Author Topic: It’s Official: NSA Data Will be Used for Domestic Policing not for terrorism  (Read 28976 times)

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  • Subordinate Wasp
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Well it look like us usa bees we're even more fucked than bee for now ! I cant believe this shit smh
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Offline EdwardElric

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We are officially an Orwellian dystopia..

Offline Lipbalm

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Historically shit like this usually instigates a revolution but this time people are too busy following the details of the Kardashian's lives.
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Offline aYoungKing

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Historically shit like this usually instigates a revolution but this time people are too busy following the details of the Kardashian's lives.

get the magazines loaded, it's been getting closer to that point for a while. we'll have to see what happens after the elections.

Offline trapstar

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Jesus Christ. Such a bullshit decision.  This is a fucked up mess.

Offline Tsathoggua

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Not a US wasp, but it doesn't at all surprise me. What surprises me, if anything, is that they actually admitted to it, and/or that its taken them this long to either start doing this, or to be caught with their pants down and a thumb busily picking old food crumbs out of its collective governmental appendix.

The US, the EU govt. and european union in general, and the UK, all fucked up fascist pigfuckers.

Just look at what tony bliar (spelling quite deliberate :P ) did, getting eventually forced to admit to not only his involvement in the iraq war, and to being a disgusting, filthy fucking race-traitor, deliberately forcing open and or dismantling our borders, in order to, and I quote 'rub the right's nose in diversity'
Deliberately, as a matter of actual policy, shafting real, ordinary, genuine british folks and the country as a while by doing everything within his evil power to open the doors and everything short of actual physical kidnap of soon-to-be,-forcibly made into asylum seekers, flooding the country with hordes of pestilent vermin.

If it were left up to me, Bliar and his revolting-looking shrivelled up old besom of a wife (or possibly, husband, its hard to tell by looking at any region not always (Thank fuck for small mercies or what???!) covered by clothing) would be executed as war criminal, generally speaking, corrupt little shits and race-traitor filth.
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Offline Lipbalm

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^^^ Blair's involvement with that kid raping lil girl turturing Muammar Qadaffi (sp) was also quite perverse.
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Offline EdwardElric

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Haha Tsath, you always have the most interesting posts, you should be an author!

Offline Tsathoggua

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Never knew Gaddafi was a nonce, but it doesn't really surprise much.

And then there is that really shady fucker of an incident where that iraqi weapons inspector was found dead slumped against a tree in the woods, slashed wrists, surrounded by propoxyphene tablets (DISCONTINUED IN THIS COUNTRY), with a few in his stomach, but not anywhere close to a toxic level either in him or in his stomach unabsorbed, and with him having only a blunt knife on him, which he couldn't have inflicted the wound himself anyway from what I gather, due to having some sort of wrist problem or and hand problem that prevented him from being able to cut steak for instance.

Not to mention either, the fact that the knife had been wiped down of prints, including the scientist's own.

IMO the whole case SCREAMS of conspiracy, lying and cover ups at the highest echelons of govt.

Anyone else reckon the guy was murdered rather than either suicide or accident? the UK govt. seems to have made remarkably little fuss over it when it happened, which is part of what set my tosspot-detection radar pinging like crazy, and straight away more or less stated it was a suicide.

The toadmeister would have thought a government egghead being knocked off who is involved in inspections of iraqi WMD related stuff would trigger an immediate and thorough investigation, especially with it having being a british subject.

Ever heard of a dead man wiping down the weapon  used to end that man's life? corpses don't, generally speaking, tend to display much awareness of forensic science, nor does human carrion usually wipe down the means of their shuffling off this mortal coil.
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Offline Tsathoggua

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Have contemplated writing a book though actually. Main idea is a comprehensive field guide for the amateur mushroom forager out to harvest himself some supper, but also for those interested in the likes of ergot chemistry, fungal toxicology  in general, data on lab techniques for culturing things, making spawn,  sterile working and  stuff like bioengineering w/fungi, microscopy (about time I had myself a good reason to get his microscope out.

A handbook detailing reagent testing of fungi in the field, or at home would be very useful to others IMO, if they are fellow mycophiles, Not just for some UK/european macrofungi species, but something more specialist, just for the reagent identification data and for microscopy, such a specialist guide would have come in really, really useful to toady, most field guides either barely touch on the use of chemicals, stating that such falls outside the scope of the non-professional mycologist, or for the more comprehensive, detailed and in-depth gruide, such as Phillips (spotted a few errors in his work however, such as for example, stating Mycena pura is edible. It isn't, and whilst not anywhere near as much so as most of the Inocybes, but M.pura does contain muscarine, and has caused quite a few cases of poisoning, neglects to warn against the consumption of the man on horseback [Tricholoma flavovirens, syn. T.equestre], which certainly used to be one of the more highly regarded edibles, yet it contains a cyclopropene-based small molecule toxin that causes rhabdomyolysis (direct myotoxic injury, causing destruction of muscle tissue, the breakdown products of which then go on to work over your kidneys, potentially causing kidney failure.

I forget the exact structure of the toxin, but its the same substance as is found in the notoriously toxic japanese mushroom species, Russula subnigricans, another myotoxic mushroom. But the man on horseback, or knight on horseback, Tricholoma flavovirens doesn't seem to cause instant poisoning upon eating it, and as such was regarded as edible and choice for quite some time,   But when people eat the species in multiple meals over a short period of time, being greedy basically, then it can start lysing muscle and shutting down kidneys.

Phillips claims its edible and good eating, and although not specifying especially, unusually good, also names those two hygrocybe spp (the hygrocybes, and hygrophorus spcies are commonly called waxcaps due to the greasy or slippery texture of the caps, especially when wet, there are some good ones to be had, Toady used to enjoy going to his grandma's house when she was still alive to stay over for things like xmas, b/days and generally speaking the family going to do social to them, because it meant he could go out with a pocket full of bin bag rubbish sacks, and come back with a truly gigantic crop of waxcaps from up on the yorkshire moors, especially Camarophyllus pratensis, the meadow wax-cap,, scarlet hoods and crimson waxcaps, all three of which are very tasty; the meadow waxcap most of all, which is quite a bit bigger than the rest of the waxcaps, or at least most of them, and it has quite a nice texture, with a delicate, but very pleasant flavour indeed after rinsing off any organic debris, and throwing them into a frying pan with a knob of salted butter, maybe just a pinch of very finely ground black pepper, sprinkled very finely over them, although they are perfectly good to eat without any seasoning at all, short of some butter in which to fry them, and maybe a bed of beans, rice, maybe some chickpeas for something on which to serve one's hard-foraged harvest.

Phillips makes a couple of significant errors regarding waxcaps, stating the conical, and the blackening wax cap are edible. Again they are not, although quite the extent of how poisonous they are isn't known for certain, but that they are, is certain.

Lists some Galerina and Conocybe species as merely inedible, IMO given how toxic they are, being full of amatoxins,  a full warning is not only justified, but had Tsath written Phillips' book rather than the man himself, it would have been obligatory.
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Offline aYoungKing

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no other country in the world has had a worst string of leaders than recent america

bush, twice, obama, twice, and now most likely going to be donald trump or hillary

Offline Lipbalm

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no other country in the world has had a worst string of leaders than recent america

bush, twice, obama, twice, and now most likely going to be donald trump or hillary

Yes worst 16 year stretch in US history. I like Trump. Except for the whole fascism, surveillance, war on drugs thing, I think all other issues he will be good on. I can't say that I would like to do 30 years in prison under his administration but I doubt that would be any different under Clinton and there are more important issues besides the war on drugs.
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Offline aYoungKing

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Yes worst 16 year stretch in US history. I like Trump. Except for the whole fascism, surveillance, war on drugs thing, I think all other issues he will be good on. I can't say that I would like to do 30 years in prison under his administration but I doubt that would be any different under Clinton and there are more important issues besides the war on drugs.

the first time i heard about him running for president he inferred john mccain was something of a traitor for being a prisoner of war. "i like the ones that weren't captured"

i'll admit i laughed when i heard that, but it only planted the seeds of me thinking he is batshit crazy. that seed blossomed. he is the better choice than hillary though. i think sanders over all would be the best choice if he gets nominated.

Offline Lipbalm

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^^^ Trump says stupid shit because one he doesn't give a fuck, two he's a cranky old man, three he's used to reality TV where the more outrageous thing you say the better, and four a lot of times he is just misinformed, but I expect all that to go away when he's president (maybe not the cranky old man part though). As president he won't have anyone he needs to trash every day and insult, and he will become presidential as they all do so the insults and shit will be gone. And as for the misinformed shit he will be surrounded by advisers to tell him when he's got it wrong. He has already shifted a little to being presidential as his rivals have gone away and the closer he gets to office the more reasonable i think you will see him be. I am still not thrilled that I'm sure he has an old school war on drugs mindset, but stuff like the economy, terrorism, illegal immigration, crime, ect. ect. ect. are much more important (and like I said if I ever get busted for manufacturing I will be fucked no matter who is president).
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Offline EdwardElric

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I personally don't think it makes any difference who becomes president.  The American government was able to create nuclear weapons over 70 years ago.  Certainly they have an organization in place, with a long term game plan, on what they would like America or the world to be.  Presidents only last for 4 years, maybe 8.  They are just puppets that will do what they are told.  The system is broken, to make us think whoever we choose, will make a difference.  I think this is why JFK was assassinated, pretty much his whole family at that.  He has a famous speech, where he talks about the corrupt Monetary system aka the Federal Reserve, & then he gets taken out.  Coincidentally Lee Harvey Oswald, some nobody, gets taken out by Jack Ruby, another nobody, who coincidentally dies in prison from pulmonary embolism..  Screams cover up to me.

Offline EdwardElric

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I also think its fucked how Snowden, who should be regarded as a hero, for deliberately letting th American people know, something that should not be allowed, but gets treated like a terrorist/criminal.  While Hilary, accidentally lets similar information slip, & gets slapped on the hand & allowed to even run for presidency.  Now that's corrupt

Offline Zippy

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Snowden is a traitor and should be hung.  WHatever we are doing with NSA surveilance was authorized by Congress and everyone is doing it so who cares.As far as Trump for Prez it would be a good thing. He could close the Dept of Education by executive order and sweep out the IRS (both hives of commie Democrats) which would be a good thing.  But he is just one guy, both parties are so corrupt so they are basically one party of incumbent fucks.  The Democrats are worse in my mind because they are pwned by Government Unions which are featherbedding their pensions on the back of future unborn generations.  Retiring at 50 with 90% pay for life?   But there is no money for roads and then they bitch and want to raise you taxes 'for the children'.

Offline aYoungKing

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I also think its fucked how Snowden, who should be regarded as a hero, for deliberately letting th American people know, something that should not be allowed, but gets treated like a terrorist/criminal.  While Hilary, accidentally lets similar information slip, & gets slapped on the hand & allowed to even run for presidency.  Now that's corrupt

the truth isn't often spoken, but here it is ^^^

Offline Tsathoggua

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One should bee careful when speaking the truth, if the truth spoken is not the same 'truth' as that of the government in the  country one utters the 'wrong' kind truth in.
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Offline Lipbalm

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Snowden is a traitor and should be hung.  WHatever we are doing with NSA surveilance was authorized by Congress and everyone is doing it so who cares.

Snowden should be given a Congressional Medal of Freedom. He is a hero. Whether he was just playing narcissistic games or not, I don't care, he is still a hero. A few members on the intelligence committee cannot over ride the Constitution. Everyone around the world also oppresses their citizens but that doesn't mean they should.
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Offline Zippy

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The Constitution? Really? Something that was written before electricity was discovered, let alone cell phones?  He could have gone through regular whistleblower channels with his concerns.  He was an employee who swore to protect the information he had access to.  If he had any ballz he wouldn't have fled to Hong Kong and then Russia with his disk drives of secrets.  You want to take a stand and blab, fine but then stick around and face the music.

Offline Vesp

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Lol@  criminals calling other people criminals or defending various laws. 
Zippy, how does your rhetoric hold up when applied to your own actions?
You're both getting some moral authority from the government (just people) and that's stupid.  Approved by Congress, against the constitution, none of it matters. 

Also discussing inflammatory politics is probably a great way for people to link anonymous pseudonyms to real life identities. That shouldn't be provoked.

That's what they tried with DPR and a few others.  Idealistic views on government, morals, ethics etc is a key way to link identities in people due to no person holding the same views.
How many variables do you think are involved with all of that? How many variables need to be matched to another profile to make you a suspect?
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Also you should be thinking of all of this more rationally: the spying and the leak of Information, why and what was done with it is all out of your control: just be thankful you have more information to work with for yourself and move on.  No need to get hung up on things that you can't change or aren't effected by -  literally putting your energy into anything else is a better choice. 
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Offline EdwardElric

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I also feel 9/11 was an inside job.  It's a win win win win win, situation.  The owner gets insurance.  The government gets to have the war they wanted.  The Bush family gets to take out competition and further their oil business.  Dick Cheney get's to set up shop, aka his construction business Halliburton.  The Federal Reserve gets more war, which just puts more money into the pockets of people who are already in power.  The government gets to employ their Patriot Act, which is where we as American citizens, start to loose our basic constitutional freedoms, which the NSA has made use of & abused.  Sure they may have been written back in the day, but that doesn't mean we should loose them because there is technology that allows the government to grey area our privacy. 

Innocent until proven guilty, now its guilty until proven innocent.  With these new rules in play, every American citizen is treated like a terrorist and is only off the hook if you're not.  Just because something is illegal, doesn't mean people should be treated like criminals for breaking the law.  Look at marijuana for instance, people are getting charged with felonies just for having more than an ounce and a half of bud.  On a law that was made 70+ years ago..  Now that is criminal to me.  How are we going to be able to change laws such as that, if the government has the capability of stemming the "criminals" before they can even make an impact on society.

I shouldn't be afraid to be who I want to be when using my mobile or computer devices.  I shouldn't have to live in fear.  I think I'm a good person at heart & shouldn't have to live of the fear of being persecuted for my beliefs & these laws only enforce the loss of freedom. 

I agree that people in high positions like that, need to keep secrecy, but when it comes to my personal freedom & something that directly pertains to my life, then I am glad someone stood up for it.  He leaked every bit of information he had & continues to be an outspoken person against the government, for the American people.  I very much agree with Lipbalm, it is just one of many instances where we should have revolted, people have for less in the past.  I have said it many times, we are in need of a modern French Revolution.  1% owns 50% of the worlds money..  Revolt!

I have the right to say that, but those words could brand me as a terrorist, how could we ever set up a "militia" and properly overthrow our government, if we chose to do so, we couldn't.  Because we would be branded as "terrorists" instead of much needed rebels.  Even though it's our right to do so.  Those who have power are afraid to loose it & will do what it takes to keep it, at our expense.

As Benjamin Franklin stated: "Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one"


Offline Lipbalm

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Drug dealers/users demanding that espionage criminals turn themselves into their governments for life in prison? 9/11 was an inside job? Jesus christ you people need to lay off the meth.
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Offline Zippy

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OF course 9/11 was an inside job.  The only plane to fly after it was one containing the Bin Laden family.  The Bush family has been on the Saudi leash since before Arbusto Energy.  How does jet fuel melt steel??? Why did building 7 go down? It wasn't hit by anything.  If 17 of the hijackers were Saudi's why did we invade Afghanistan?  And Iraq. Iraq was pumping 600k barrels of oil when they could be pumping 3 million.  That is a lot of money $100 billion a year so any pretext necessary was required to go in.  Because $$$$$$$$$$$$$.  Kennedy was whacked by LBJ and the New Orleans mob, I mean what was Nixon doing in Dallas the day before the assassination?  Who benefits from the chaos and who is the patsy?

Snowden? Snoweden was a govt agent.  & don't even get me started on Martin Borman and the Fourth Reich or I swear I will go all hydraulic pulsing hydrogen maser pyramid power on your ass.  If you are good tho I might clue you in on how the Nazis created AIDS.

 listen to some of the audio files to go down the rabbit hole.

Offline Lipbalm

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Oh my god dude. Ugh.
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Offline aamer

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All the plans of war and peace in the world are the inside jobs. Terrorism, war against terrorism, all is planted by Illuminati,  purpose and goal is described in famous book protocol. US presidents are also members and salves of that secret society except Abraham Lincoln and canady. . Even US Dollar is also not the property 0f USA. Dollar is the property of federal reserve bank which is owned by  Rothschild family and  Rockefeller family sign mark of Illuminati is printed and secret words of that society are also written  at the back of the  ONE Dollar. These are original criminals of the world.
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Offline Lipbalm

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^^^ They are based on Mars right?
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Offline xtvree

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^^^ They are based on Mars right?
No, Atlantis. Common mistake

Offline aYoungKing

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Oh my god dude. Ugh.

hahahaha. it's surprising how many people must be getting high of their own supply here

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Requesting that we drop all of the idealistic and political conspiracy talk in the thread and just focus on NSA &  related news of law enforcement spying on us. 

Otherwise probably going to close this thread.  This thread is  getting very close to same level as people who spray vinegar at Chem trails operate on.
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What are everyone's thoughts on this escalating ideological war between ISIS/ISIL terrorists and the West...? I can't possibly see how this road the world is headed down has any end but a dark one. The NSA continues to expand it's vast data collection program capabilities as it concurrently becomes more 'legitimized' at the legal level, using the "TERRORISM TRUMPS PRIVACY" card (which sadly, the majority of people I've talked to seem uncaring about, even somewhat or totally with the NSA's stance), and it looks like Europe is fuckt as well since attacks continue and the response of course will be erosion of liberties in favor of surveillance + deturrance of terrorist plots... honestly, how does an individual rationalize an optimistic outlook for the future?

I think at this point in time it's still possible to divert from the collision course of omnipresent surveillance BUT the underlying issue (in my opinion) is the apathy of the everyday man/woman in first-world countries. Too fucking distracted by bullshit Netflix shows and vacant, vacuous things in culture to pay attention... I swear to god it's like you have to put a gun to the ordinary person's head to make them listen to anything of importance for 30 seconds
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 07:48:36 PM by bigpenis »
You are more capable than you think, but you are also more foolish than you want to believe. You are never beyond reproach, never to good to ask questions, and never too smart to admit to not knowing things.