Author Topic: Making Chloretone More Desirable  (Read 6881 times)

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Making Chloretone More Desirable
« on: August 06, 2004, 03:21:00 AM »
I'm sure that many of you are at least somewhat aware of chlorobutanol(1,1,1-Trichloro-2-methyl-2-propanol), which gets converted in the body to the same metabolites as chloral hydrate or plain-old chloral. Synth info can be found at

  Anyway, this stuff knocks you into a loop similar to meprobamate mixed with a glass of wine. What sucks about it is that it strongly stinks of camphor and I'm trying to circumvent this problem, because many find camphor belches to be nasty, and not worth paying for. How can I get rid of this stink? Would using bromoform of iodoform instead of chloroform help with the stink? Any suggestions on killing-off the stink would be much appreciated! Peace! 8)


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Of bromal hydrate in The household physician...
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2004, 03:55:00 AM »
Of bromal hydrate in The household physician by J-Mcgregor-Robertson 1890:

It is a drug prepared like chloral hydrate, the vapours of bromine being substituted for chlorine. It is very irritating and cannot be taken internally unless largely diluted, because of the burning in the throat, diarrhea and vomiting owing to irritation of the throat gullet and bowels. It is poisonous in lesser doses than is chloral, and there is no reason why it should be used at all.

I would take care, given this, and test a small amount on skin first to see if any irritation arrises.


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« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2004, 02:34:00 PM »
Wow!! I'm humbled by bromine, iodine, and who knows what else. Thanks for the help Lestat. I continue my research. Such a beautiful name....


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« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2004, 05:56:00 AM »
if you made an acetate ester of it, it would taste or smell better?

dehydrate with acetic acid, perhaps?


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Is There Any Hope?
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2004, 03:10:00 AM »
I've come to think of it like this; I wouldn't be making bromal hydrate. I'd be making tribromo-2-methyl-2-propanol or the tri-iodo analogue, which would most likely be converted to tribromoethanol or triiodoethanol in the body. I think of it as basically booze with a halogen stuck to it. Anyway, I'd never give someone something that I've never tested on myself.

  Glacial acetic? Please elaborate on your theory. I'm very interested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Bromoethanol is suspecte4d of causing ...
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2004, 04:10:00 AM »
Bromoethanol is suspecte4d of causing respiritory, CNS and G.I tract irritation  according to this MSDS:

I would bee really careful with this one, and I imagine the iodine metabolite to bee fairly similar, that, and that only very small amounts of iodine are needed for correct functioning of the human meatshell, excess causing goiter (a large swelling of the thyroid gland), and maybee other nasty things too.

Not to shit on your parade from a great hight Bwiti, but I can't see these being really safe, bee careful, and at least test these carefully first.


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bromides themselves are depressents
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2004, 03:29:00 PM »
that being the case, I bet if one  takes a therapeautic dose of bromo-stuff, one side effect is due just to the bromides. Brominism could be a real result.

Anyway, we have better things to do with bromine! Chlorine seems safer!

Perhaps what we have here is a drug delivery problem. How to package the nasties so that they aren't so nasty?

Perhaps making an ethyl acetal of chloral hydrate, or acetylating chlorobutanol would make these more tasteful. Body-safe protecting groups to improve the taste of drugs might bee worthy of some research.


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Glacial Acidic acid
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2004, 02:10:00 PM »
Thanks for the heads-up Lestat..

  All this talk about halogens gets me thinking of my huffing of ethyl chloride a few years back. It's kind of like booze in fast-acting gaseous form mixed with N2O(hippie crack). Once I got my hands on some lab-grade ethyl iodide, the white-trash-huffer part of me couldn't resist trying it. It's like the chloride, except the waves are heavier and stronger. Only people that have tried it can understand what I was just saying..I don't condone the ue of those drugs, because who knows what damage, if any, that I did to my brain :P

  Anyway, is it really possible to acetylate chlorobutanol? In my dreams, at some point, I'll buy some chloroform, hydroxide, etc., make some trichlorobutanol, treat it with glacial acetic acid, then test the dried product on myself..What dosage should I start with? 500mg?

  Btw, should the trichlorobutanol be dissolved in a little solvent before the glacial acetic acid is added? If so, then what type of solvent?

  Peace! 8)


  • Guest were alkylating your lungs!
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2004, 03:57:00 PM » were alkylating your lungs! I don't think I'd ever try that....

Looks like chlorobutanol is this:


chlorobutanol / chloral hydrate ("ClC(Cl)(Cl)C(O)(C)C.ClC(Cl)(Cl)C(O)O")

It's not clear to me how chlorobutanol would become chloral in the body. Does any bee know?

Bwiti, you know that you can make chloroform out of bleach and acetone, right? This looks like a very OTC method to an intoxicant here. But as for the taste...hmmm

Possible "protected" forms of chlorals that might bee more palatable:


acetylchlorobutanol/chloral ethyl acetal ("ClC(Cl)(Cl)C(C)(C)OC(=O)C.ClC(Cl)(Cl)C(OCC)OCC")

I wonder what would happen if the reaction was run with methyl ethyl ketone instead of acetone? The product would be like this:


chloropentanol ("ClC(Cl)(Cl)C(C)(CC)O")

Or what about a glyceryl modification?


mame?? ("ClC(Cl)(Cl)C(CO)(CO)O")

I guess I'm jabbering now. But it would be nice to know what structural features are actually necessary for the stuff to work, so a nice OTC and fun compound could be made. Thoughts?


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I dont think Bwiti was saying that ...
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2004, 01:51:00 AM »
I dont think Bwiti was saying that chlorobutanol became chloral in vivo, merely that the end metabolites were the same I bee-lieve anyeway.


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« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2004, 01:09:00 AM »
Thanks for clarifying that Lestat.

  Besides the idea of adding Chloretone to acetic acid, I think that most of the good would be in my choices of pill-fillers. Ideas would be much appreciated. Peace! 8)


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If we knew what it became oxidized to
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2004, 06:32:00 PM »
then we could perhaps pre-oxidize it to a less volatile (tasteable) compound...


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Any Refs..?? - Educated Quesses ??
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2004, 06:50:00 PM »
Theoretically, can I slowly find the truth, and many want me dead because of this