The Hive > Stimulants

Thank You VE for STEaling My Thunder

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^^SHORTY the sodium carbonate maybee?
Well it obviously sounds like the yields are good, so maybee the change in pH is removing some of the more pH sensitive contaminants.

I thinka try using more alcohol, and more again if more drying agent is used. -OR- not, and see at what point your psuedo yields are being eaten in to. Ask swis to take pH tests of the OH and write it down in ur special book in a colourful pen. =)

But how was swis yield of pure psuedo from your latest lit' experiment? =)

No sodium carbonate was used

Now that i reread my post i can see how it could bee taken the wrong way.  I am not having a problem, i was responding to Xavl about using only acetone and methanol to extract pseudo.  I actually stumbled on this while trying to recrystalize pseudo which was actually too dirty to rxtlize.  I didnt use any drying agents.  what i cant understand is why this solid which was definately one of the inactives came through on the first methanol pulls but then precipitated out when boiled in acetone and methanol was added.  All the solids were nearly dissolved in the boiling acetone/methanol mixture but then just as i add a little more methanol to dissolve the last bit this powder began to precipitate on the bottom of the flask and by time i removed from heat and filter there was a pretty good amount which was caught in the filter and it was not pseudo.  but when the alcohol/acetone was evapped the yeild was about 75% clean psuedo.  I have done this several times with the same results but it only works on pills which can be pulled with methanol straight out of the box with no presoaks or solvent boils.  Hope this makes sense.

No your writing was fine, but I just (wrongly-sory) assumed you were doing an STE modified method
aw, well maybee the OH added caused a temperature-solubility change? Also there are monomers which are activated by some alcohols aswell as water, but you should have noticed this when you first extracted it.

My guess is that XavI2 is using nicely gakked pills, with polymers and povidine.


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