Author Topic: DMT extraction solvent choice  (Read 29737 times)

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DMT extraction solvent choice
« on: May 22, 2003, 03:01:00 AM »
After basifying the acidic extraction from the Mimosa hostillis root bark, what is a better solvent for extraction.... xylene or naptha? Naptha creates one hell of an emulsion with bubbles that even vacuum filtering with celite cant break up. I dont get that either  ::) . Would xylene still pull out DMT freebase as well as Naptha without that added emulsion? SWIM would try this but he does not have any xylene yet.

Just needed your helpful advice once again.



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evidently xylene will work as well, never...
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2003, 07:40:00 AM »
evidently xylene will work as well, never compared the two- but others have said it works ok.  Swim only ever experienced naphta -with excellent results.

He learned that the best way to deal w/the emulsions was not to form them in the first place- gentle with the first pull/wash/defat what have you, and then more agitation on the second etc.

Time and/or gentle heat can work wonders for breaking them emulsions- most definatly NOT more agitation (swiy already knows this, but it has to bee said, as swim knows how tempting it can bee to say 'its already fucked, so fuck it...'). 

Gentle heat....gentle heat....gentle heat...... ;)



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nah don't use xylene
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2003, 02:57:00 PM »
SWIM has done an extraction using toluene, which has a lower bp than xylene, and it oiled out badly and refused to crystallise given a whole week. The goo smoked okay, but SWIM didn't feel good about inhaling toluene

Naptha works fine generally speaking.

Offline futurealchemist

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Re: DMT extraction solvent choice
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2017, 09:21:16 PM »
bumping an age-old topic but... i prefer to pull with chloroform to get all the goodies out...

that, or: 1:1 diethyl ether:heptane; the ether pulls much better, then you can distill/evap the ether off and freeze precipitate immediately.