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Quick opinion needed as to drying large amanita

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Hey beez, SWIM was just wondering, he hasn't the inclination really if not nescessary to cook this to dryness in the oven, and was wondering if simply placing it in the airstream of a VERY hot air heater would prove sufficient for decarboxylation of the ibotenic acid to occur?

The heater is a good one, and will make the whole room resemble a blast furnace in about five minutes of use, so do you think it would work for doing the bees-iness with this little beauty?

SWIM has peeled the cap, and is drying the surface skin now, the cap itself is in front of the heater.

SWIM has settled on a method pf preparation, the mushroom shall be dried, and then a thin soup is going to be prepared for SWIM and his friend that has volunteered to partake, using thin pieces of the dried mushroom, simmered slowly with some thin rice hair noodles, and a beef bouillion cube, with maybe a few small shreds of meat to add some character to the dish.

The dried cap skin is going to eaten as crispy amanita-chips, and the whole shared in two equal portions between SWIM and his friend on a previously fasted stomach with a few ready made joints of some good purple haze to combat any possible nausea and potentiate the amanita.

The setting will most likely bee a nearby large woodland, which should make for a quite enjoyable afternoon for SWIM.

I will ask SWIM how his experience went and post it here, upon its completion

me and a friend driend up like 4-5 milk crates full of aminatias and messed them all up somehow i think the amount of heat used may of destroyed the active chemicals in it but ive also heard that a certain amount of heat changes the ibotonic to musicomal? but dont take my word for it id look it up

That it does, heat decarboxylates the ibotenic acid to the more potent and less toxic muscimol, SWIM told me he has decided not to fiddle around with soup, but just to dry the mushroom and powder it, the powder beeing added to a shot of cola and downed.

The fruitbody dries surprisingly quickly under the heat, and would have been dry already, had SWIM's annoying parents thought his room was too hot whilst SWIM was out socialising and turned off the heater, not noticing the half-dried mushroom and strips of dry cap skin very carefully positioned in the hot air stream ::)

The most important aspect of Amanita muscaria preparation lies in the drying and/or of heating of the mushroom. What these two processes do is convert the less powerful ibotenic acid into the highly psychopharmacological chemical muscimol through decarboxylation. If this is not done then the potency as an inebriant is lessened. There are a number of ways to do this. The fresh mushroom can be roasted over an open flame via the Wasson technique discovered by a friend of his in Japan who roasted the mushroom over an open fire and then consumed it with euphoric effects. more


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