Author Topic: Legitimite uses for watched chemicals  (Read 10271 times)

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Re: Legitimite uses for watched chemicals
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2000, 09:07:00 AM »
That'll change soon enough.  There have been numerous busts pasted over the media in the last 6 months. One article indicated that there was XYZ pounds of X found at a particle bust. Coincidentally, a company sells the sassy in almost the exact amount(slightly more than XYZ of course). You don't have to be a genius to figure out that they were talking about the sassy and what they'll be doing soon. But who knows.

Watching the sassy sales will be the easy part for them since there are so few companies that sell it here, if they choose to do so. The imports of the finished product will be harder to control since it is usually found by random inspections. It could take a year or two to write up the regulations to schedule it. When they do it'll be easy to know since its pretty easy to read between the lines of what these politicians say. They are really bad liars here. If its that much of a problem you could just get that other essential oil.


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Re: Legitimite uses for watched chemicals
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2000, 06:56:00 AM »
ok, so you guys are telling me that because i ordered sas oil from a little essential oil shop somewhere in the sticks, that my name is on some government list now?


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Re: Legitimite uses for watched chemicals
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2000, 03:21:00 AM »
Speaking of legit uses, what would be a household or commerical use requiring small amounts of NaOH, and in particular, what would require the pure chemical as opposed to just Red Devil lye?  Soap making just doesn't pass the bill since lye is plenty sufficient for that purpose.  I've heard its used in photography but I can't find any references to exactly what for?


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Re: Legitimite uses for watched chemicals
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2000, 03:28:00 AM »
Just say you prefer to buy it in bulk especially if for soap making. If you had to buy a bottle of lye everytime you wanted to make soap, that would get costly. NaOH is really least of your problems compared to other chemicals you might have to explain away.

You could always put your lab grade NaOH in a cleaned out Red Devil bottle if you wanted.

"That is an excellent point, Unobtainium."
"Why thank you. I know."


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Re: Legitimite uses for watched chemicals
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2000, 10:36:00 PM »
You are being watched, unless you know who you are dealing with the companies here in Canda notify Customs who in turn drop a dime to the DEA.  You can get it here no questions asked in 20 litre cans but you better know your supplier.



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Re: Legitimite uses for watched chemicals
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2000, 08:33:00 PM »
as far as lying to obtain some pure lye (NaOH)...
i've obtained it from a photography shop around the corner for years. they "know" what i use it for (at least i really do use some of it for this..). it is the essential ingredient in the traditional making of lutefisk. ok, cod is essential too...
so next time someone asks why u need pure instead of red devil tell em since it's for making l-fisk it needs to be PURE.

there's a MADness to my METHod


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Re: Legitimite uses for watched chemicals
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2000, 05:10:00 AM »
Fuck i just said two days ago that sassy is used to kill nits.
I just looked up an aromatherapy handbook to confirm it as i saw some at my local healthstore.
Cant anyone read here?!!!!!!

I said no to drugs but they just wouldn't listen!!!


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Think, Plan, Dream, then buy
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2002, 06:04:00 AM »
I happen to know a bee that dreams of owning a hydroponic store with a large organics section, ph lowers, ph raisers, pool chems for cleaning, and a large natrual oil section for use as insect deterent for plants, he dreams of buying pure sassfras by the tin along with neem oil and garlic etc etc, he dilutes with safflower and sells fact his dream makes so much money that he no longer dreams of honey for money, just honey for the bees..

just remember Think, Plan, only then may you dream  ;)


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Legitimite uses for watched chemicals
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2002, 04:27:00 PM »
I don't believe in your whole life the situation would ever arise that you need to explain to a chemical dealer why you need pure NaOH instead of Red Devil Lye. Ummmmmm...chem dealers don't suggest that you use cleaning products in place of pure chemicals.
     Really, this whole bit about getting a story down pat as to why you need NaOH is kind of silly. Maybe not in other countries, but it is surely silly here. I mean it's used in almost every chemical synthesis on the planet. They would look like the idiot making you explain what you need NaOH for. I guess better safe then sorry, bit come on!

I used my glassware to make beef stoganoff. It was exellent!


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HCl MIGHT be SLIGHTLY more suspicious.
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2002, 02:42:00 PM »
HCl MIGHT be SLIGHTLY more suspicious. Its used in masonary brick and path cleaning and etching.
If you have a swimming pool or spa then you say it relates to Ph adjusting.

just look around, does your place look like a lab or does it look like a messy workroom. Place things where they belong. 5 gal acetone and alcohol in a home is fine, that same amount lined up on a table in readinous...might make the murder scene look that much worse.


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Over here,any individual can buy every chem ...
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2002, 08:22:00 PM »
Over here,any individual can buy every chem except listed ones.Don't buy watched chems,make 'em yourself.

A friend with speed is a friend indeed


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Come on is this a joke?
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2002, 11:05:00 PM »
Are some of you bees for real?you all cant bee serious.True instructions for safely aquiring chems will never bee posted in totality.Those little tricks.If they were there would bee problems.So its all in your ability to explore the creativity and conviction you must posess.This isnt a playstation game here.This is for only a few.When a well known company went down swiw had no worrys why?because he was safe.Thats why. ;) It takes planning as previously posted.Dont call up some place and order multiple things think about it.Here are some of the problems the hive has created in sending bees out with a piece of the puzzle,and not enough proper procedures for safe aquisitions of things in an attempt to keep the watchful eyes away.It will all come in time threw study only and chatting with friendly bees.Swiw knew nothing before the hive but how to keep anyone from finding a trail.That was key the rest comes later.Before dreaming make your bed in other words bees.Here is swiws question what is the goal of this post to find out what you would tell johnny your doing with the stuff they werent supposed to know you ordered in the first place?Are you really serious about starting some hobby related to these things aquire permits,get tax numbers blah bla blah!If you were you wouldnt need to ask such things.Remember this takes a mind that can think on multiple levels unless you have 3 people.Can you take the pepsi challange?Remember if you can safely get from point a to E without talking to one individual personally your doing something right. :P

You don't try and wake up a man,when hes trying to be dead. -oysterhead


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go east young man
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2002, 07:53:00 PM »
Often a trip abroad can yield surprising finds

you would be amazed at what manner of desireable nectar
can be had at a farmacie/herbaliste  ;)


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If you want to be legitimate, be legitimate
« Reply #33 on: September 16, 2002, 12:57:00 AM »
IMO there is no formula, aquiring chems is about being someone else that needs them as a requirement for their societally acceptable job.

So what does this mean?  Make yourself a list of what you need and research a project or synth that requires these items that lead to a legitimate outcome. Now bee, no I mean BE that person. Know what they think - they are an employee trying to do their job, waiting for the weekend to come, its all routine to them.  Without shame, without guilt, why? well if your still asking why your not ready. 

Its all in your style, you either have it or you don't.

Don't drug the mind-let the mind use the drug-it won't mind.


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Olive soaking
« Reply #34 on: September 17, 2002, 12:50:00 AM »
Olives can't be eaten off the tree.  They have to be treated in a strong basic solution.  Of course, if you live
in Duluth, it's unlikely that you will have "raw"  olives
to process.

On the other hand, Bakersfield does..":<)
(or so I've heard)

Place olives carefully in container, cover the olives with a caustic soda solution (3 oz. of caustic soda to 1 gallon rainwater) for 40 to 48 hours (no longer), using a piece of flat, clean wood to keep them below the surface of the liquid. At the end of 48 hours pour off the caustic liquid, then cover with fresh rainwater and continue the renewing and pouring off of the water twice daily, night and morning, for at least one week (until all caustic soda is eliminated.) Do not worry if olive is bitter to taste...



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electro prep of NaOH
« Reply #35 on: September 17, 2002, 12:57:00 AM »
two cell cooking of NaCl will get you perfectly good NaOH,
and good enuff HCl, thus eliminating (gasp!) the risks
associated with walking into a store and acquiring same..

If you think you will need conc. H2SO4, however,
 here in The Land of the Free, you should know
that there is some noise about removing that from
 EZ acquisition.

Now, in truth, THAT is a fairly nasty product to be "OTC"..

Wouldn't mind some fuming nitric though,
just to clean some pickle jars.
I mean Dewars and like that. 
who would use pickle jars!??!! :-[



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i am a canadian!
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2003, 04:43:00 AM »
yeah, sassy's a breeze to come by. most essential oil suppliers have a "inquire here for larger quantities" option on sassafras oil, and not on any others.


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« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2003, 04:37:00 PM »
Here I think it would be wonderful if one could enlighten us on a means of preparing dimethylformamide.  I wouldn't think it wise to go to a chemical supplyer and ask for a Litre or two of dimethylformamide so a means of 'cooking' the stuff up would be useful.


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just thought id add something to the database...
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2003, 03:48:00 AM »
just thought id add something to the database in case its not there... a while ago i was rebuilding my 2 stroke motorbike enigine and found it very difficult to clean out all the burnt carbon from the cylinder head. Mechanic told me to soak it in carbon cleaner over night...

Dichloromethane or methylenechloride is used for cleaning carbon out of engines... you need quite a bit of it too to soak a large piece of engine in it :)


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« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2003, 04:34:00 AM »
all allybenzenes such as sassy are natural insecticides. your a just a happy, hippie, tree-hugger working on an eviormentally friendly  way to kill bugs without poisoning the planet!
i believe this idea was in ts2 or sources or some such work of wisdom.

BTW, if you dont own these masterpieces your missin out bigtime. ;)