten meth. I mean if you just give it say 10 seconds to cool down it should come back below the MP point of the meth (173C, i think)
So isnt the can of dust of just a waste really? Just an extra contaminate not needed?


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« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2004, 04:29:00 AM »
Having never made ICE or attempted to duplicate bullwinkle's "Watch me pull a hockeypuck outta this Hat-Trick"<__(now that's funny!) ;D  Ibee can only surmise that the principal is similar to the procedure that utilizes Liquid Nitrogens subfreezing properties to rock up meth.
Could be way off...but I'll bee corrected if so.


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« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2004, 06:34:00 AM »
Thats how they use to do it to blend the cut they added and for a long time people wanted a rock over a powder no mater how clean the powdered meth was... Simply melting the meth with the cut was all they would do. Small timers cut do it now with the ice right on a peace of foil. You can see the difference in the two types of "rock". It looks like real Ice made with cloudy water not like the Ice that although is not translucent but has that aperance...Pluss once meth is melted and reforms it does not shard away when handled or broken..


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I've seen what Jacked describes
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2004, 04:08:00 PM »
I'[ve seen what Jacked described. Looks good, but once you melt it you have a liquid. I'm not real sure what was in what I was given to smoke, just that there sure as hell wasn't much meth in it...


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One would think that the Microwave method...
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2004, 11:06:00 PM »
One would think that the Microwave method would vaporize some of the goods. Just after it melts it vaporizes right? Just a new bee but this seams logical. So I would think re-xtal couple times with acetone then use the coolent method. no goods lost.