The Hive > Newbee Forum

Oxone or Performic/Peracetic

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> Swim's last three performics ran with 82%, 87% and 87%
> yield respectively (w ketone / w isosafrole).

come on! you know that yields are (actual / theoretical).
so your 85% is really only 77%. probably not ultra pure
and you get the values of chromic...

Hypo: Are you suggesting that greeter calculated a weight/weight yield instead of a mole/mole yield, or am I completely off?

yes, i think so.
at least that's how i interpreted  "(w ketone / w isosafrole)"...

Oh, sorry - I didn't see those w's.

Why is it so hard to calculate the molar yield, everybody? The molecular weights of all the compounds we are using here are plastered all over the web, and is automatically calculated by programs such as ISIS-Draw... And all this just if you don't want to learn H=1, C=12, N=14 and O=16, and perform simple addition and division.

SWIM runs oxone at about 55% crude weight. Oxone is whaaay! easier IMO and gets cleaner products if you don't own a ketone distillation set up just yet.

SWIWS started out with a Performic and spent 3 weeks/$600 on chems n' sassy and for nothin' Tried the oxone and sucsess the first time! This was a lot of lab technique practice later and the amalgam is still tricky to get good yields. But hey it worked first time.
The Oxone route uses a shitload of methanol and dH2O but for the newbee the easy workup and easy aquisition of reagents make it a great choice (OTC). Even though the yields are about 35% less than other routes you are more likely to end up with fluffy yummy love powder at the end of the day. ;)  IMO anyways.
the 21st of the 12th 2012......


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