Author Topic: lets talk about Phen-butyl-amines  (Read 3464 times)

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lets talk about Phen-butyl-amines
« on: April 10, 2001, 06:11:00 PM »
i was inspired by a passage in TSII where strike was discussing a ref which produced a butylamine, which he said made perfectly respectable substitutes for X. Far OUt.

anybees know what psychoactivity could be expected out of butyl deroivatives of MDA or MMDA or TMA?  would they be comparable?

my next idea is on making them. lets say we've got  myristicinaldehyde,  so instead of treating it with nitroethane to yeild the nitropropene, how about treating it with nitropropane to yeild the nitrobutene? would that work?

and then reduce the nitrobutene to a butylamine using whatever redxn system like NaBH4 followed by Al/Hg whateevr or LAH, urushibara, you get the picture.

Does this route have any merit. my reason for consider this route is based on the ease with which nitropropane can be aquired as opposed to nitroethane, which is hard to get and a bitch to make(in any quantity).

also would the butylamines be subject to the same legislation that cover MDA et al

thanks bees?

is it soup yet?


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Re: lets talk about Phen-butyl-amines
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2001, 06:46:00 PM »
grep pihkal for `butanamine', `nitropropane' or `butene'.
You'll see that shulgin sticks to nitroethane and nitromethane for a reason  8) . BTW, methinks that if you can get nitropropane, nitroethane should also be no problem.

And considering the legal implications: if you're in this kind of chemistry, it doesn't really matter whether compounds are legal or not. The rules of the game will be changed while you're playing, so why stick to the rules?


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Re: lets talk about Phen-butyl-amines
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2001, 09:24:00 PM »
Why is nitro propane easy to acquire?

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Re: lets talk about Phen-butyl-amines
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2001, 10:35:00 PM »
Nitroethane is a watched chemical in the US, while nitromethane and nitropropane is not.


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Re: lets talk about Phen-butyl-amines
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2001, 03:58:00 PM »
Exactly Sam!

increasing their mental alertness and improving their mental attitude and physical appearance without the
undesirable stimulant side effects commonly associated with amphetamines.

except preferably one with undesirable stimulant side effects, heh.

as in cobalt


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Re: lets talk about Phen-butyl-amines
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2001, 08:28:00 PM »
Hey Blue
Referring to:

increasing their mental alertness and improving their mental attitude and physical appearance without the
undesirable stimulant side effects commonly associated with amphetamines.


What drug is this?
"increasing their mental alertness and improving their mental attitude and physical appearance"

Sounds perfect to Foxy, he don't need the speed, however those other effects sound pretty good.

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Re: lets talk about Phen-butyl-amines
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2001, 09:00:00 PM »

check out Sams link above, they have exhaustive clinical data on a bunch of the analogues. way 8)  wonder if there isn't a whole array of new goodies, milder perhaps but could be great for those slow days in the office. or when you want a lift but not impairment, da more i look da more i like.

as in cobalt


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Re: lets talk about Phen-butyl-amines
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2001, 11:24:00 AM »
Check out ARIADNE from PIHKAL.

understanding is everything