Author Topic: o2 is the shit  (Read 72538 times)

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Re: rxn notes
« Reply #100 on: October 26, 2000, 11:54:00 AM »
We don't talk about higher temp wackers.
Two different testers talk about



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Post deleted by KrZ
« Reply #101 on: October 26, 2000, 12:16:00 PM »


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Re: rxn notes
« Reply #102 on: October 26, 2000, 12:23:00 PM »
KRZ, the temperature did NOT get out of hand it was within 10deg of 55deg Farenheit the entire rxn. The flask never even got warm.

Jimi loves ya


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Post deleted by KrZ
« Reply #103 on: October 26, 2000, 12:29:00 PM »


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Re: rxn notes
« Reply #104 on: October 26, 2000, 12:31:00 PM »
It was cold. There were ice cubes floating in the water bath. Antibody is beginning to think you are toying with him.

Jimi loves ya


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Re: rxn notes
« Reply #105 on: October 26, 2000, 12:33:00 PM »
Yep, I'm confused also, mainly by the fact that Spiceboy, Osmium, you, frost and some others reported good results at times, so it could be that the cooling of the vessel is a major point to take care of.
You clearly stated that only glas and plastic gave results, so checked that too, it was plastic.
Temp control MUST be the main issue here, the rest is simple.
But notice the exact same O2 take up ratios during the 8 hrs and the 3 hrs duplos of the KrZ and frost methods, and still ISO . LT/



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Post deleted by KrZ
« Reply #106 on: October 26, 2000, 12:58:00 PM »


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Re: rxn notes
« Reply #107 on: October 26, 2000, 01:08:00 PM »
KRZ in three posts in a row antibody stated the cold temps and you persisted in replying about synths where the temp was out of hand? :(  ? Or did he misunderstand what you were tryying to say?

Jimi loves ya


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Re: rxn notes
« Reply #108 on: October 27, 2000, 12:06:00 AM »
Any one else who does'nt act like a child who has something worthwhile to say?
Would like to hear your opinion, Os, and if Spiceboy is around, I know you peek in, any help in solving this problem is appreciated, I still can't find anything wrong in my friends writings and certainly not in Antibody's writings. He followed exactly the outlined procedure, used IPA, the right O2 psi (the other used 45 psi, see no problem with that btw), the only thing I can come up with is the premixing of the CuCl2, PdCl2 and the solvent (IPA or MeOH), which should be done perhaps longer then the 2 hours strong mixing reported to me, an overnight mix would be 100% sure. LT/



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Re: rxn notes
« Reply #109 on: October 27, 2000, 04:29:00 AM »
I can only repeat what I have said for several years now. I did it without added water, 4-5:1 MeOH:safrole, 100:1-1.5 safrole:PdCl2, 1:3-4 PdCl2:CuCl2, pressure up to 5-7bar (75-100psi), strong manual shaking for several hours. Catalysts were pre-stirred for 12 hours or longer because it took that long for all the PdCl2 to dissolve. Since O2 absorption was very slow to non-existent when done cold I had to warm it up occasionally in a water bath, and I thought that some warming up took place during reaction.
That's all I have to say. Worked for me.


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Re: rxn notes
« Reply #110 on: October 27, 2000, 05:10:00 AM »
Did somebody save immature shit's replies? PM me so I can reinsert them.


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Re: rxn notes
« Reply #111 on: October 27, 2000, 06:18:00 AM »
Yes, too bad KRZ took his marbles home.The last three replys from KRZ, were assertions that increasing temp over RT increases isomerization and polymerization, Or that these things occured when temp got out of hand. This why antibody got short because the temp didn’t get out of hand.

And he asked what we antibody/labtop thought was being oxidized if not the safrole.

Sorry didn’t save a copy, he did seem to be in ernnest before we frustrated him. Antibody even went and back extracted the whole fucking mess last night, hoping he had fucked up the extractions, no dice.

Osmium, would you be willingh to give us a blow by blow narration of one of your typical rxns? Antibody remembers how well your old Al/Hg method worked w. thick foil. Maybe we just need it SPELLED OUT for us?

Jimi loves ya


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Re: rxn notes
« Reply #112 on: October 27, 2000, 06:23:00 AM »
Come come now.  There was nothing of any gravity in my posts.  Antibody clearly showed that the topic was worthless, and I can only agree with his results as I have never actually performed the reaction/any reactions!  Now, does anyone know where to get some yerrycans?


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notes from frost
« Reply #113 on: October 27, 2000, 07:31:00 AM »
Frost has been having trouble getting onto the board and asked if SS would post this for him:

swinf does this,
1. pdcl2 high grade eberhard  imho the best kind commercially available
no photo quality stuff used here ex. if using 200mlmeoh 1gpdcl2 5gcucl2 you will start oxidising the meoh at 3atm swinf uses less with sucessful meoh runs .90 g.
2. add ipa99% 100ml to .51g pdcl2(eberhard) with 2.5g cucl lb grade
prestir at 1 atm 14.7 to 15psi for 4 hours high speed 3 inch octogonal stirbar this is placed into the waterdish and allowed to come down to 55-60f then safrole almost clear fractionally distilled, 50ml is added
safrole temp was around 60f then 2mldh20 was added which makes for almost 10% h20 excess(including water content of cucl2,safrole and ipa.
everything was sealed up and stirred with a corning submersible stirrer
2 hours 10 min(a little longer because the h20 wasent quite a 10% excess) the regulater that guy has can be set to reprussurize after drops of 15 psi this occurs 10-12 times during the reaction. then 25ml 37%hcl is added and stirred for several mins. then 3/4 h20. workup as usual the reaction is complete when it stops, stops STOPS ABSORBING O2 and pdcl2 stops going back into the solution, and isnt being recycled by the cucl2
swinf wasent there when u guys did it he dosent know what went wrong.Boo fucking hoo!
he will say that this does work the main factors are 1. correct ratios
2. constant o2 absorbtion via agitation shaking or stirring 3. doing it over and over until you finally get a feel for it. swinf is obviously no chemist, i mean fuck he just got the molar thing down, no disrespect to those who are as they are cool as fuck and know their shit.
but he is/was obsessed with this and there is no telling how many thousands of dollars and hours he's spent getting this to work.
swinf dosent know the perfect ratios but he keeps getting better and better at this.
it works with meoh and etoh but as KrZ said (who else) they both cause an exothermic reaction and increased isomerization and a longer reaction time. ipa does not!
the bottom and size of the flask and the stirring power you're using does play alot in the rate of o2 absorbtion.
increased pressure does work ex 10l carboy etoh99% same ratios etc
85-90psi 6 in eggbar 2000rpm  will do a kg of safrole in 4-5 hours at room temp( better if in water bath but takes 8-9hours) with some isomerization but decent yields (better than benzo)
and 1kg benzo run would bee the messiest shit in the world!
AB2 we've talked alot and you are a cool bee that adds alot to the hive
but how many fucking 02's have you done a couple, a few? not doubting your skills have read all your posts as well as every post that has ever been posted at least 100x ex. your washing machine trials. but others have done it. benzo works for u and swinf as well but fuck it
its too fucking messy and wastes too much shit.
all you benzo loving rp/i2 bees have at it.
who wants to fuck with all that crap for their (personal use) RIGHT!
bullshit!don't player hate because you can't do it the first  time.
Obviously there are some variables you havent properly nailed down thats all, there are some smart ass people on this board.
everyone thought the birch was bullshit at first but if you're gonna hook up kgs of gogo are you gonna rp/i2 the shit. not many us bees will.
whats gonna happen when p-benzo is like rp/i2 alot of wings will be clipped and every bee will bee doing the performic which works well,
but too messy in large stuff. urban bees would bee smart to learn the o2. damn swinf has had too run 4 benzos at the same time 3x per week some times = no sleep.

if any bees have any experience with o2 wacker they know the spicy ketone not safrole smell when its done!! hows that for a scientific explanation.
KrZ is the PIMPDOM on this and most everything, Lt's 1pot is the shit,osmium is a fucking genius, brightstar laid it all down for the masses, and methylman made it soo much easier for all us non-chemist to get the honey and aminate that shit!
I love the fucking Hive and don't know why i cant acces it, was it something i said. i wrote hey man and got no reply what is the deal.
i'm not there and everybody talks shit a coincindence? who knows
thanks for the knowledge though!

how would you fuck me?


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Re: notes from frost
« Reply #114 on: October 27, 2000, 08:06:00 AM »
BTW... this is frost's reply to Antibody2's rxn notes that SWISS emailed to him.


how would you fuck me?


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Re: notes from frost
« Reply #115 on: October 27, 2000, 08:17:00 AM »
...and why did you email it to him?

Frost seems to have a few people that speak on his behalf...

Hi Honey, I'm home!


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Re: notes from frost
« Reply #116 on: October 27, 2000, 08:41:00 AM »
I don't understand your question.

I emailed it to him because I was aware that he was unable to get on the board and was curious to see if he saw something in AB2's reaction notes that would cause such a failure.


how would you fuck me?


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Re: notes from frost
« Reply #117 on: October 27, 2000, 09:19:00 AM »
Frost - the reason that times were kept for the rxn was because deep down, antibody really wanted this rxn to run, and because antibody wanted to have a race with you! Ya know fun? So although he had doubts he went into it with good faith.

He was probably the most dissappointed bee about this whole deal.To answer your question though at least 12 SRV wackers have been attempted. with O2, with air, with hand pump and O2 tanks, with shaking with stirring and in the clothes dryer. While each run had some miserable tiny yeild grugingly, not once was antibody gratified by this rxn.

It wasn’t a washing machine method it was a clothes dryer method with SRV.  And any run over 4 hours exploded.  Not boom but the soda bottle would split making a huge mess and big stink. Stirring the srvs exploded too! To be honest thuogh, he thinks those explosions had the best yield, he thinks it was the ketone% getting high eneough to eat the plastic. The exploded rxns always smelled better ketone wise, but it is hard to extract ketone from a clothes dryer or the pillows the srv were wrapped in, to be certain.

The fact that some ketone is formed was always encouraging, but after awhile even that wears thin.

The rxn above was the senond one where stirring was used as opposed to agitation (there was a 3-4 inch head of foam throughout), and have to say that agitation was better although but only marginally.

If some bee can tell him where he went wrong antibody would be grateful. The CuCl2 used was not anhydrous but water shouldn’t affect the yield here?

The reason frost, why antibody finds your posts hard to digest is because of all the non-sequiter shit you throw in. Like what the fuck I2/RP has to do with o2 wackers is beyond antibody. It makes antibody beleive that you don’t actually understand some of the stuff you are trying to discuss. And if it isn’t understood, antibody thinks it a real leap to use misunderstood info to get 90%+ yields.

Maybe you aren’t a total fraud frost but you haven’t convinced antibody you don’t exagerate an awful lot. \

And you also state as fact, things that you cannot bne certain about. (this is a very dangerous habit to get into, especially with all kinds of newbees doting on your every word - Fuck it is irresponsible to spread misinformation like that) Like the way you said DCM would work in the pseudonitrosite thread. That demonstrates a 0% understanding of an rxn you already were claiming big success with. It also demonstrates a 0% understanding of the properties of DCM, which is a solvent you claimed to have used. If you used it how can you not be aware that it is always going to go to the bottom?

These things about you do not add up and make me very wary of you. Sorry but antibody thought this needed saying. It is too bad :(  antibody is very depressed about this whole thing.

Jimi loves ya


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Re: notes from frost
« Reply #118 on: November 02, 2000, 08:17:00 PM »
There is no mystery as to why Frost's and KrZ's information is inaccurate.  I just figured it out.  Both are disinformation hacks working either for the DEA or a fucking terrorist group that would like, at most, for you to waste huge amounts of oil, and at least, nothing more than to blow your FUCKING heads off after injecting too much O2 into your bottle container.

I just had my last (hopefully) e-mail exchange with "Fucking YO!" or "Lying Pig!" or KrZ as he used to be known.  I was trying to come to an understanding with him IN PRIVATE as to why it is he passed on so much experimental bullshit to me via e-mail before the collapse of New Hive. In short, after cornering him with only a few indisputable facts, he finally admitted, "Yeah, bitch, I fucking lied to you. So what?" (paraphrasal)

If anyone would like to discuss this with me, send me a message.  If you would like to read our (mine and dick-head's) e-mail exchanges, let me know how I can transpond them to a new thread, and I'll be happy to do so.

In case you didn't know it, KrZ and I are now at war.

Your absolutely loyal Hive elder,



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Re: notes from frost
« Reply #119 on: November 02, 2000, 09:14:00 PM »
Why the fuck, and how does KrZ's post keep getting deleted?!! I know whats going on here. KrZ and Frost are both legit. I wish I had saved the email on my computer before it got deleted. It was from frost at the beginning of this post. He mentioned to me that he had been getting alot good tips on IPA method including ratios, etc, etc for the past xx days. He told me to switch to IPA method as it really kicked ass. KrZ, of course doesn't want to give out this information freely, it just depends on what mood you get him in. And that's no guarantee that he'll help you the next day and will say goodbye to you with a big fat "FUCKOFF!" I've read virtually every KRZ posting since he has been here. Everything that he says jives with regards to content, his methods of changing techniques chronologically, his data always stays consistent with what he said in the past and so on. There are many things here I've notice bees claim he said this or that, when in fact I immediately knew that person was wrong and apparently never say xx post(s) by KRZ. He doesn't want to give out his info, he could give a shit if your new or old, its just his personality (hence more why I think Fman is his alter ego; their writing strike unusual resemblence in some sentence structures). If you look back at KrZ posts from late 99 to eary 2000, you can slowely put together a chronology of him perfecting IPA method gaining >90% yields. You can do this on anyone here in the hive and see if they are full of it or not. I just don't believe that anyone would so much theoretical experimentation would just say shit w/o doing and accomplishing. It's unfortunate for some that ask for his advise just get toyed with. I learned this way back and didn't even bother to go straight for getting info from him, but yet, systematically collected all his writing to get a complete grasp of where his secrets on success are. In my opinion, the old hive board has really good info. Not the 2nd hive that closed in April, but the one where it was just a BB with no graphics.